Humboldt Nutrients reviews?


Well-Known Member
Hey RIU fam,

I have Master A, Master B is en voyage, and would like to get Verde. I like AN products and organics. Just seeing they offer something special.

Does anyone have some prior experience and photos of using these?
Salt is salt. Get something like Jacks (america) or hakaphos (europe) and be happy. No need to pay for branding.

And their marketing is a bit off. Small batch is exactly what you don't want. Quality control and processing is expensive. If you process a truck load at a time you can invest but not if it's just 100 kg at a time.
Would you rather buy drugs from a small business or big pharma that spends millions just to test shelf life?
Well …. Let’s see … first “ Humboldt Nutrients “ isn’t even in humboldt county ( they are in san obisbo county).

They have 28-30 products - for a single plant ( lol )
Colorful designs on labels .

As someone already stated - salt is salt.
No fancy labels / cartoons / packaging or other money grabbing multi bottle bullshit needed. Cannabis can literally be grown on simple gardening fertilizer - tomato fertilizer if you will.

There are simpler 1 - 2 or even 3 part feeds out there from various companies . Both liquid or dry. Megacrop / GH maxi line / flora / root organic / recipe 420 6-8-4 / Mater Magic / Tomato Tone / Dr. Earth Homegrown and a shitload of others.

No hype.
No selling a kidney or plasma to pay for bottles.
No guessing ratios of this and that just to feed the damn thing.

Keep your grows simple.
When I tried out the snow storm I wasn't impressed. I actually gave it away after first run using it. When I opened the box and pulled the bottle out I felt like I had made someone Mercedes payment. Roots organic, Dr earth heck even Gaia green for Humboldt prices. Your plants your choices. I think everyone here has probably used at least 2 different lines in there time growing. you will find what works for you brother
Yeah for sure! Its just something for bloom. Dont have much and I had Master A for awhile now.

My buddy said Gaia Green was the real deal!
Well …. Let’s see … first “ Humboldt Nutrients “ isn’t even in humboldt county ( they are in san obisbo county).
Lmfao oh how I love the marketing scams in hydroponic stores. Big N-P-K numbers, pretty picture on a bottle full of salts. Kind of like what Humboldt seed organization did that now has been taken over by Humboldt seed company the owner Nat told me he took those guys in what we call "trimmigrants" here in Humboldt county and told them he wanted to start a seed company they went back to Europe grabbed bunch of bullshit genetics threw them in a wood box that isnt even redwood or dougfir for that matter and slapped the name Humboldt on it to sell. However you never even saw any other their genetics growing out here. Nat is hella cool guy and literally took over their company and established the well known company Humboldt seed company. I'll be honest I am nervous about his daughter taking over and he has hinted at that as well lol.

Sorry ranting anyways want to use synthetic nutrients check out 'Humboldt county's own nutrients' there local and main facility is 10 miles from me in fortuna.
I've used there snow storm but that is it. There line is too much. Price wise and how many they have lol. Cheaper and imo better options out there.
See your thinking of Humboldt countys own nutrients which are local and have snow storm and I agree I dont think its needed. Actually great synthetic nutrients but hella pricey. They are legit though and even some of the family who owns it gave me a ton of merchandise for free and pretty much said a few of them be completely fine without them. I do like their killer tea and a couple others but yea didn't notice a difference with snowstorm.