AG: pre98 bubba kush × ON haze
The slowest to show sex and 18 weeks in flower. 4 weeks of barely any flower growth while still on 12/12 and 14 weeks of 11/13.
The electric company switched everyone here to the new smart meters last summer. Now this month they have switched me to a plan that has the on peak off peak rates.
Off peak is 9pm-9am. Decided to switch all the timers to match the off peak hours. It was a 3 hour difference from what was being used.
This summer will it make a difference in cost due to the fact during the hottest months there is a higher summer rate. Hahahaha. Gotta laugh at the gouging.
Anyway, have everything that's practical on timers.
The only opt out here was getting a "non communicating" smart meter, or being disconnected. It's still smart though.... and they try to play it off like it isn't by changing the fine print around on the forms. Liars! They guy has to come every few months to read it, but otherwise its the same hardware and collects the same private info that I should have a right to be exempt from. The bill sure skyrocketed since..