
Covid, Rsv, strep and influenza have all been through my house this winter. Been a bit of a shitshow but the way it goes I suppose.
Covid was the easiest.
I agree... I'd much rather get C19 than the Flu. I've had it 3 times, no big deal. I just held the couch down for a while. I could still do stuff, but you hit a wall of zero energy after about an hour, and have to go lay back down. I'd say average was 21 days to feel 100%
Husband works at the hospital. He tested positive. He got it working there. 18 hospital employees were out with Covid last week and 45 called out with Covid Monday . The hospital is requiring everyone wear masks now. We looked into getting him Plaxcovid . His health insurance through the hospital is terrible. He would have to pay $160 for the telehealth visit to get the doc to prescribe the med and then he would have to pay a $25 co pay and 30% of the cost of the Paxlovid. He is just going to try to ride it out due to the cost . It is pretty pathetic that he doesn’t get all of this paid for for free. How can healthcare workers be there to take care of sick patients and keep the hospital safe when they are at home sick because they got sick at work!?
I feel fine. Really hope I don’t get it. I never got it before . He even got the Moderna spike vax 12/18/23. No one was wearing masks at the hospital and everyone was coughing.

Had to take the wife to our local hospital today for some blood-work and couldn't go past the admitting desk without a mask. Didn't see anyone without a mask either.

Our favourite vampire there who retired a few months ago was back working as they had most of the lab staff out for Covid or suspected Covid and no one to draw blood so they begged him to come back in. Never see anyone wearing a mask out in the stores any more. A few weeks ago I came down with something tho other than fatigue and a cough I could almost blame on smoking but was a bit worse and a bit more productive than usual wasn't all that much. When I went to town I put a mask on just in case so I wouldn't spread what I might have had. Doesn't help me any as I have a big thick beard but helps me not spread germs.

I've been getting all my boosters and not once had any side effects other than a sore shoulder for a day. Even got the flu shot in the same shoulder as the booster last time with no extra hurt.

A friend who worked as a cleaner at the hospital until a few months ago said they got a rider put added to their insurance to cover any extra expenses should they come down with something without even asking as did the nurses because staff shortages are endemic here in Alberta but bad all over the country. She got a great job offer from a woman who was in the hospital but is the manager at a new old folks home in the town she lives in. Now instead of a 45 min drive each way to work she can walk to work in 10 min, gets almost double the pay and full Blue Cross medical with 100% dental and all the other bells and whistles. Says she works half as hard too so she's a happy camper.

As a low income senior I get Blue Cross too but it's not as good as hers. 3 years between getting new glasses and only $230. The new reading glasses I got last Nov cost $110 each for the lens leaving $10 for frames. Didn't want the cheapo welfare frames so coughed up $140 for some nice titanium ones but next time I get glasses they'll be putting the new lenses in these frames. :)

Hope hubby gets well soon!

My buddy. John Kinnard-RIP, DIED 2 weeks ago from the effects of Long covid. He was 69, and Id known him for 42 years.

QAnyone that think Covid is a joke, or not as bad as some say, are ignorant. Just because one person may get it, and may not even know they have it, and show no symptoms, does mean its not deadly, to the next person. From what I gather. How sick you get, can depend on how much, and how long the exposure was.

My buddy has been so weak, for the last year, he was house bound, and could only walk 20-30 steps, and then would feel like hed climbed Mt Everest, with no oxygen tank. Drs told him he had long covid, and there wasnt one hell of a lot, they could do for him.

18 days ago, he got worse, and had to call an amublance. He died 3 days later. And he was already a skinny person. Always had been. 6'1"maybe 145lbs. And with long covid, he was down to 115lbs, at the end.

I also know 2 others, living with long covid. Mother, and daughter. The mother has had a terrible cough, for 28 months. And it gets worse, and then, gets slightly better. But for 28 months, shes been coughing her brains out, and has also lost both taste, and smell. Cant smell, or tase anything. RKS could be her nose ring, and she couldnt smell it.

Her daughter, who is 47, got a hole in her heart, and damaged valves. Now her valves are leaking, and shes developed a hole, in her heart. She too, cant walk bot a few steps, until she feels like shes dying. It also gave her Angina, and she has to take Nitro.

Another buddy. He was antivax, and caught it, and was put on a vent, for 45 days. Had to go to rehab 6 months to learn how to walk again. Hes also got a whole lot of money, and had over 500 pieces of property.

