Autos are better than photos

This thread is filled with terrible information and opinions from both sides.
This debate is useless. For some people autos are better for others photoperiod is better. There is no linear answer to this. It all depends on the grower and their specific needs.
I've grown autos for a long long time. I'd never grow an entire room of autos but they have their places outdoors and in veg/mom rooms. That's how I work in some extra weed out of rooms that run 18/6 or 20/4. That's how I personally do it but that's just how they work best for me. Doesn't mean that will be the same for someone else .... There's a lot of shitty auto genetics out there and people generally tend to buy cheap stuff. You get what you pay for. If you're a shitty grower, you will grow super shitty autos. Plain and simple. If you have a good understanding and knowledge on growing you can get some really nice weed out of auto flowers.

Seeing someone growing using exhale bags just puts the icing on the cake for me..... I'm out.
Would you be able to quote this "terrible information about photos" present in this thread?
I think most of the older people here remember the rise of autoflower plants, and the fact that in the beginning they sucked. They have come a long way, but remember they were crossed with ruderalis which contains next to no thc, so autos started out loosing the thc and terp battle. In time breeders have made them better, and some now have similar thc and terpene profiles as the originals which is impressive. To each their own, but I think it is definitely wrong to claim autos are superior to photos. I do see how some could prefer to grow them, I myself like the bit of control over the flowering process photoperiods give. I no longer look down on people that grow autos, and autos have found their niche, not become superior, and they likely never will.
Get (or make) an aerocloner. One of the best things I've ever done

Idk whats up with aero. One 95% success rate and then zero ever since 3 rounds later. I tried keeping water temps and KLN, with and without pool shock. Changing water out or doing nothing. Im giving up on my clone king.

50-90% success 3 times with coco plugs. Idk why.
I grow autos as I’m in a non legal place and don’t have the time to keep clones going. So always from seed.

If I were in a legal state I’d deffo grow photos and get my mum to look after the clones when I’m away xD

There are pros and cons for both photos and autos. Choose which suits your grow style/set up the best :)
My first grow was an autoflower, My second grow are 4 autoflowers.

Autoflower Power. :lol:
I'm happy for you, truly!
Well no, but it would stop you from having to buy seeds over and over which was the point I was making.
You can't reverse a plant indefinitely. Supposedly S4 or S5 is as far as one could go before the plant just won't reverse, and the returns are lower the further you go.

This is what I took from a podcast between Humboldt CSI and Heavy Dayze on The Potcast, so perhaps I missed something... meanwhile there are clones of 30 year old plants floating around to this day.
Yea Ive had great yield and quality rosin from autos, a few. Had one yield next to nothing. You can perpetuate from seed it just may not go perfect. Really its a space thing for me. Only have 24 square foot.

So I need clones and everything to go right and should have most if not all goals met. I need to get cloning down, just finished my 4th round. Root riots are my best rates at this point.
Cloning is super easy if you use rockwool. Just get a small 2 foot high clone tent with a 50 watt led. Take the rockwool and give a good swish in your nutrient mix. Cut the clone stick it in the block and put it in the tent. Put a cup of water in there to bring up the RH. You don't need any fans or air exchange just leave it alone for a week and then check it. Give it some more nutes when the block feels light.

Real simple real easy.
Interesting timing given the recent TDG episode with Ethos Genetics. They open the show with test results demonstrating how autos are out performing photos. It's a specific sample size, so take it with a grain of salt, but interesting nevertheless. The guy Colin had some solid have had a bad rap mainly because very few breeders are putting the time in to breed solid lines, but I can see that's slowly changing as evidence of auto lovers in this post. Pretty cool to hear him talk about the breeding process as well.

True, there is potentially more value for breeders if they can control the supply of good and reliable genetics, but he raises a decent argument that more licensed growers will start using autos as the genetics improve - places like Michigan that struggle with the fall weather can pump out a couple harvests before the fall and effectively capture more market share when most other growers are waiting until November to hit the market. I don't doubt he could be right about that, but I don't buy commercial weed so I also don't give a crap.

I personally tend to avoid autos these days since I'm still bad at getting seedlings up and running quickly - I need that first month in the dirt to get my shit together lol.
Interesting timing given the recent TDG episode with Ethos Genetics. They open the show with test results demonstrating how autos are out performing photos. It's a specific sample size, so take it with a grain of salt, but interesting nevertheless. The guy Colin had some solid have had a bad rap mainly because very few breeders are putting the time in to breed solid lines, but I can see that's slowly changing as evidence of auto lovers in this post. Pretty cool to hear him talk about the breeding process as well.

True, there is potentially more value for breeders if they can control the supply of good and reliable genetics, but he raises a decent argument that more licensed growers will start using autos as the genetics improve - places like Michigan that struggle with the fall weather can pump out a couple harvests before the fall and effectively capture more market share when most other growers are waiting until November to hit the market. I don't doubt he could be right about that, but I don't buy commercial weed so I also don't give a crap.

I personally tend to avoid autos these days since I'm still bad at getting seedlings up and running quickly - I need that first month in the dirt to get my shit together lol.
I am listening to it now, and this guy is actually breeding and working lines. He's doing his due diligence, but I don't nessessarily agree with his methodology for these tests. He's still a cut above the rest in the auto game, and I respect that.
I'm happy for you, truly!
You can't reverse a plant indefinitely. Supposedly S4 or S5 is as far as one could go before the plant just won't reverse, and the returns are lower the further you go.

This is what I took from a podcast between Humboldt CSI and Heavy Dayze on The Potcast, so perhaps I missed something... meanwhile there are clones of 30 year old plants floating around to this day.
Do you think that would apply if you took one plant reversed the entire plant, collected the pollen, and used the pollen to fertlize a second seed of the same strain?
Guys you are doing amazingly well on a subject that often strays from MAC vs PC to ad hominem attacks because it's honestly about personal preference. It's looking dodgy I just removed one ad hominem so please stay on the discussion side not personal attacks. Thank you, I'll leave it as long as you can keep up the debating and again good job.
Do you think that would apply if you took one plant reversed the entire plant, collected the pollen, and used the pollen to fertlize a second seed of the same strain?
I think thats an extremely interesting question that I have never heard discussed, so Im genuinely clueless. I could speculate, but my speculation comes entirely off of info from people like Nspecta from Humboldt csi and shabud of 707 genetics interviews on the potcast. I would say start there and maybe key in on certain terms and discussions to further look into it.
I think most of the older people here remember the rise of autoflower plants, and the fact that in the beginning they sucked. They have come a long way, but remember they were crossed with ruderalis which contains next to no thc, so autos started out loosing the thc and terp battle. In time breeders have made them better, and some now have similar thc and terpene profiles as the originals which is impressive. To each their own, but I think it is definitely wrong to claim autos are superior to photos. I do see how some could prefer to grow them, I myself like the bit of control over the flowering process photoperiods give. I no longer look down on people that grow autos, and autos have found their niche, not become superior, and they likely never will.
Well said
Man I found it to be the easiest and fastest method for me personally.....
I thought my exhale bags chased you right out of the thread lol jk. I have to supplement co2 so I dont have to run my exhaust fan as much to conserve humidity. Minnesota is dryer than a popcorn fart through the winter!
I thought my exhale bags chased you right out of the thread lol jk. I have to supplement co2 so I dont have to run my exhaust fan as much to conserve humidity. Minnesota is dryer than a popcorn fart through the winter!
Well hate to break it to ya but those bags don't do much of anything but take your money. You could take that money and burn it and produce more CO2 then the bags would produce.
In my house, in dead of winter 25-30% rh is the standard. Never had an issue.