I dont think any type of weed is going to help, and can potentially make it worse.
And if you listen to loud music, use headphones?? STOP. If you play electric guitar, or any loud instrument?? Turn it away from you, and use good ear plugs. Youre fucked, if youre a singer.
Weed, or any type slows down all autonomic nerve response times, including the reaction of the Ear/Brain Connection, to sound/noise.
The weed slows the reaction of the ear/brain, from protecting itself, thus letting more DBs in, which, causes more damage.
Its proven, Narcotics like Heroin, Fentanyl ect, cause damage to the small hairs, in the ear.
Rush Limbaugh went deaf, because of his Oxy habit, of 4000mg, of Oxy a day. Thats 50 x 80mg pills. Alcohol, does the same thing. Not counting slowing down the autonomic nervous systems self protection mechanisms against noises/any kind of sound, for that matter.