Smallest Possible Setup? (Stealth grow in my crawlspace)


Active Member
So I've been reading this forum for a long time now and I've grown very impatient. I want to grow something for myself!

Now I'm thinking that I'm gonna do this in my crawlspace in my house over the summer. (I'm living at school right now) The crawlspace is pretty big and nobody ever really goes down there except to like pull something old out.

I think that it is in my best interest to grow one plant for now. How will do you think that will be in terms of odor? I figure that If I'm only growing one plant than it should be pretty under control. Also if it's only one than I won't have to spend too much $ on a setup. So, what can I build that will look like an innocent box to my parents. (There are plenty of them down there)

Only problem I can think of right now is... Idk where or if there are any outlets down there. Are there usually outlets in crawlspaces?

Thank you guys!


Well-Known Member
Also I figured I would mention, getting excited and wanting to grow a plant is a bad idea. Especially when its not your house, that innocent little plant can void all insurance if something ever happened.

Theres really no way of growing for cheap, Especially when its a stealth grow. You should seriously just go buy a bag of weed, smoke it, and think about all the money your not wasting growing a whole 1/8th of weed in a dirty crawlspace. You really couldnt use any lights that would get any decent results or you would need ventilation, fans, and all the other crap to make it work.

Anyways, just seriously think about the whole situation, see if it really is worth it. You could always find a nice spot outside and put a plant out there in the spring.



Active Member
That looks pretty awesome. But do you think it would be easier to go a little bigger with a cardboard box setup or something else. I just don't want to have to deal with the plants being really cramped. If you don't think it will be a problem than I'll go for the computer case.

I have no idea what size lights I would need either...

Also, do you think feminized seeds would be a good idea? I will probably only have May - August for this little project...


Active Member
Also I figured I would mention, getting excited and wanting to grow a plant is a bad idea. Especially when its not your house, that innocent little plant can void all insurance if something ever happened.

Theres really no way of growing for cheap, Especially when its a stealth grow. You should seriously just go buy a bag of weed, smoke it, and think about all the money your not wasting growing a whole 1/8th of weed in a dirty crawlspace. You really couldnt use any lights that would get any decent results or you would need ventilation, fans, and all the other crap to make it work.

Anyways, just seriously think about the whole situation, see if it really is worth it. You could always find a nice spot outside and put a plant out there in the spring.

I hear you man. I'm gonna take a look at my crawlspace and see what my options are. For now I just wanna see what I'm looking at as far as price and such goes, to see if it is really worth it.


Well-Known Member
Cardboard is a horrible and mold hazard, the whole crawlspace is a MAJOR mold hazard and a horrible place to grow.

It sounds like you need to do a LOT more research before even considering ordering seeds. You should know what to do from seed to dry weed before you plant Anything or your just asking for a disaster.

What you need to do is start doing research, a Lot of research, read up on different types of lighting how and why they are used, read about Mediums, grow styles, Hydro vs soil, and even different types of Hydro. Its a good idea to at least have a basic knowledge of all the styles of growing weed because they all have some common things that will improve your overall knowledge of growing.

Read the GrowFAQ will be your best friend, read it! Theres lots of great info on there, if you have questions search the forums because chances are they have all been asked 10-20 times before.

Anyways, start reading, we had to do it, and Good luck.



Well-Known Member
Just to give you an idea of how pricey it can get, I spent $100 on 3 extension chords, and $100 on 3 timers just a few weeks ago.

You could grow a plant for a couple hundred, but it depends how stealthy you want it, carbon filters and fans get pricey. 4" inline blowers start around $150 and only go up. I have about $1500CDN of just fans in my tent and its only 5x10ft 6.5ft high.


Active Member
Cardboard is a horrible and mold hazard, the whole crawlspace is a MAJOR mold hazard and a horrible place to grow.

It sounds like you need to do a LOT more research before even considering ordering seeds. You should know what to do from seed to dry weed before you plant Anything or your just asking for a disaster.

What you need to do is start doing research, a Lot of research, read up on different types of lighting how and why they are used, read about Mediums, grow styles, Hydro vs soil, and even different types of Hydro. Its a good idea to at least have a basic knowledge of all the styles of growing weed because they all have some common things that will improve your overall knowledge of growing.

Read the GrowFAQ will be your best friend, read it! Theres lots of great info on there, if you have questions search the forums because chances are they have all been asked 10-20 times before.

Anyways, start reading, we had to do it, and Good luck.

Well basically yea, this is what I have been doing. Been reading alot of the grow journals also. I have a lot of time before I start this so I will be doing a lot of reading.


Well-Known Member
read read read and when your tired of reading start reading all over again and outside is your best bet if your worried about parents and spending money this is not an easy thing to do but when you learn you just keep learning and its just like a riding a bike you never forget BUT WHATEVER YOU DO DONT USE THE CRAWL SPACE YO CAN BURN YOUR HOUSE DOWN DO NOT USE IT GOOD LUCK MY FRIEND AND HAPPY GROWING


Well-Known Member
I definitely feel your hurry, swarm, but I would take the advice of these gentlemen. Start growing some tomatoes and herbs, and make researching growing your life! Research, smoke, and tend to your garden during every spare moment, and become familiar with the patience and processes of growing. Then, finish school, get your own place (you will have researched, and know what to look for in an ideal grow-house), and blow it up as big as you want.
You won't regret that path. I'm not sure about the crawlspace, though.

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
I grew in my crawl last year with no problem. The big difference is, I OWN my house. Belive me, or ask my wife, a garden is very demanding of your time. With this being your first grow you would be in the crawl space 5 or more times a day just to look at them.