He got so weak, that he had to sell a bunch of his properties, because he was not physically able to keep up with all of it, anymore. Hed been doing this for 50 years, and covid, stopped him dead in his tracks.

Hes still is fucked up, 3 years later, and now, wishes he would have been vaccinated. He cant even drive a car. I know a bunch of people the virus has either killed, or permanently disabled.

Ive had about 14 friends die from Covid, in the last 3 years.

Me?? If Ive had it, Ive never had symptoms. Ive taken care of my wife, who works in a hospital-VA, and also my sister, and uncle. I was in close, constant contact with them. And of course the wife, I was sleeping in the same bed, riding around in the same car ect. And Ive never had it. I have had all the shots. 5 I think. Also never had one reaction. good or bad. Tetanus vaccine hurts way more.

For some, Covid is mild. For others. Deadly. Ive also never stopped wearing a mask. N95 only. Ive got more than 1000 of them. Ive also only eaten out in restaurants 2x, in more than 3 years.
My buddy. John Kinnard-RIP, DIED 2 weeks ago from the effects of Long covid. He was 69, and Id known him for 42 years.

QAnyone that think Covid is a joke, or not as bad as some say, are ignorant. Just because one person may get it, and may not even know they have it, and show no symptoms, does mean its not deadly, to the next person. From what I gather. How sick you get, can depend on how much, and how long the exposure was.

My buddy has been so weak, for the last year, he was house bound, and could only walk 20-30 steps, and then would feel like hed climbed Mt Everest, with no oxygen tank. Drs told him he had long covid, and there wasnt one hell of a lot, they could do for him.

18 days ago, he got worse, and had to call an amublance. He died 3 days later. And he was already a skinny person. Always had been. 6'1"maybe 145lbs. And with long covid, he was down to 115lbs, at the end.

I also know 2 others, living with long covid. Mother, and daughter. The mother has had a terrible cough, for 28 months. And it gets worse, and then, gets slightly better. But for 28 months, shes been coughing her brains out, and has also lost both taste, and smell. Cant smell, or tase anything. RKS could be her nose ring, and she couldnt smell it.

Her daughter, who is 47, got a hole in her heart, and damaged valves. Now her valves are leaking, and shes developed a hole, in her heart. She too, cant walk bot a few steps, until she feels like shes dying. It also gave her Angina, and she has to take Nitro.

Another buddy. He was antivax, and caught it, and was put on a vent, for 45 days. Had to go to rehab 6 months to learn how to walk again. Hes also got a whole lot of money, and had over 500 pieces of property.

He got so weak, that he had to sell a bunch of his properties, because he was not physically able to keep up with all of it, anymore. Hed been doing this for 50 years, and covid, stopped him dead in his tracks.

Hes still is fucked up, 3 years later, and now, wishes he would have been vaccinated. He cant even drive a car. I know a bunch of people the virus has either killed, or permanently disabled.

Ive had about 14 friends die from Covid, in the last 3 years.

Me?? If Ive had it, Ive never had symptoms. Ive taken care of my wife, who works in a hospital-VA, and also my sister, and uncle. I was in close, constant contact with them. And of course the wife, I was sleeping in the same bed, riding around in the same car ect. And Ive never had it. I have had all the shots. 5 I think. Also never had one reaction. good or bad. Tetanus vaccine hurts way more.

For some, Covid is mild. For others. Deadly. Ive also never stopped wearing a mask. N95 only. Ive got more than 1000 of them. Ive also only eaten out in restaurants 2x, in more than 3 years.
I'm so sorry about the loss of your friend. Was he your close grow buddy you've mentioned in the past?
I'm so sorry about the loss of your friend. Was he your close grow buddy you've mentioned in the past?

No. He just liked to smoke. My buddy I have been doing things with since around 1980, is still alive, and well. Hes 73. John, was 69.. They didnt even now each other. My one buddy who I do things with, is a hermit. Along with his wife. And shes the one that smokes most of the weed he grows. She smokes a couple grams a day, and he might smoke a couple grams, a week. Maybe. But he got in deep shit around 1978-79 for growing.

He had a house in the country,, in Lawrence County, Ohio. Out back of Ironton, about 20 miles, and he was growing, and the wrong people got wind of it, and raided his house, with his kids, and wife there. They took his 3 years old daughter hostage, and threatened to kill he if he didnt come up with money, and weed stash, along with taking his indoor crop.

