The renewable energy changes and policy

bolded 1: that’s the rub.

bolded 2: it’s called parkland/protected wilderness tucked between $multimillion properties.

Of course I’m interested in the application to local conditions. Geographic and economic barriers conspire.

On closer consideration, perhaps best it won’t easily work here. A Mojave metropolis of thirty million (and water is the dealbreaker) would really harsh my buzz.
Fresh water in parched regions is like gold! Many will want to exploit the technology and expropriation is aways an option for the general public good. My real interest is its impact on global quality of life and the environment, since it doesn't produce toxic brine, and when combined with solar PV could be damn near 90+% efficient at capturing and using solar energy and solve some heat issues with the solar, greatly extending panel life and increaing generating efficiency. An inland city could build one on an uninhabited costal area and pipe fresh water and power hundreds of miles inland with some clever design using solar covered canals and gravity. The co-generation system makes water and power, but the transport system can generate solar power too, and by the time it hits the city it might amount to a lot of juice, along with enough fresh water to live on and even grow things, especially using grey waste and recycled water.
You overstate. It’s more of a heck-divot.

We’re one over from Death Valley. Call it Chronic Pain Valley.
Here's a wild idea if the Mormons push for dumping salt water into the great Salt Lake to avoid choking to death on arsenic dust. If they do it, desalinate the water on their end and cover most of fucking lake in PV panels to reduce evaporation. I would be a western power hub, even if most of the fresh water generated would be used to clean salt residue off the panels!
Here's a wild idea if the Mormons push for dumping salt water into the great Salt Lake to avoid choking to death on arsenic dust. If they do it, desalinate the water on their end and cover most of fucking lake in PV panels to reduce evaporation. I would be a western power hub, even if most of the fresh water generated would be used to clean salt residue off the panels!
The trouble with this imo is that it commits the usual white-people crime.
It equates wilderness with waste.

The Lake contains and abuts wonderful fragile ecologies. It should never be considered a dump.

It’s the same basic problem as assigning a value to uninhabited coast as zero. I favor an approach that considers unspoiled wildland to have high intrinsic value.

One of the side effects of me no longer being a Republican.
The trouble with this imo is that it commits the usual white-people crime.
It equates wilderness with waste.

The Lake contains and abuts wonderful fragile ecologies. It should never be considered a dump.

It’s the same basic problem as assigning a value to uninhabited coast as zero. I favor an approach that considers unspoiled wildland to have high intrinsic value.

One of the side effects of me no longer being a Republican.
The lake is drying up and species are going extinct, the idea was to restore it I believe. Any seawater going into it would need to be sterilized first.
The lake is drying up and species are going extinct, the idea was to restore it I believe. Any seawater going into it would need to be sterilized first.
I’m not sure brine is the answer. Natural water into the lake is low TDS.

Unless you can market Utah salt as effectively as that pink Himalayan stuff that cost 1% of retail to mine and process.

One of the areas of change forecast to come in this decade is automation, from factory processes to industrial robots to humanoid robots with Wi-Fi connected AI for most of their brains. Ones making cars and replacing humans in factories will look like robots, the ones serving you at the counter at McDonalds's might look human though, even if the ones flipping the burgers do not. Where will they be by 2030? They are staring to use them in car factories, and you can buy a pretty good one for under $100K and WiFi AI might provide the brain with a subscription service tailored to your business. Robots are Us could provide a complete service, the robots, maintenance for them and the customized AI to control the fuckers would be via Wi-Fi. By 2030 it could be a thing and by 2035 the fucker could take yer job! o_O

By 2050 they could replace your wife, or husband more likely! Didn't they make a movie about that? Can it be programed to burp, fart and scratch its nuts while drinking beer in its underwear?

Japan is in demographic crises and doesn't want immigration, they are hoping these things will wipe their ass's and care about them in the old folks home. Maybe they will, machines that love and care for you, there is a novel idea, if they can simulate intellectual feats, they can do a great job on reading and responding emotionally, talk about a dog being your best friend! Why they might even be able to subtilty reprogram a magat over time and be agents of the deep state, mental health counselors and such... They might wonder why the guberment gave them that thar nice agreeable robot, if it cost $100K and did the dishes...

The robot that raised you might be your lifelong companion and source of stability in your life, always there and always ready to listen to your troubles and monitor your health and nutrition etc... From cradle to grave.

Japan has Developed the Newest Multifunctional Humanoid Robots That will CHANGE Robotics

Japan is a leading developer of humanoid robots, creating innovative models that mimic human movements and emotions. These technologically advanced humanoids find extensive applications in research, education, and even customer service, showcasing exemplary advancements in technology.
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The financial times is also tracking the food revolution and China would be intensely interested in any such technology. The have already developed continuous flow bioreactors in America and they can greatly increase the volume of production while lowering costs dramatically. They will iteratively improve over time and can-do yeast or cell-based meat production. This is the main bottleneck of the industry, the bioreactors that they use, and new ones could change the economic picture of the industry and there is now a company named POW selling new continuous production ones that work like a conveyor system producing a steady stream of product.

