If Weed Becomes Legal Tomorrow....


Well-Known Member
I was just wondering if weed becomes legal in all states tomorrow
what are they going to do with all the people sitting in jail because of weed?
let them go and say im sorry ?


Well-Known Member
If it were to be made legal tomorrow more than half the prison guards wouldn't even make it to work because they would be too high to do anything.


Active Member
If it were made legal tomorrow, I would be out of a big part of my income in a couple weeks. Nobody would pay jack-shit for green anymore.


Active Member
They commited the crime and broke the law they should have to finish their sentence just because its legal now does change that it wasn't when they were charged.


Well-Known Member
if it was found unconstitutional for it to ever be illegal in the first place then they would and should be released


Well-Known Member
They commited the crime and broke the law they should have to finish their sentence just because its legal now does change that it wasn't when they were charged.

i actually believe that too, BUT

had a friend we went and visited his dad in a min security N.C prison (LARGE MJ conviction), his cell mate got a min man sent of 1 year for possessing a single joint while camping at a STATE PARK . That is RIDICULOUS! I truly feel for those people, there are some exeptions though


Well-Known Member
If it were made legal tomorrow, I would be out of a big part of my income in a couple weeks. Nobody would pay jack-shit for green anymore.
i still think some people will buy from dealers. they will just be less "paranoid" of smoking outside and shit like that.


Well-Known Member
if it was found unconstitutional for it to ever be illegal in the first place then they would and should be released

i agree with that.

its not wrong for the cop to arrest someone if it found illegal in their state. their job is to enforce STATE laws and thats all they are doing. after it became legal it would be their job to release those people convicted of the crime they commited before.


Well-Known Member
thats fucking retarded as hell
if your doing like a year for weed and then a week before ur release there like
"we're sorry for locking you up for a year , we didnt know weed is harmless"
that shit pisses me off stupid fucks


Well-Known Member
You guys are talkin like it's already legal tomorrow... our government would NEVER apologize for putting someone in prison. There would be no law suits, there would be no remorse on any law official's part. In fact, it's very likely you will never find it "legal". De-criminalized in all states, maybe... but do you think law enforcement would give up such an easy basket of cash? I mean, when it comes to drug busts, do kops even sweat it when taking down a cannabis grow op? No. It's easy money for them and they go home feeling like heros.

Now, when you're dealing with meth, coke, X, etc, they sweat it out because they really must put their lives on the line and exert effort. Kops in the south are even worse. God forbid you get busted in the bible belt with a plant or two - will be front page news and turned into 200 plants and then you're dealing with the Good ole boy network, where judge, cop, prosecutor, defense, and jury are related somewhere down the chain - it truly is where "everybody knows your name"...


Well-Known Member
yea there is alot of truth but legalization is inevitible to many people keep using the drug and arent going to stop so maybe not for another 50 years for a federal system of legalization but not for states it will happen eventually


Well-Known Member
I would love to believe that soon, maybe within the next 2-3 years, we will see MAJOR reform on these laws. Too many folk have voiced their opinion, but it seems to be falling on deaf ears. Now, I know a lot of you think that Marijuana isn't and won't be on the top of the list of priorities for any President, Congress, and Senate. I also think this, and it's a shame because for many, Marijuana contributes to the quality of life.

I know this is sad, but it is very, VERY true. One of the first things I do when I hit up this forum in the a.m. is go to the legal section. I'm always hoping and praying to see a headline appear at the top of the list of posts that a secret congressional meeting was in session overnight while most Americans were asleep. The people present at the meetings concluded, with plenty of scientific evidence and an ass-load of Fritos and Donuts, that it is unconstitutional to take away such an obvious life enhancing, natural plant species from The People and it has been determined that Americans should be free to choose their prescription for well-being.

I don't know about you people, but I've had a very unsettling life. I've had enough negative in my life that would turn a lot of people emotionally unstable. Though, I will tell you this... I've taken the doctor's medicine, SSRIs, for years and it has numbed me to what I should feel every day... I want to feel life and I want to feel the emotions that come with it, but now I am a zombie who walks through each day with almost no appeal for anything. I''ve lost interest in hobbies long loved. The foods I used to love are tasteless to me.

I know that before I had the SSRIs, when I had a somewhat steady supply of good herb to smoke, I was happy. Music sounded so good. Food was tasty. People were great to be around. And then one day I was caught with my herb. I was in fear to go to prison for it, thus, I've been paranoid to keep a steady supply on hand. I very seldom have good herb now and the quality of life as I know it is so different without it. It is a naturally grown miracle and God placed it on this earth for a reason. Yet, we have these thugs in Washington who will stop at NOTHING to ruin the rest of your life, your families lives, your friends lives - to throw you in captivity with violent offenders - rapists, murderers, child molesters, thieves. FOR WHAT? WHY? Is this justice? Our laws in the United States of America are a laughable joke to other countries. Why do WE continue to take this abuse?

Think about who we put in these positions to regulate these laws. YOU are not a lonely voice. Your voice CAN and WILL be heard, but YOU have to quit wasting your energies and channel them to the people in Washington that don't think YOU matter! YOU are NOT criminals. If you are not a violent offender, if you are not a rapist, if you are not a murderer, if you are not a child molester, if you are not a thief... IF all you do is enjoy the benefits you get from smoking and growing such a wonderful, naturally growing, unprocessed plant, YOU ARE NOT A CRIMINAL. But, they think YOU are. They need to go. They need to get the hell out of our lives and let us enjoy life while we can. We are not hurting anyone by loving our plant. We are not infringing on anyone else's right to enjoy life. Why should they infringe upon us? Why do we let them do it? Why do we play their games and forsake our freedoms for a g'damned plant?