He had to call the police, on himself, and report it, and a kidnapping, as they took his daughter, when they left. They caught them, and he ended up doing 6 months, at Lucasville Ohio, Pen, for Cultivation. But, he got lucky, and after 6 months, the Prosecutor, moved to dismiss all charges, vacate the conviction, and Expunge his record.

After that. Im the only one who knows he grows. Not even his brother knows. He suspects. But doesnt know. His brother lives in South Korea, and retired as a teacher, teaching them English, as a second language. He has a PHD. As does his Korean wife.

But thats why I dont post pics ect. He would kill me, and cut me off, if I even thought about it. I mainly relay his grows, as mine, as I do have input, and we agree, on most everything that has to do with growing.

Hard to believe at 73, he has No Aches, or Pains!!! NONE!!!

Only time hes ever had any real pain, he was running in the 80s, and sprained his ankle, and it hurt 10 years.
No. He just liked to smoke. My buddy I have been doing things with since around 1980, is still alive, and well. Hes 73. John, was 69.. They didnt even now each other. My one buddy who I do things with, is a hermit. Along with his wife. And shes the one that smokes most of the weed he grows. She smokes a couple grams a day, and he might smoke a couple grams, a week. Maybe. But he got in deep shit around 1978-79 for growing.

He had a house in the country,, in Lawrence County, Ohio. Out back of Ironton, about 20 miles, and he was growing, and the wrong people got wind of it, and raided his house, with his kids, and wife there. They took his 3 years old daughter hostage, and threatened to kill he if he didnt come up with money, and weed stash, along with taking his indoor crop.

He had to call the police, on himself, and report it, and a kidnapping, as they took his daughter, when they left. They caught them, and he ended up doing 6 months, at Lucasville Ohio, Pen, for Cultivation. But, he got lucky, and after 6 months, the Prosecutor, moved to dismiss all charges, vacate the conviction, and Expunge his record.

After that. Im the only one who knows he grows. Not even his brother knows. He suspects. But doesnt know. His brother lives in South Korea, and retired as a teacher, teaching them English, as a second language. He has a PHD. As does his Korean wife.

But thats why I dont post pics ect. He would kill me, and cut me off, if I even thought about it. I mainly relay his grows, as mine, as I do have input, and we agree, on most everything that has to do with growing.

Hard to believe at 73, he has No Aches, or Pains!!! NONE!!!

Only time hes ever had any real pain, he was running in the 80s, and sprained his ankle, and it hurt 10 years.
Yeah, it's kinda wierd man.. I've had it 3 times, so has my wife of course.. almost every family member, and no long term affects. I'd say about 1/8th of us are vaxxed, and only the first time.. most of them stopped after the first or second round, and no boosters. Sister in law got stage 3C breast cancer right before Covid, and had had it a couple of times, not vaxxed, and no long term affects. She's very active and healthy now. Sorry about your buddy... I know that's gotta be tough. I don't know anyone who's been hospitalized from it or died from it... which makes this all more complicated to understand.
Our last bout of it was on a cruise in Alaska a few months ago. We were both down for the count for a few days... then the usual 3 weeks of feeling weak. No loss of taste of smell ever.. even with previous infections. None reported throughout the family either. It's just going to be a yearly deal I guess. None of us wear masks, or did wear masks throughout this whole thing, and we travel quite a bit. Planes, trains, subways, airports, Ubers, traveled coast to coast and beyond all last year, and just got it once. I wished we knew more about it. Like if you have a certain set of DNA patterns, blood type, genetic makeup or whatever. It's nothing for most, and a killer for some... even vaxxed and boosted have breakthrough infections that either just make them ill for a bit, or take them out all together. So, I'd just say let your body make it's own fighting/recognizing of an invasion and let your antibodies do it's natural thing. Fear is just going to make it worse for your body to fight it off. It's wasted energy.
Flu is hell on wheels. Last time I got it was a decade ago.... This was when I was single and living remotely (still do) in the country.....thought I was gonna die right here. Nobody around me to help, but I arose after the 4th day and saw a Red Lobster commercial on TV. I hadn't eaten or drank in 3 days. I drove 30 miles and ate about everything on the menu.. LOL!...first time in 32 years that I missed 3 days of work in a row. I can't really remember If I ever had it before that in 55 years.
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Covid affects everyone differently. I had the original strain back in 2020, Damm nearly killed me! Was taking breathing treatments every two hours for several days. My O2 saturation got down into the mid 80’s. Should of been in the hospital, but back then the only treatment was to put you into an induced coma and put yon
on a ventilator. Took about 6 weeks to get my “wind” back. I’ve gotten every vaccine for Covid there is, and will get them as often as I can. Never had any side effects from the shots.
Covid affects everyone differently. I had the original strain back in 2020, Damm nearly killed me! Was taking breathing treatments every two hours for several days. My O2 saturation got down into the mid 80’s. Should of been in the hospital, but back then the only treatment was to put you into an induced coma and put yon
on a ventilator. Took about 6 weeks to get my “wind” back. I’ve gotten every vaccine for Covid there is, and will get them as often as I can. Never had any side effects from the shots.
... and that's your choice man. Everyone has a decision to make on risk/reward .... and I don't blame either side for choosing one or the other. Do what you think is right for you. We all chose no vaxx. Is it luck?.. genetics? Who knows. My dad is the only full blown vaxx/booster person, and he's fine... other than being a grouchy 76 year old man. He still got it, but made it through. ... but so did the rest of us non vaxxers.
We have a group of 12 family going on a cruise next week... I guess we'll see how that turns out. Hopefully after getting it in July, we still have antibodies to protect us..... honestly I hate these family cruises. Too many damn people. But, as the wife says.. "we need to spend as much time with the parents and family as they get older".... ok. I'd just as soon sit on my back patio and build a fire.... but, I've seen the World already.
We have a group of 12 family going on a cruise next week... I guess we'll see how that turns out. Hopefully after getting it in July, we still have antibodies to protect us..... honestly I hate these family cruises. Too many damn people. But, as the wife says.. "we need to spend as much time with the parents and family as they get older".... ok. I'd just as soon sit on my back patio and build a fire.... but, I've seen the World already.

