Bubble magic pollen tumblers any good?

@curious2garden have go gave it spin yet?

How are you enjoying the sift?
Well I added in some dry ice, forgot I was running it and powdered an entire plant. So I bubble bag washed it and the results of that are Freeze Drying. So my first has a lot of vegetation in it because of the extremely efficient powdering! I'll let you know when I pull it from the FD.
Remember to decarb your kief and press it bud or its just pressed kief not hash u can use a glass bottle full of hot water like frenchy or be lazy buy a cheap tshirt press and use that it works pretty good you cant beat proper dry sift hash imo

I thought i was the only “inventive “ one who didn’t use a wine bottle lol. I use a clothes iron. Works good enough for me
I thought i was the only “inventive “ one who didn’t use a wine bottle lol. I use a clothes iron. Works good enough for me
I do it bottle style if i only got a wee bit but if i got a fair bit to go through then those cheap tshirt presses for putting on decals and such are ideal and a hell of alot cheaper than a roisin press and works good