Life is too short for this. My quality of life is what matters. It's my life and I'm not diminishing the quality of somebody else's life by smoking or growing. Why does this shit continue? It's 2009 for crying out loud! Prohibition? In this day and time with such financial instability? I hate to say this, but this worn out shit where people are always bringing up the fact that if pot was legal, taxation could better our economy... it's not just a played out excuse for legalizing pot - it's a well known fact and we have these IDIOTS running our government who just don't get it. :wall::fire:


Well-Known Member
thats fucking retarded as hell
if your doing like a year for weed and then a week before ur release there like
"we're sorry for locking you up for a year , we didnt know weed is harmless"
that shit pisses me off stupid fucks

its not saying sorry they didnt know it was harmless there are plenty of cops and guards who do it and dont who know it is harmless and do not agree with the laws on it. ITS JUST THEIR JOB TO ENFORCE IT.


Active Member
They wouldnt legalize marijuana.. it will not happen in our lifetime.. the legalization of "Medical Marijuana", however, will happen in our lifetime i believe. By putting the word medical in front, your deriving a whole new concept out of it. The use of marijuana for medicinal value, in a court room, is less offensive than that of just smoking to get high. Also, by putting the word medical in front of it, your alleviating all possibilities of issues arrising from past convictions. Even though there are people in jail for reasons we believe to be miniscule in the big picture of things, the simple fact of the matter is that they had criminal intent because, marijuana, at the time was in fact illegal, just because its legal now dosent mean that you didnt have criminal intent, ignorance of the law is no excuse. Nutegreenwitch has a good point, marijuana is so low on a list of to-do's that its almost out of sight, but thats totally fine, im not going to be ignorant enough to say marijuana should be legalized today, tomorrow, this month, or even in the next couple years, i do not believe it to be a pressing issue.. i believe the pressing issues are the war in iraq.. our economic situation, the corruption in our government and much more. All of those issues need to be dealt with long before marijuana is even whispered, HOWEVER, do not be so naive to think that the government dosent talk about marijuana, Obamas policy on marijuana is no, not legalized for recreational use, BUT.. he is for legalizing medicinal marijuana. Whats the difference between the two? you can still go over to a friends house and smoke a joint, youll just have a card stating that it is in fact alright for you to have marijuana because it is alleviating some sort of pain. Also, dont believe that cops are just assholes, thats not a good outlook on people who are here to really help us.. cops see the hippocracy of the situation as far as marijuana, they know whats up, but the sad part is that they are just doing their job, regardless of their beliefs, they must enforce the law.

Finally, before i go smoke a joint, the issue of whether or not it being unconstitutional, the constitution is left for us to interpret however we see fit, we voted for people who interpreted that as being illegal, thats our problem.. if we want something to change, dont be the stereotypical stoner, get off your ass, go vote for a candidate thats going to do something for your beliefs, dont say "oh my vote dosent count" because yeah, your right, your vote isnt going to matter if you dont use it, if you do go vote however, if all the stereotypes got off their ass and actually did something, who knows what could happen, i mean just look at Obama, when the election came around, the african american community flooded to the polls all over the country, something that they actually believed in came up, the nations first non white president.. i couldnt be more proud of the fact that our president is now Obama, and i do greatly appreciate the african american community around the country for voting the way they did, it just goes to show the power in numbers.. now.. my question is

How many people smoke pot in this country, and furthermore, how many of those said individuals dont vote? What could happen if they all got together and started voting, started getting their voices heard rather than sitting on their couch smoking a joint and saying "MARIJUANA SHOULD BE LEGAL!! FUCK THE GOVERNMENT!!" Take notes from the african american community, more power to them
medical marijuana became legal here in MICHIGAN november election. became into law december 4th and in April ,09 doctors can write a presciption but all you can do is grow five plants. I,d love all adive but grew many other times.using a garden of ease and a 250HPS in closet 24X44" light 66" above floor. using aeroponic system for the first time and need fertilizer and rockwool to sprout sedds and grow in silsca stone. ALL ADVICE ON CO2 useeing homemade wine for co2 some cfl,s for seedling and vege stage until 12-14" or 4-6th branches


Well-Known Member
Your problem lies with the UN... they create the scheduled lists of substances...

I mean for god's sake... Ibogaine is illegal in the states... something that is more likely to cure you of addiction than ANY medical therapy at the moment... of course there is moer money to be made by everyone if you are a heroin head...


New Member
Don't forget all those rinky-dink lame-assed paraphanilia charges they have on people too. Those should also be dismissed and removed from people records.

The state I live in can't afford road salt this winter, how the hell can they justify the millions spent hunting down, prosecuting and housing people over a damn plant?

Raining here now, going to turn to ice overnight, I predict a lot of wrecker calls tomorrow. Oh wait, the wreckers can't get there either, the roads haven't been salted. DOH.......................


Well-Known Member
Your problem lies with the blah... they create the scheduled lists of blah blah...

I mean for blah's sake... Ibogaine is illegal in the states... blah blah blah blahhhh

Ibogaine was placed in US Schedule 1 in 1967 as part of the US government's strong response to the upswing in popularity of psychedelic substances, though iboga itself was scarcely known at the time.

In the early 1960s, ibogaine was accidentally discovered to cause sudden and complete interruption of heroin addiction without withdrawal in a matter of hours.