I honestly don’t know what’s wrong with people these days….
I noticed the IMDB rating being more often too low over the past years, sometimes because of politics or movies being too woke just for the sake of being woke (which is true sometimes), but this is absolutely ridiculous.
2h 19m | PG-13
A 6.0 rating. Very low rotten tomatoes rating too.
While imo, it’s a solid 8, at the very least.
You get Henry Cavill and John Cena. Ok, by itself maybe not enough.
You also get Dua Gorgeous Lipa do the Whirlybird.
And… Samuel Muddafukking Jackson.
A cute cat!
Walter White as the Godfather…
…and if that all isn’t enough, Sam - one of the greatest actors of all time - Rockwell.
I mean… wtaf…
By the time Bryce was doing the whirlybird with Sam in the yellow and pink smoke I was like fist pumping both hands in the air going “Yeah!” and then 4 stupid Marvel-movie-loving kids walked out….