Holes in some fan leaves


Active Member
I'm not 100% sure I have a problem, but I have something. Some of the fan leaves on my Godfather OG have holes in them. No bugs, I checked with a loop. Some of the leaves are misshapen, but not bad. Overall, she looks healthy. Indoors, DWC, 8 weeks into veg, LST, GH 3 part notes with Cal Mag, liquid seaweed, and the hydroguard bacteria. pH is 5.8. I've been trimming the fan leaves to thin her out, but not removing any branches. Planning on doing that this weekend when I take clones. Thanks for any insight!
Looks to be bug damage, and given the size of some of the missing chunks, whatever it is should be visible, like maybe a caterpillar, grasshopper or cricket. Doesn’t look like thrips or mites.
It tracks perfectly for caterpillars, but this is in my basement. I have yellow sticky bug traps out on each plant and, other than two fruit flies, I haven't seen a single bug on any of the traps. I used to have a few Camel Crickets down there, but haven't seen one in years. That doesn't mean they aren't still around. I would be thrilled if that were it. That wouldn't be much of an issue. Tiny bugs or a virus would make me sad!
Do you think maybe more than one kind of bug? Big holes and little spots? I'm just gussing but that's a posibility.
It could be, but I'm not seeing anything. I'm going to set out more sticky traps and see what I might be getting. I'm going also wondering if I might be nicking young tender leaves when I'm removing fan leaves and it grows out like this?
Nothing to worry about. Sometimes the leaves damage themselves while emerging. I see this quite often. My guess is the faster growth with hydro might be the cause?