Blaze & Daze


Mid 30°s later and lots of sun :blsmoke:

Home sick with the little guy today. He's on his third day and I hope I'm not getting it.....but I probably will. Oh well tis the season.

How's everyone doing today?
Lost some fence panels due to the storm last night, cue the pressure treated 4X4 shortage due to demand. Contacted the insurance company online and now I need to put up some kind of temporary barrier for the dog so she doesn't go visit the neighbor. Got up way too early after getting the news from my son. I'm going to have to find someone to fix it, which bites my ass because last time I did it myself. I'm waiting for daylight to go take a look myself. At least the wind has died down. Damn.
Mornin I guess.
Lost some fence panels due to the storm last night, cue the pressure treated 4X4 shortage due to demand. Contacted the insurance company online and now I need to put up some kind of temporary barrier for the dog so she doesn't go visit the neighbor. Got up way too early after getting the news from my son. I'm going to have to find someone to fix it, which bites my ass because last time I did it myself. I'm waiting for daylight to go take a look myself. At least the wind has died down. Damn.
Mornin I guess.

That sucks, sorry Ratt
Not sure about Alberia ... but the other end of the country is getting it.

Maritime weather is of little import out here but prevailing winds do link us to the Canadian west so I was wondering about the upcoming wildfire season potential.