The TNT Trans Thread

Does transgender(ation) happen in other animal species? For example, are there female ducks that identify as male, and if so, do the other ducks respect their identity? It would seem strange that only humans could be born in the ‘wrong’ body.
Back in April I was still actively avoiding topics like this. But since it blew up again over the last couple of days with the entertaining glory hole and Laura Brannigan references…
We have a 5 year old yellow lab that I’ve always suspected was either a lesbian or transgendered. For one, she has always “acted” like a boy dog - rough play, moves like a linebacker, likes beer (don’t ask, it was an accidental spill that started that one), hates pink collars/leashes, rolls in the mud and gets filthy, that kind of thing. People always refer to “her” as “he” when they meet her.
Second, she mounts and humps other dogs more aggressively than most intact males.
Unfortunately, she’s (he’s?) a dog so she (he?) can’t articulate her (his?) actual orientation or gender identification to me. I adore her regardless and would not trade her for any other dog in the world.
Suspected trans dog is the orange one, the light colored one is the most frequent target of her mounting/humping. It horrifies my mother in law which is a huge bonus.
Back in April I was still actively avoiding topics like this. But since it blew up again over the last couple of days with the entertaining glory hole and Laura Brannigan references…
We have a 5 year old yellow lab that I’ve always suspected was either a lesbian or transgendered. For one, she has always “acted” like a boy dog - rough play, moves like a linebacker, likes beer (don’t ask, it was an accidental spill that started that one), hates pink collars/leashes, rolls in the mud and gets filthy, that kind of thing. People always refer to “her” as “he” when they meet her.
Second, she mounts and humps other dogs more aggressively than most intact males.
Unfortunately, she’s (he’s?) a dog so she (he?) can’t articulate her (his?) actual orientation or gender identification to me. I adore her regardless and would not trade her for any other dog in the world.
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Suspected trans dog is the orange one, the light colored one is the most frequent target of her mounting/humping. It horrifies my mother in law which is a huge bonus.

How high are you?
How high are you?
In other trans news...

Trans woman sues boyfriend to get testicles back
Woman sues for Dee's Nuts.

Her boyfriend thought she wouldn't have the balls to do that....
I'll show myself out.
It's something I struggle with and have and have berried I have adhd and autism n think there's a connection as far as I go also for me I listened to bothe sides of tje argument but tbh I walk around wanting to kill myself half the time
It's something I struggle with and have and have berried I have adhd and autism n think there's a connection as far as I go also for me I listened to bothe sides of tje argument but tbh I walk around wanting to kill myself half the time
Shit, if your on this forum you've made it some ways .. it hurts to hear that.. i have a kid thats in your boat..
You obviously ain't too far in the spectrum if you can write on here..
You got people who care about you, shit all of us here care about you..