Lots of interesting comments in this thread...
Seems like attitudes are changing when it comes to strains that have intersex tendencies.
It's definitely getting more common, which is a bummer.
Last year, at least 5 of my outdoor males were misidentified as female before being repotted. I was watching like a hawk, and repotted immediately after seeing pistils. Strains varied... and all were from reputable breeders.
Didn't figure out what was going on until later, when I saw the exact same thing happening in solo cups with seedlings that were raised under 12/12 from day one.
Useless trivia: Males with pistils are way more common than females with balls, but usually go unnoticed.
I recently saw a comment in a different cannabis forum by a breeder I have tons of respect for, and he said this about hermies in his new gear:
"the chance is high as both sides of the line are prone to those traits
(that would be no ones fault, kinda normal with those kind of genetics.) "