What's wrong with my plant please


I don't think this is the problem but I have been neglecting them for awhile now & just water the top soil instead of a full soak when they need water, then do a full watering soon after. The non-dead leaves at the bottom seem to be weak and fall off easy. Thanks in advance :)


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The white splotches on the leaves look like thrip damage. Check the underside of the leaves with a loupe. At 40x, you can see light brown colored deposits on the leaves as well as mature thrips. If in doubt, go to 60x and scan the underside very slowly.
So I checked over my plants & it seems to be an insect problem. I don't think they are thrips though although they somewhat look like them. I've had thrips before outdoors & they were really easy to see especially adults. These plants have been growing for many months now & I noticed these bugs at the start just didn't seem to be many worth caring about. There are more now but I see no adults. I wish I could take a picture of them, I will try. Tyvm