i have decided to vote for Santa Clause


i am old , tired and no longer have the time or patience for politics .. you are known the world around for wanting nothing more then to bring peace and happiness to the world . i stand with you in the voting booth this year .

yours truly , toast .

ps .. in other business

all i want this year is a complete 2x4 grow system , something high end . a small gift card to cover some beans and electric would help as well .
i do understand you are busy person and might want to use to use some discretion to maintain public appearance and privacy . i am happy keep it between me , you and the first blunt i roll
so you are telling me you believe Putin is Santa Clause ?

well i am not an unreasonable person . i promise you and the entire world that the day i see Putin on channel 9 news telling the world that he in fact is Santa Clause i will change my views entirely issuing public apologies where ever needed .

however until that day comes to pass Santa's good reputation remains unsullied

that is a prime example of why i am 100% finished with politics .. i do not even know what that even means . this is the point we have gotten to .
people no0w believe Putin is Santa Clause . fuk me is that good bad ? heck if i know . more importantly i do not care .

i stand with Santa , no one else . NOT A FUKIN THING ELSE MATTERS
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Well-Known Member
so you are telling me you believe Putin is Santa Clause ?

well i am not an unreasonable person . i promise you and the entire world that the day i see Putin on channel 9 news telling the world that he in fact is Santa Clause i will change my views entirely issuing public apologies where ever needed .

however until that day comes to pass Santa's good reputation remains unsullied

that is a prime example of why i am 100% finished with politics .. i do not even know what that even means . this is the point we have gotten to .
people no0w believe Putin is Santa Clause . fuk me is that good bad ? heck if i know . more importantly i do not care .

i stand with Santa , no one else . NOT A FUKIN THING ELSE MATTERS
I have 10,000 unsullied and will cross the Narrow sea to take the iron throne from my enemies. Including Santa. He is no match for my dragons.
sir , winter is coming and i remain 8 cords short or 575 faggots if it pleases thee ... will thy fiery beasts provide this humble peasant with 800 gold to fix his tractor so he has a way to haul this wood and heat his humble hovel ?
or is it more threats of fiery doom if i don't pay more taxes ?

humble it may be my house is proud and wont bend a knee for dragon scum unless gold is paid in advance or i see Santa on channel 9 news being burned to death in dragons flame .... Clause is the cause
i could be from the far frozen north , the other side of the wall . one could also call me an Ent . i am on neither side because neither side is on my side .
after all my years on earth there is only 1 truth i know . in 1983 i received a Christmas gift . this was the very first and only gift i received until i became an adult and socialized with people in different circles . try as i might after all these years i cant link that gift to a single soul . other then Santa Clause himself .

Clause is the cause . till the very end


Well-Known Member
so you are telling me you believe Putin is Santa Clause ?

well i am not an unreasonable person . i promise you and the entire world that the day i see Putin on channel 9 news telling the world that he in fact is Santa Clause i will change my views entirely issuing public apologies where ever needed .

however until that day comes to pass Santa's good reputation remains unsullied

that is a prime example of why i am 100% finished with politics .. i do not even know what that even means . this is the point we have gotten to .
people no0w believe Putin is Santa Clause . fuk me is that good bad ? heck if i know . more importantly i do not care .

i stand with Santa , no one else . NOT A FUKIN THING ELSE MATTERS
Shit, the one way you'd know Putin is NOT Santa is if he said he is.

Putin sending out all his edge lord vibes of the 'waste your vote' variety is why shit like ppl saying they are voting for Santa warms his insides.


New Member

i am old , tired and no longer have the time or patience for politics .. you are known the world around for wanting nothing more then to bring peace and happiness to the world . i stand with you in the voting booth this year .

yours truly , toast .

ps .. in other business

all i want this year is a complete 2x4 grow system , something high end . a small gift card to cover some beans and electric would help as well .
i do understand you are busy person and might want to use to use some discretion to maintain public appearance and privacy . i am happy keep it between me , you and the first blunt i roll
at least he will show up once a year after taking your vote!:bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint: