Cannabis and Kidneys


New Member
Very new to cannabis as a whole, so I'm wondering if anyone has any personal experience of consuming cannabis products while only having one kidney/ having kidney issues, etc? I'd rather not find out the hard way I shouldn't have played around.

Rufus T. Firefly

Well-Known Member
I had a buddy that had a kidney transplant right before covid and his doc said no cannabis, smoking or otherwise.Something about fungal infection risk. I'm not a doctor and I have no idea about the specifics just passing along an anecdotal incident.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Very new to cannabis as a whole, so I'm wondering if anyone has any personal experience of consuming cannabis products while only having one kidney/ having kidney issues, etc? I'd rather not find out the hard way I shouldn't have played around.
You need to speak to your nephrologist. No one else can give you advice specific to your healthcare situation. Best of luck.


Well-Known Member
i know weed will lower your test results for thyroid gland, i got put on medication that fucked me up for 2 months until i stooped taking it