HELP!!! fast


Active Member
dark green leaves, drooping leaves, you are overwatering! you should be able to pick up the pot and it should feel light before you water again. It appears to be too late for your girls. It appears pythium has set in. check the base of the stalk. Is it soft and gooey. I have seen this before. Hate to say it, but i think its too late. Also I think its too cold in your room.


Active Member
ok dont think its to late what are some solutions keep the room warmer. its not dropping below 70 and there are 2 other plants in there that seem to be fine. im gonna go with over nutes because im for sure not over watering them if anything underwatering them.


Active Member
heater. your plants dont need nutes. see the DARK green leaves? they are loaded with nutes.they look to be only a few week or so from being done. You should be cutting all nutes out now anyway. how much light do you have? what has the temp been at?


Well-Known Member
If its MG soil then the slow release nutes are in the soil. There is no way to cut out nutes in the first 4-6 weeks of growing without cutting out watering. Just have to wait it out probably, eventually the soil will run out of nutes.


Well-Known Member
dark green leaves, drooping leaves, you are overwatering! you should be able to pick up the pot and it should feel light before you water again. It appears to be too late for your girls. It appears pythium has set in. check the base of the stalk. Is it soft and gooey. I have seen this before. Hate to say it, but i think its too late. Also I think its too cold in your room.
Simply wrong, very poor response.
Too late? are you fucking stupid? those plants can bounce back easily.
Over fertilizing is your problem here clearly. Give some clean water for a bit, then re-adjust feeding levels.


Well-Known Member
heater. your plants dont need nutes. see the DARK green leaves? they are loaded with nutes.they look to be only a few week or so from being done. You should be cutting all nutes out now anyway. how much light do you have? what has the temp been at?
Hes right about your plants not needing nutes, but looks to me like you plants are around 4 weeks in ?? you should NOT be cutting all the nutes out now, very poor idea. Perhaps give coupe days of flush but dont cut nutes out fully until 7-14 days before (depending on strand).

some poor responses out there


Active Member
how many weeks are you into flower? obviously if your only into flower 4 weeks then dont remove the nutes. That wasn't the bulk of my advise anyway (serioussmoker). Im not sure I would take advise from a guy posing with a bud for his dick anyway. Trying to start unwanted beef on a forum thats trying to help, with stupid remarks(some very poor advise out there) besides, how can you tell just by looking at the plants that he is only 4 weeks in. A lot, or most of the hairs on the bud are brown which is a good indicator that he is further along than 4 weeks. The buds are underdeveloped because of poor growing conditions.


Active Member
well this is the deal three plants one auto flower prob around week 6 of flowering its looking good a little nute burn but smells bomb and as you can see is comming along nice. my prob is with the taller one it has been flowering for around 3 weeks now about 4 feet tall i had to bend her to get her to fit and then one late slow ass one that is like 12 inches tall and still taking forever to bloom. anyways i flushed last night i have 8 cfl twist lights and two 3 foot t-8 blue light bulbs. the taller one looked to be a little better this morning but will see gonna keep the heater on and see what happens. another side note can the power company see when a breaker has be switched my power keeps going out in two of my bedrooms my power bill is still low so i dont think thats gonna be the issue


Well-Known Member
another side note can the power company see when a breaker has be switched my power keeps going out in two of my bedrooms my power bill is still low so i dont think thats gonna be the issue

But if you arent overloading your breakers, then it may be a faulty breaker, they do wear out eventually and the sign of that is breakers popping for no good reason.


Active Member
Ok I would say your soil is too acidic... mg for MIracle Gro?? If so... then that's your problem. Mg is way too hot for cannabis plants!


Active Member
im not using mg soil im using mg nutes im using an organic soil. things seemed to be looking better she started to stand up some are still curling under though idk might it be under watering idk i cant figure it out will lack of nutes do this ? i heated up the room staying at around 70 during night cycle so shes gonna yeild a good amount so i need to get this figured out so i can ease the stress! and my problem with everyong saying its the soil and things is i have 2 other plants that are doing great in the exact same enviroment with all the same water nutes soil...


Active Member
another side note is i have 8 cfl bulbs cant remember the power but 4 white and 4 warm plus 2 3 foot t 6s might it be that i need more light with three plants in there?


Active Member
hard to tell from the pics. With the right care it could be three more weeks. typically sativas and most indicas will finish flowering at the end of 55 or 60 days from start of 12/12. Yor plants seem to be very stressed. You would definitly benifit from more light(hid) and temp control.