No you don't.I have a HLG-240W-48-AB
If one driver cannot run four boards without flickering you might have to use two drivers.was told / advised on forums that I could run the 4 boards with 1 driver
Does the flicker happen on all 4 boards, on one board or on 2 boards at the same time?Ok I have a HLG-240W-48-AB Powering 4 qb288 3000k 660nm led boards
Just noticed a slight flicker a couple of times
Any ideas, if any of possible causes or problems?
The picture is how they are wired..View attachment 5375029
are you using a potentiometer or a controller? I was having a flicker problem on my hlg wile using ac infinity controller turned out i had the wrong adapter.
Check your wiring, this means all wiring from the wall to the light.
Did you place a AC plug on the cable? check it.
Did you wire the Potentiometer or adapter plug?check it.
Did you hook wire the lights? check all the connection.
The driver or Potentiometer could be failing , disconnect the Potentiometer or controller, the light should go to its maximum setting.
If you have checked all wiring and the "Dimmer" is disconnected and the light is still flickering the driver could be failing.
At this point i would unhook one of the board and continue to monitor.
Make sure whenever you are messing around with the wiring you have it unplugged. I am a trained electrical person you are not
Do you own a multimeter and are familiar with how to use it?
Disconnect all lights set the Multimeter to DC measure and monitor the voltage accross the the 24V watch for a quick fluctuation in voltage.
in order to do this you will have to plug the driver into the wall, bare leads will be exposed you need to take the upmost safety in not allowing these to touch.
If a Voltage drop is observed then its safe to say the some component inside of the driver is most likely failing.
If no drop is observed then hook up each light separately one at a time and observer the voltage on the out of the fixture voltage.
If no flickering is observed hook up all panels adding one at a time checking for flickering in between hooking each panel up.
when you find the panel causing the problem switch it out with a different panel.
If the problem persists after a new panel is placed then the driver is bad.
hope this helps
Ok I have a HLG-240W-48-AB Powering 4 qb288 3000k 660nm led boards
Just noticed a slight flicker a couple of times
Any ideas, if any of possible causes or problems?
The picture is how they are wired..
You may wanna be careful describing these as qb288: they may have the same amount of diodes but these boards dont look like they have the same diode string as the old hlg qb288.If you are using a 48v qb288, they will work at around 45-46v, the driver is to be used in parallel, dividing the 5A, in this case each board will work with 1.22a, around 54w per board, when you connect from one board to the other, you increase the current on the first board, causing heating, which is the reason for the oscillation, the correct thing to do in parallel connection is to use 4 positive wires and 4 negative wires connected directly to the driver using a 221-415 waggo, do not connect from one board to the other. other.