What did you accomplish today?

SO, I put the bolt my son picked up into the lawnmower handle and filled the oil. I tried to pull the rope and it just stopped, even with the release pulled. :shock: Come to find out I missed a step where you are supposed to slide the handle out further and secure it so it was blocking the blade. Never had one that the handle did that before. It turns over now. :oops:
Very exciting times, indeed! lol. March Madnesss!! Times are goood. Like u, I am experiencing frigid temperatures and hopefully some white stuff!! Oh my god, I am so excited ! Hiking in the snow in NH for the first time. Why are people obsessed with ticks around here? It’s a fascinating landscape.

You don't want anything with tics.

Get a pair of snowshoes....it's much more fun in the deep woods :blsmoke:
I was told just spray your clothes with Deet and I should be good. Some chick who bush wacks trails round here said that’s what she does and she never got any tix or Lyme disease. What do u do?
I use deep woods off , spray it around my feet and lower britches. But the little bastards will jump out of the trees on me. I’m further south by a good bit and we don’t have the Lyme disease issue as bad but the damn tics are everywhere and I get 10-20 off me every year . I spray the yard and keep the grass reasonable where the grandkids play, I never have issues with them on my dogs because of the expensive ass collars I use. I would definitely check upon arriving home from any hike especially if it involved a camping factor.
The only thing I've accomplished today, and still accomplishing, is sucking the daylights out of my bong and watching March Madness. We got snow up the ying-yang late last night......it's 20deg , 30mph winds......a perfect day to fuck off . Oh yea,
I did make manicotti for dinner with tossed salad and garlic bread.


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Hung out with friends and smoked medical weed . Then I broke out the private stock and well I think I put some folks in a coma.

Is weed shaming a social no no ? 10 minutes after smoking two joints with 5 nobody is talking anymore…. But the snacks are very popular now. :D