Can topping stunt a plant's growth completely?

Im not sure how a topping can permanently stunt a plant then a second topping un-stunts it lol.
Your plant will grow faster with age and i believe thats what you are seeing. You topped it so yea, vertical growth slowed but your plant is still vegging so of course it would grow out of the second topping sooner then the first.
HMMMM...when I talk to my gurlz I tell them how beautiful and gorgeous they are...they prove it to me by getting even more beautiful and Gorgeous. I wonder if I tell them they are sick and dying if they will become sick and die??? Or maybe I should just wait until I see the first little yellowing and what I consider to be a major problem...then kill them. I guess it is ok to not try to learn anything about cultivation before committing herbicide.
i wish the dude well, the plant looks great for being so 'fucked up'. 6 weeks, not bad at all...

but i wonder about people who come here and ask questions but get uppity with anyone who says anything other than what they want to hear. it's almost like they already KNOW the answer (the one they want or are afraid of) and anything else couldn't possibly be a solution. it's either great or fucked, no matter what we say.

easy to understand why a lot of experienced members don't respond to 'help me im new and don't want to google or watch youtube videos' threads...

imo, of course.
I understand. I didn't wait as it was clear since Saturday that the new growth was messed up. Last night there was no kept growing, but not the new growth..was just skinny, twisted, nothing like I have seen before. I figured maybe its flowering? Either way, thanks for the reply, I guess its genetics or something attacked it.
No. So much no. This is not how genetics work at all. Stop fucking with it for a while, it will be fine.
The plant wasn't was yellowing on its first set of true leaves and the new growth was twisted, bent to the side and stuck together for days...either way..thanks for the remark..i don't know why I post anything lol. take care
Nobody else knows why you post anything, either.
The plant wasn't was yellowing on its first set of true leaves and the new growth was twisted, bent to the side and stuck together for days...either way..thanks for the remark..i don't know why I post anything lol. take care

First set of true leaves yellowing has nothing to do with topping, unless your plant needed the N.

It is normal for a young topped plant to not fully recover in 4 days, yes it should have new growth by then but you actually gotta give a topped plant 10-14 days before further judgment.
Perhaps you fimmed instead of topped. I experimented on one plant in one place and it went mental. Is it possible? That would explain crazy twisted growth. Not so much the colour thing.
Nobody else knows why you post anything, either.
Sp nice of you to put your two cents in moron lol. I have watched videos extensively and have read for months. This wasn't something I was expecting as I was told on a number of forums that there seems to be an issue. Too many jackasses like you on these sites to get proper answers or advice. Thanks to all for their thoughts..plant is growing unbelievably since I fixed it. Was a minor issue I overlooked..but no, unlike most idiots who posted here that its fine and its me who's fucking with it...the fact is it wasn't fine and now it is!!! Take care and happy growing to all..i wont look for any help on this site again, that's for sure..bunch of know-it all jackasses for the 80% of you ass comments with no actual knowledge or useful advice! peace..don't waste your time replying..account is closed after this post.
Sp nice of you to put your two cents in moron lol. I have watched videos extensively and have read for months. This wasn't something I was expecting as I was told on a number of forums that there seems to be an issue. Too many jackasses like you on these sites to get proper answers or advice. Thanks to all for their thoughts..plant is growing unbelievably since I fixed it. Was a minor issue I overlooked..but no, unlike most idiots who posted here that its fine and its me who's fucking with it...the fact is it wasn't fine and now it is!!! Take care and happy growing to all..i wont look for any help on this site again, that's for sure..bunch of know-it all jackasses for the 80% of you ass comments with no actual knowledge or useful advice! peace..don't waste your time replying..account is closed after this post.
Replying specifically because you said not to, just to say; You are a big winner, go for the gold!
I topped my plant last Wednesday (1 month old), and a day later growth took off and by sunday the new growth was 75% the size of other leaves on the plant. However, the new growth from the top doesn't appear healthy anymore..skinny, stringy leaves it seems. Can that be flowering? It wasn't watering as I only watered once when I planted it into this medium. Can it be topping it took something away and now the plant is slowly starting to die? 1st pic was day it was topped on Wednesday..2nd pic is from sunday. I topped it again to get rid of the disfigured new growth after the 2nd pic was taken.
. Too much light leaf taco