Colombian gold

Good Chemistry In Denver Has a quality Colombian Gold '72...
Its a nice plane ride....nice gradual lift...nice social smoke...Then a smooth gradual landing.
It last for about 2 -3 Hours...
Very Nice High...None of the muddy Indica feelings.

Durban is wonky & blah...& harsh.

If you cant get to pure landrace...try MAC1
Its got a visual effect that pure Colombian doesnt really have...

I want to try Malawi...but its hard to find in CO. or NV.
I've tried twice to grow "Colombian" and none of the beans I have bought are anything like the real thing. I just picked up a CG/ Panama gold cross and I'm hoping these will be true seeds. Just the smell of the original would give you the munchies.
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Early 70s in the mid-west we could get a 1/4lb of CG for $120. Sell three bags for $40 each and smoke for free lol. The only bad thing were the dry spells. Your main guy would tell you nothing right now and calling everybody else you knew would get the same results. I always tried to keep a spare 1/4 to tide me over through dry spells. Never worked though, my friends all new that and would bug me until I would give in. But being clean for several weeks sure made that first buzz really, really fantastic!
Early 70s in the mid-west we could get a 1/4lb of CG for $120. Sell three bags for $40 each and smoke for free lol. The only bad thing were the dry spells. Your main guy would tell you nothing right now and calling everybody else you knew would get the same results. I always tried to keep a spare 1/4 to tide me over through dry spells. Never worked though, my friends all new that and would bug me until I would give in. But being clean for several weeks sure made that first buzz really, really fantastic!
That about mirrors my days. CG came in after the Mexican stopped. Good Times Brother. Elbows for $400, gone in an hour usually.
Ive ran Columbian Gold before and absolutely loved it. A real hardy strain with killer citrus terps. One pheno even went a little purple. Highly reccomended landrace. Any central Amerian landrace really.
Problem is theres more than one line called santa marta gold and thats where the real lumbo gold came from years ago the one most know and seek is the sativa type that made the legend but there is a more hybrid type one as well thats the one seedsman used in there sugar haze for example my guess is they got that one from sam but who knows

Ive ran Columbian Gold before and absolutely loved it. A real hardy strain with killer citrus terps. One pheno even went a little purple. Highly reccomended landrace. Any central Amerian landrace really.
Whos gold did ya run
Problem is theres more than one line called santa marta gold and thats where the real lumbo gold came from years ago the one most know and seek is the sativa type that made the legend but there is a more hybrid type one as well thats the one seedsman used in there sugar haze for example my guess is they got that one from sam but who knows

Whos gold did ya run
It was from ACE
Don't blame Mexico.

By 1969, marijuana eradication had also become a priority of the Nixon White House, and Government scientists began the search for a herbicide that would dramatically reduce the Mexican supply — or incapacitate American smokers (a spray to make smokers nauseous was synthesized in 1969, but not used). The recommendations of the 1969 Task Force on Narcotics Traffic seemed more fruitful: an expanded poppy and marijuana eradication program, the development of electronic sensory technology to detect the illicit fields, and the aerial spraying of those fields with herbicides. In 1970, the United States gave Mexico five helicopters and three airplanes to initiate a
Yeah, I remember paraquat in Mexico well. Tokemasters and Apogee bongs and U.S.Bongs days. Colombian Gold. I miss Colombian.
When I was a young smoker about 45 years ago I lost a film vial of primo Colombian Gold that I hid in a speaker. 3 Years? later I opened up the speaker to change the woofer and there it was! It fell in an airhole. It was super dry. But amazingly it still got me high. I was so happy to find that pot. I used to save all the seeds too from good pot and label them. Sometimes I wonder what became of my early seed collections. I had some great stuff. Skunk Hawaiian, Chocolate Thai, Fruity Thai and stuff from Mexico, Colombia ,Jamaica and elsewhere. I'm picturing something and smelling it in my head now...something I can't remember what it was that I had seeds of. Might of been Belize. Maybe it was Johnny Boone weed.
I remember some of that early Colombian having a smoke with a distinctive mustardy smell that filled the car during lunch break at the Hamburger Haven. And that weed was good. Get you faced. That sweat inducing, heart racing, thought provoking almost psychedelic buzz.
I head rushed so hard on Colombian twice that I almost passed out seeing snow on a tv screen. Yep. I miss it. I don't think I ever had pure haze. But I know the Lumbo.
"...there are brothers everywhere just waiting for a toke of that gold.
And God knows how far it could go..."