Wife and I did a 10 day Caribbean Cruise over Christmas. We purposely timed our vax's about 6 weeks before the cruise for max protection. There WAS covid on the ship, we actually had to return to Galveston a day early to drop off a critically sick passenger at the dock, then went back out to sea for the night and returned the next morning.
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Wife and I did a 10 day Caribbean Cruise over Christmas. We purposely timed our vax's about 6 weeks before the cruise for max protection. There WAS covid on the ship, we actually had to return to Galveston a day early to drop off a critcally sick passenger at the dock, then went back out to sea for the night and returned the next morning.
That's where we are porting out of as well. I just went to my Dr. here in Oklahoma for my yearly bloodwork/checkup, and the Doc said they saw a spike from Nov- mid Dec, but he said they haven't seen much of anything lately. Fingers crossed. But of course, people fly in from all over the Country to go on these things.
That's where we are porting out of as well. I just went to my Dr. here in Oklahoma for my yearly bloodwork/checkup, and the Doc said they saw a spike from Nov- mid Dec, but he said they haven't seen much of anything lately. Fingers crossed. But of course, people fly in from all over the Country to go on these things.

Unfortunately, cruise ships are giant petri dishes, and because you get people from all over the country (and outside the country) you get strains of colds/flu (and everything else) that your body has never seen and has no resistance to. I usually end up with a cold after a cruise, but not this time! I was pretty anal about hitting my hands with sanitizer. Have a great trip!!!
Unfortunately, cruise ships are giant petri dishes, and because you get people from all over the country (and outside the country) you get strains of colds/flu (and everything else) that your body has never seen and has no resistance to. I usually end up with a cold after a cruise, but not this time! I was pretty anal about hitting my hands with sanitizer. Have a great trip!!!
Will do!... yeah, I don't touch elevator door buttons with my fingers. I carry a pen with me, and a small bottle of hand sanitizer.
Wanna hear something wild?... My wife's cousin and his family went on a cruise about 4 months ago. Thier kid had just had a planters wart removed before they left, but didn't really think anything about it. This kid was in the pools, hot tubs, etc. On the way home he was complaining about a bad headache. 3 days later, he was on life support and had gone septic. He's STILL in the ICU, and not expected to leave the hospital for "a couple of more months" per thier Dr. That kid coded 2-3 times, and I honestly didn't think he was gonna make it at all.... he's got a long road ahead of him. He's 12 yrs old currently...... this is why I don't get in the pools/hot tubs. And even if I have a small cut or something, I bring "liquid bandage" with me.
Wanna hear something wild?... My wife's cousin and his family went on a cruise about 4 months ago. Thier kid had just had a planters wart removed before they left, but didn't really think anything about it. This kid was in the pools, hot tubs, etc. On the way home he was complaining about a bad headache. 3 days later, he was on life support and had gone septic. He's STILL in the ICU, and not expected to leave the hospital for "a couple of more months" per thier Dr. That kid coded 2-3 times, and I honestly didn't think he was gonna make it at all.... he's got a long road ahead of him. He's 12 yrs old currently...... this is why I don't get in the pools/hot tubs. And even if I have a small cut or something, I bring "liquid bandage" with me.
Hope everything turns out OK. He's got my prayers, probably picked it up walking barefoot on the deck, the pools are pretty heavily chlorinated
Had to take the wife to our local hospital today for some blood-work and couldn't go past the admitting desk without a mask. Didn't see anyone without a mask either.

