Blaze & Daze

then started again last year at 46. enjoying much more this time around, it fits into my life much differently now. before it was a crutch, an escape, a way to fit in, all the reasons you SHOULDN'T. now it's a release, relaxation, a way let my worries rest a bit.
I hear ya sister! At 47, my relationship with cannabis is much different than in my dumbass youth. The cultivation aspect is now my restorative time in the garden. Pride of growing, end product & learning the science (not the bro type) is what my middle age self is now all about.
Damn, tango pulled a power move. I like flicking the tops of dandelions at the dogs, since it is harmless and usually makes them do a little run around. This time tango just ate the whole top of the flower and then brought me her fetch toy :/

I don't think it's gonna work on her anymore