What the Funk?


Well-Known Member
I looked back four pages and couldn't find a funk thread. So forgive me if there is already one here. But in the mean time. . . . . .



Well-Known Member
I had to run down to the riverhouse to pick beans today, and had the radio on while down there. The DJ played a funk song and said the name of the song and the band, and that it was from a 2014 recording, and they were still around today. My mind is like a steal trap. Shut. I searched for what I remembered, and found a pretty cool rockabilly band. So I googled 2014 funk releases, and these guys were on the list. I saw right away that they were suffering from a lack of pigmentation, but they did sound alright for white guys.

From live at the banana stand, the 2014 cd.

Newer stuff.