If there are significant developments that make the biotech industry feasible, then they might do with biotech what they are doing with solar, EVs, batteries and robotics. A report to the great leader would get the ball rolling pretty quickly, they don't worry about farmers rights too much there...

China’s intensifying focus on food security | FT Food Revolution

Rapid urbanisation across the world’s second largest economy has meant less room for agriculture. China has become increasingly reliant on foreign suppliers like Brazil, and the FT's Eleanor Olcott explains why Beijing is diversifying its sources of imported goods to protect the inflow of staples such as corn, soybeans and rice.
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Rethinking the RethinkX food report, in light of new technical developments
Those new continuous flow bioreactors that can have high production and lower costs has got me thinking about the impact of biotech by 2030 and beyond. Robotics and automation controlled by AI could do all the work and reduce the risk of human contamination, you can autoclave robots, not humans! Grow mats of collogen put them on meter square grids of collagen felt and sterilize that, put it in a starter bioreactor section with several kinds of meat cells including fat and more collagen if required. Have the frame treated so that the cells naturally attach themselves to it and move it to the growth section of the bioreactor where nutrient solution is flowing through the collagen mesh of growing and dividing meat cells. Out it pops a meter square 1/2" thick piece of pork, beef or whatever on a regular basis. Rinse and off it goes to the cutting and packaging robots. That might be one way to make meat.

Another way is to grow several cell lines in small continuous flow bioreactors and pump the results to 3D print heads and 3D print fish, steaks, porkchops and chicken. Dozens of highspeed 3D printers turn out meat, fowl or fish products continuously all controlled by AI in a sterile environment, no humans involved to introduce contamination and labor costs are nothing. Like I said, I'm keeping an eye on the food revolution and the RethinkX predictions for 2030 and to 2035. There are now new continuous flow bioreactors, and they will soon be sold to the industry and rapidly iteratively improved and expanded. Shit happens things change, and this development removes a long-standing bottleneck to mass food production by fermentation and cell culture, allowing commercial volumes for low costs, or much lower costs at least. The current batch bioreactors used are not feasible to scale for commercial production. These people focus on supplying the industry with appropriate continuous flow bioreactors for commercial volumes of food production.

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With these new solar desalination plants feeding cities, some inland with fresh water and perhaps power too, it might make a bigger difference than many realize. Many cities in the middle east and west in dry areas use traditional water and sewer systems that are not optimized for their region and much water can be recovered for agricultural use and for watering plants and trees in the city to cool it with an urban canopy. People go through a lot of water and a city of a few million can generate a lot of wastewater every day, even recycle it back into drinking water or they can use it to transform their urban landscape and surrounding area into a green paradise.

This one simple desalination technology has the power to transform the world, we build solar PV farms with hundreds of thousands of square meters of solar panels. Imagine if they could also generate 5 or even 10 liters of fresh water an hour per square meter, make electric power too and were cheaply made by automation from mostly molded plastic and a special PV panel for the top sun absorber.
I'm still keeping an eye on the RethinkX food report stuff, I think they pretty well nailed it on their solar, EV, battery and automation predictions, but I'm pretty skeptical about their food and agriculture forecasts for 2030 and 2035. However, I don't know much about the industry or details, but have a basic understanding of the processes and issues facing scaling the technology and that is where I focus. Yeast fermentation of basic proteins and lipids along with other bio compounds is being done and expanding rapidly and encompassing more products. Mammalian cell culture is hard to scale, but like with yeast fermentation better bioreactors could change that and continuous production flow ones are being developed.

However, there are other approaches to a bioreactor including one that uses LED lights to grow plankton or algae to feed fish commercially. It might be possible to genetically engineer these organisms to produce a variety of things in a system that is much easier to scale and needs lower sanitation standards. How many watts of solar powered LED lights and how much hydroponics nutrients would it take to grow a kilo of protein in one? People here have some familiarity with LED lighting plants and hydroponics.

It might be one way to scale up fish and even meat protein production by using a fresh or sea water based medium. It need not be done through the algae, but by something that eats the algae. Economics win in the end, not the nicest idea.

I ran across this machine, and they use them or will in Asia to feed fish.

Algae Production Made EasyOur compact photobioreactors make it easy to continuously culture clean algae on-site. Routine tasks like cleaning and harvesting are automated, which makes life easier for hatchery staff, while increasing reliability and reducing operating expenses.
Algae Culture for Hatcheries Aquaculture - Industrial Plankton

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Continuous production using raw sunlight.
View attachment 5362976
That pretty cool. I worked with a company back in the 90’s who was R&D-ing something close to this. They had it intended for removing the organic constituents in a wastewater stream off an oil refinery and then did a co-generation step that ran a generator. I only was focused on the liquid/solid separation piece at the end of the treatment system, which was easy..just a belt press basically…but now I am curious if it ever went anywhere. It was definitely a startup deal looking for CapEx investment. I can’t even remember their name now but goona check my LinkedIn to jog my memory.
Solar and wind has only just begun and by 2030, who knows how much will be deployed globally, particularly solar, which is fast to deploy and is the cheapest form or energy production now and expected to get much cheaper soon. Batteries are the missing element, but they are on the way soon. There should be hundreds of new battery factories operating globally by 2030 with a diversity of battery types.

