Examples of GOP Leadership

3 1/2 years in and the GOP is still dug into their election integrity codswallop.

Republicans have institutionally demonstrated that “election integrity” means allowing every dishonest trick in the book to rig outcomes in their favor.

The media giants could be doing more to expose this massive hypocrisy imo.
Zombie grievance. Or maybe Vampire. Or maybe Trump meets Freddy Kruegar. There is probably a meme out there for this.

In Trump's call to Rafensberger over the Georgia election, he repeats the same BS over and over again. No matter what was said, or who said it, every time factual points were brought up that refutes the lies, Trump just talked over them. Stephanie/Lara/RNC are doing exactly the same. Nothing will stop it.

Well , word has it that walking diaper is on crank.

Thoughts ???

Quite possibly but not just speed. He sits too quietly during court and lately his rants after court are much more restrained and calm than usual so most likely self sedating during the day or a mix of both.

I've known a lot of speed freaks in my day and they tend to be a lot thinner so he's most likely a poli-addict.

I'm scoring 60 caps of dextroamphetamine later today myself. Total cost, zero! Thanks to our wonderful universal health care. They better have it in by now as promised as I'm down to my last 3.

Less than worthless and untrainable.


anyone who has undertaken the long, difficult, painful process to transition — not to speak of the social cost that your meme snaps into sharp focus — deserves to be regarded as, and accorded all the rights devolving to, a woman.

The meme plainly shows the bio-only bigotry whose ultimate root is toxic-evangelical doctrine.
My cousin went through the whole process. He does not get bothered at truck stops (long distant driver) as he is a BIG boy. Or was one, spent years in the military. I do not know any women that can drop him, not that there are not any. Could a man pining to be a woman be into sports and then decide to convert? Sure. But is it fair to women if he competes against them where muscle mass makes the difference? Given that men can put on more muscle than women?
My cousin went through the whole process. He does not get bothered at truck stops (long distant driver) as he is a BIG boy. Or was one, spent years in the military. I do not know any women that can drop him, not that there are not any. Could a man pining to be a woman be into sports and then decide to convert? Sure. But is it fair to women if he competes against them where muscle mass makes the difference? Given that men can put on more muscle than women?
It kind of loses the "sport" of it all if someone has an unfair advantage. :roll:
We uphold the civil rights of all people in the United States. The Civil Rights Division enforces federal laws that protect you from discrimination based on your race, color, national origin, disability status, sex, religion, familial status, or loss of other constitutional rights.

My cousin went through the whole process. He does not get bothered at truck stops (long distant driver) as he is a BIG boy. Or was one, spent years in the military. I do not know any women that can drop him, not that there are not any. Could a man pining to be a woman be into sports and then decide to convert? Sure. But is it fair to women if he competes against them where muscle mass makes the difference? Given that men can put on more muscle than women?
The fact that you are referring to her as “he” and “him” illustrates a real problem. I wonder if you also deadname her. Since you say she has endured the whole process, that means counseling, hormones and surgery.

Since she isn’t a pro athlete, the scenario is artificial. With her age no doubt beyond that of school-age athletes and aspiring Olympians, it’s also moot.

The big problem with othering trans athletes is that it drives a wedge between who trans people are — and who they are perceived to be. Any scheme that differentiates between women who were born that way and those who have completed the process to become that way is inherently bigoted.

I conclude that allowing trans women to win at athletic competitions is their privilege. Attempting to qualify their participation or achievement carries basic moral problems. Nobody transitions in order to win trophies.
Jeezus ….. another fucking democrat roach.

Sen. Bob Menendez indicted again for corruption, allegedly had cash stuffed in coat, gold bars


This is the second time New Jersey's senior senator has been charged with corruption. A 2015 indictment ended in a mistrial in 2018 after a jury failed to reach a verdict on all counts and a judge acquitted him on some charges.
Jeezus ….. another fucking democrat roach.

Sen. Bob Menendez indicted again for corruption, allegedly had cash stuffed in coat, gold bars

View attachment 5389318

This is the second time New Jersey's senior senator has been charged with corruption. A 2015 indictment ended in a mistrial in 2018 after a jury failed to reach a verdict on all counts and a judge acquitted him on some charges.
Yep, a it was a Democrat who committed a corrupt act. How strange.

We have gotten used to seeing Republicans get charged. It's notable when a Democrat gets charged but common when a Republican. How many charges have been levied against their unelected leader?

Still though, if Menendez is tried and found guilty, I hope he gets the maximum. Why don't Republicans care when their own do the dirty? Oh, that's right, Republicans don't believe the law should apply to themselves.
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Does it really make a difference which political party they hang their hat on?
There are thieves and liars in our congress. Like the president, they should only have no more that 2 terms. Every one of these folks leave congress a lot richer than they were before going in, and they have lifetime health benefits and bodyguards at our expense.
The fact that you are referring to her as “he” and “him” illustrates a real problem. I wonder if you also deadname her. Since you say she has endured the whole process, that means counseling, hormones and surgery.

Since she isn’t a pro athlete, the scenario is artificial. With her age no doubt beyond that of school-age athletes and aspiring Olympians, it’s also moot.

The big problem with othering trans athletes is that it drives a wedge between who trans people are — and who they are perceived to be. Any scheme that differentiates between women who were born that way and those who have completed the process to become that way is inherently bigoted.

I conclude that allowing trans women to win at athletic competitions is their privilege. Attempting to qualify their participation or achievement carries basic moral problems. Nobody transitions in order to win trophies.
I use the term 'him' as it gives you an idea where he came from. He was a gung ho army type when he was younger. I have no problem with him, last time I saw him was with his rig parked out front of my mother's place. But when it comes time for 'him' to wrestle another woman to the ground 'she' (feel better?) will probably win. No, I do not call my cousin him, her, she, they, I use the name I was told she goes by now.

I think in terms of gender as in how many chromosomes a person has. Whether they grew up learning how it is to be a girl or a guy. Not a lot of guys get periods every month, a woman or man's body talk to us differently whether or not the wrong spirit ended up in the wrong gender's body. On my cousin's disposition, he still acts like a guy but with boobs and a dress on. He must still have male longings, he hooked up with a woman after he went through the whole process.

What has being a pro got to do with it? The whole problem really came about in high school sports from what I recall. No, no guy is going to change in order to get a trophy. But what does it do to the other females having a trans person win? Sure it may have some of them thinking it is unfair. And who said if you are transitioning that life would be fare and you get to play sports against other women? I have no problems with a person wanting to change their gender. But I balance that against the women in sports. Except race cars. That is a sport I could see them compete equally.