As for advice, You can take a cardboard box. Tape one end shut. on the other end cut off two of the flaps so you only have the 2 opposite each other. These will be your door. Go to a grow shop or look online for some mylar. Line the box with mylar and pull it tight so it isn't all wrinkeled up. Go to a store and find 2 or 3 very small lamps that will take 26 watt cfl's. I'd advise to try at least 2 plants so you don't cry if ones a male and you wasted all your time. If they are both female you can keep them both or keep th better looking one and get rid of the other to keep it stelth.

I don't know th layout of th crawl so i don't know if there's a light for when you go down there or not. If not you may have to find a way to run an extension cord down there. If so tap into the switch box and find the hot lead. Cut an old extension cord or go buy some romex. Run a circuit to a remodle box you can mount out of sight. now you have power. Because you will only be using 2-26 watt cfl's and a small desk fan you won't have to worry about "burning the house down".

There you have it... Probably under $50 total... Not the best set up but if your trying to be stelth and have only one plant, and keep your cost down, now you can...

Again I would advise against doing anything in a home where th owner would be upset if they knew what was going on....


Active Member
4bulb, 2' T5 and 6 23w CFLs, 4" centrifugal fan with 2 odorsoks(minimum) (around $700-$800 probably to start). Isolate and seal the box and use one filter for a passive intake and the other on the fan (this should cover smell and minimize risk of mold). Make sure the intake blows on the canopy. 6 plants - Flower from clone - mini-SOG style. This will only work if the ambient stays below 80`F and fairly low R.H., If it is already hot or humid in there, you're fucked. You could get 6 small "lollipops" and a decent strain should yield you about an oz+ per. You could start from seed, but it's hard to control canopy height and you will have to thin out males once you flower. It would be far more feasible if you had a line on some clones. Oh, and if you're at your parents and they disapprove, they will hear the noise or see something and you will get caught. Good Luck

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
4bulb, 2' T5 and 6 23w CFLs, 4" centrifugal fan with 2 odorsoks(minimum) (around $700-$800 probably to start). Isolate and seal the box and use one filter for a passive intake and the other on the fan (this should cover smell and minimize risk of mold). Make sure the intake blows on the canopy. 6 plants - Flower from clone - mini-SOG style. This will only work if the ambient stays below 80`F and fairly low R.H., If it is already hot or humid in there, you're fucked. You could get 6 small "lollipops" and a decent strain should yield you about an oz+ per. You could start from seed, but it's hard to control canopy height and you will have to thin out males once you flower. It would be far more feasible if you had a line on some clones. Oh, and if you're at your parents and they disapprove, they will hear the noise or see something and you will get caught. Good Luck
:confused: Didn't you read any of this? He doesn't want a full blown grow, he wants a very cheap way to grow one or two plants...


Active Member
Hey thanks for all the advice guys. I will definitely take it to heart.


I think that I have definitely underestimated my crawlspace now that I think about it. I'm going back home tommorow for a little while so I'll check it out but seriously... my crawlspace is pretty fuckin big. Like... I don't think Ive ever been to the back of it because there would just be no reason to. My parents are certainly not going to be going back there. I think the only reason I ever see them go down there is to pull out the box of christmas lights we have down there. Other than that theres like gold clubs and like boxes of shit that have probably been there since we moved in like 10 years ago.

Also, I know theres a light down there but Im pretty sure it broke a few years ago and they never bothered to fix it. So basically if they wanted to go down there for some odd reason,they would go down with a flashlight, find their shit and go.

So pretty much this actually sounds like the perfect growing spot actually. I would be able to get an actual not rediculously small setup and grow maybe 2-3 plants. Maybe build like one of those small DIY Cabinets or w/e. I would put it in the uncharted waters of the back of the crawlspace where I don't think my parents have been to either. Any ways tell me what you guys think...

Also, assuming I do kick this off later. Do you think it would be in my best interest to buy feminized seeds? I won't have the time to deal with males as this will only be a May-August thing.


Well-Known Member
Something you have to really consider is. Will you be able to go to your plants at ANY time of day, At any given time, can you go down there, You could be watching tv with your parents or something, and you might have to go down there.

Your gonna be checking on your plants 5-6 times a day easily. This cant be something you just do once every night when your parents are sleeping, you will have problems.

And are you prepared to deal with insects, mold, odor, and getting some major airflow in a dank crawlspace. Will your parents HEAR your grow box in the back of the attic when they go down there?

Think about All the factors, theres a million things you over look when you first get into growing, everyone does. Its a major learning experience starting that first grow, no matter how small. You have to be ready for pretty much anything that can happen during a grow and be prepared to change plans a lot, every time you take 1 step forward in growing, you have a million new ideas about what else could improve.

Its kind of endless, you spend a bunch of cash, set it up, and realize you need another light, or another extention chord, or some more crap. Then when thats done, a week later you need some more crap.

Anyways, Im not saying its a bad idea, if your motivated anything is possible. Just think about all the little factors, its real easy to get excited and kinda get tunnel vision when you start thinking about the juicy buds.



Well-Known Member
oh and fem seeds would be a good idea, if you want to spend the cash on them.....I would.

Just make sure you order enough, You should really consider auto flowering strains, because of your major height issue. Especially if your just growing from seed and not cloning.


Well-Known Member
if ur worried about parents you could spend 100.00 bucks on a cheap gprs and go find a nice spot deep in the woods and let moma earth take careof you!


Well-Known Member

Hes saying grow Outside. You would have till wait until the next grow season.

You can get cheap GPS that show coordinates lat. and long. and you can find a place in the bush somewhere to put some plants and hope no one finds it.
