Blaze & Daze


What could go wrong.....

Mid 40°s rain with sun and clouds.......I guess this is what they meant by 50% :lol:

@Laughing Grass Harley is a little cutie.
Gotta love dispensary sale notifications that are completely nebulous. If you spend $100 you get "Ground Flower 7g for $20" and among the other sales "everything else is 42% off"

So that makes a 7g ground flower out to be $29.29 down from $50.50 after the 42% off.

I ordered an ounce, my total came to $117.16 after the 42% off.
So, do I get one, all or none of the 7g containers for $20?

My actual total could be $80, $97.16, or $117.16, could be anyone's guess from here on out. I'll just take $120 out at the ATM and have anywhere between $2.85 and $40 in change. :wall:

It's too early for this level of stoner math.

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Theraplant and curaleaf actually have great taste and oils in a pinch, doesn't give dispensary products bad reviews just prices here are ridiculous.
Food, sex, & sleep; the happy wife trifecta.

Now we have a 13 year old, developing her own new and improved version of, "I'm a moody biatch if I'm not getting what I need."

I just leave a couple steaks, artichokes, and a blanket outside my studio and put on some light jazz until the monsters go away.

According to my 13 year old, the happy dad consists of loud bass and weed.

/She's not wrong.