
Got this plant growing but noticed one of the lower leaves looks funny can anyone help me with this issue the rest of it looks healthy just that lower branch



Well-Known Member
Thats from idea why it happens but usually its nothing plant continues to grow.
I get it somethimes at the start of the grow when they are small


Well-Known Member
Got this plant growing but noticed one of the lower leaves looks funny can anyone help me with this issue the rest of it looks healthy just that lower branch
It looks like you are maybe watering it too much or too often. Because it looks like it's effecting the plant from the soil up, not just that one leaf...
Do you allow the soil to dry at all or do you always keep it moist? Usually when you over water the plant has no way to expel all the excess water so it tries but it can't utilize it fast enough or get rid of it so it starts to look like that leaf in your pic starting from the bottom of the plant and working it's way up.


Well-Known Member
Got this plant growing but noticed one of the lower leaves looks funny can anyone help me with this issue the rest of it looks healthy just that lower branch
Do you foliar feed or something? If not, this might be a bug issue bro. I know you said it's just that leaf, but zooming in on the picture of the whole plant, it looks like every leaf has some type of spotting or damage. A couple leafs look like they have insect bites. Do you have a jewelers loop or magnifying glass? Maybe try to look closely at the top of the leaves for bug movement and trails, and the under side for eggs, waste or bugs.