Our favourite vampire there who retired a few months ago was back working as they had most of the lab staff out for Covid or suspected Covid and no one to draw blood so they begged him to come back in. Never see anyone wearing a mask out in the stores any more. A few weeks ago I came down with something tho other than fatigue and a cough I could almost blame on smoking but was a bit worse and a bit more productive than usual wasn't all that much. When I went to town I put a mask on just in case so I wouldn't spread what I might have had. Doesn't help me any as I have a big thick beard but helps me not spread germs.

I've been getting all my boosters and not once had any side effects other than a sore shoulder for a day. Even got the flu shot in the same shoulder as the booster last time with no extra hurt.

A friend who worked as a cleaner at the hospital until a few months ago said they got a rider put added to their insurance to cover any extra expenses should they come down with something without even asking as did the nurses because staff shortages are endemic here in Alberta but bad all over the country. She got a great job offer from a woman who was in the hospital but is the manager at a new old folks home in the town she lives in. Now instead of a 45 min drive each way to work she can walk to work in 10 min, gets almost double the pay and full Blue Cross medical with 100% dental and all the other bells and whistles. Says she works half as hard too so she's a happy camper.

As a low income senior I get Blue Cross too but it's not as good as hers. 3 years between getting new glasses and only $230. The new reading glasses I got last Nov cost $110 each for the lens leaving $10 for frames. Didn't want the cheapo welfare frames so coughed up $140 for some nice titanium ones but next time I get glasses they'll be putting the new lenses in these frames. :)

Hope hubby gets well soon!

4 years into the pandemic and I now get covid for the first time. As a healthcare worker that was a good run being a novid.
This Covid we have is an ass kicker. Lots of horrible systems. The nasal congestion is brutal. My husband describes to phlegm consistency to that of that old school rubber cement with the brush . Like you could take it off the brush and wad it into a ball in your hand. It blocks the sinus passages so acutely it feels like it’s penetrating into your Brain and eating it. The fucking chills the first night were crazy. I was shaking uncontrollably for like a half an hour. Then took another couple hours to warm up. It was like my body was being taken over by some alien force.
It’s about 4 or 5 days after I tested positive, and I thought since I’m super healthy I would bounce back quickly, not the case. Still woke up today feeling like a truck hit me and my nasal passages were glued shut. I hope you never experience this.
stay safe out there.
Take care!
4 years into the pandemic and I now get covid for the first time. As a healthcare worker that was a good run being a novid.
This Covid we have is an ass kicker. Lots of horrible systems. The nasal congestion is brutal. My husband describes to phlegm consistency to that of that old school rubber cement with the brush . Like you could take it off the brush and wad it into a ball in your hand. It blocks the sinus passages so acutely it feels like it’s penetrating into your Brain and eating it. The fucking chills the first night were crazy. I was shaking uncontrollably for like a half an hour. Then took another couple hours to warm up. It was like my body was being taken over by some alien force.
It’s about 4 or 5 days after I tested positive, and I thought since I’m super healthy I would bounce back quickly, not the case. Still woke up today feeling like a truck hit me and my nasal passages were glued shut. I hope you never experience this.
stay safe out there.
Take care!
How long have you had symptoms? Sounds horrible, sorry.
Interesting....While Im still on the "your body, your choice" bandwagon, could this be propaganda?, coincidence? total bullsit?... from the Canadian's...
It is proven disinformation.