Ethos Pluto Auto Outdoor


Hey’ya there, folks!
Universal Rhizome here with this season’s PNW first run of Ethos Genetics Pluto Auto’s.
They were started in 4 inch nursery dumpster retrievals(which I cordially invite anyone? If you need 3x or 4x containers they are in abundance.
These precious sweet little darlings are very-very happy in their surroundings.

They went “out there” June 9th.



They reside within my own proprietary living soil blend in smart pots and are being fed by Olympia artesian well water and rain/marine layer waters only.


These were taken this morning. Last I was in I fed them a healthy dose of Veganic Special Sauce which they’ve responded wonderfully to. Today I went in with a dilution of unsulphured blackstrap molasses and Hawaiian spirulina. This being the first dose of spirulina and I have timed it with the onset of flower.



I may have failed to mention that I have the finest bug, worm and pest control in the organic world. My plants don’t even get moths. I didn’t realize until getting the sting of my LIFE under my right eye that I’d inadvertantly planted within eight feet of a Bald Faced Hornets nest. My plants are immaculate!



New Member
Hey’ya there, folks!
Universal Rhizome here with this season’s PNW first run of Ethos Genetics Pluto Auto’s.
They were started in 4 inch nursery dumpster retrievals(which I cordially invite anyone? If you need 3x or 4x containers they are in abundance.
These precious sweet little darlings are very-very happy in their surroundings.

They went “out there” June 9th.
Where did you get seeds from