A lot of that coal generation was replaced by natural gas over the past decade, but solar is cheaper than coal and that was cheaper than natural gas.


Just WHY Did Hyundai Motors Electric Cars Sell Well Last Year Without Tax Credits?

Last year, Hyundai Motors Group (Hyundai-Kia-Genesis) vehicle sales combined placed the group in second place in North America for sales, beating both the electric vehicle sales figures from Ford and General Motors.

Yet unlike Ford, GM, and Tesla, which made and sold some vehicles that were eligible for U.S. Federal Tax Credits Hyundai Motors Group vehicles were ineligible for tax credits. So why did they sell so well?

We have some very good ideas as to why.
Fish shit can be used to grow clams and oysters that filter the water along with kelp grown on ropes and harvested using automation for a closed loop eco system with 3 seafood products, fish mollusks and kelp, it cleans the water. Fish can be grown from insect derived fish food grown on waste and plankton grown in photo bioreactors. The whole operation can be powered by solar, and a lot of energy can be saved with night cycles, it need not consume a lot of power at night. If it used a lot of power, payback time for the solar panels on the roof and site would take no time at all and most of the operation can be automated to reduce labor costs and provide biosecurity. I don't see many issues making money from such an operation if there is a good market and price for fish. I don't see any environmental issues either, bugs are processed with other cheap ingredients sterilized and turned into fish food by a machine and the whole thing is solar powered and should have a pretty low carbon footprint and be economical to run with high levels of automation.

Aquaculture of various kinds has been done for centuries and there are many aquaponics organic garden combos and they work at certain scales and places, but generally labor costs are high. If you are gonna grow anything monoculture indoors in a controlled environment you can use high levels of automation to reduce labor costs and reduce risks of pests. From plants to fish the name of the game is reducing human labor to harvesting and packaging and a few other things like seedlings for plants. Everything must be powered by renewables to make it economical, and free power makes a lot of operations like this profitable or even possible. It has few inputs other than organic waste for the bugs or fertilizer for the photobioreactors. scraps from the processing end, heads, guts and fins go into a grinder and dryer to make fish meal, added to the fish food mix. out pops boxes of frozen or fresh fish at the packing end.

Fishermen are the last of the hunter gathers.

Companies raising salmon on land face pushback over sustainability and genetic engineering

As demand grows for seafood, the business of fish farming is growing. Companies are raising and harvesting salmon on land, sparking pushback over sustainability and genetic engineering. Science correspondent Miles O'Brien has the second of a two-part look at what's known as "aquaculture."

Is Aquaponics the Future of Agriculture?

We have to find better ways to produce the food we all need. The solution could lie in one of several promising farming techniques like hydroponics, vertical farming, or aquaponics. That last one has technically been around since ancient times, but has been gaining a lot of interest recently. How is this old technique of farming with fish getting revived? Can nextgen tech really build a mini ecosystem that creates more food with less water? Could aquaponics be the future of farming?
If they ever wanna put livestock farming out of business, then they need new bioreactors with the proper production capacities and some form of continuous flow operation, not a batch process. This is a widely recognized issue in the industry, they need to scale up to become economical and have an ecosystem of supply and support as well as high levels of automation and be powered by renewables to keep energy costs down. Once large-scale new cell culture bioreactors are being built and sold to match their intended purpose, then the industry might take off. If it ever does the implications will be profound for rural regions. Competition in crop farming from new land opening up for food production might drive prices down and the only way to survive is to go all electric and generate your own power with wind and solar. I'm keeping in mind the impacts and implications if the cultivated meat and fish markets should take off and better bioreactors make yeast protein production by fermentation even more feasible.

Large Scale Cultivated Meat Bioreactors (Ark Biotech)

Ark Biotech claim to have solved the scaling issue for cultivated meat bioreactors. If so this is a HUGE milestone for the industry and now we just need to build them. What do you think?

Vevolution is an investment platform for food tech investors interested in backing cultivated meat and precision fermentation companies.

In 2023, WeLion announced its intention to mass-produce the solid-state batteries for NIO by April 2024, noting, “It should be a gradual climb.”

Solid-state batteries are praised for their “non-volatile, lightweight, and energy-dense properties,” Doll said. This technology isn’t entirely new, but WeLion and NIO’s goal for large-scale utilization of these batteries is considered revolutionary. Doll proposed that “the sedan is expected to debut as NIO’s most technologically advanced offering to date.”

To showcase its capabilities, NIO’s founder, William Li, did a range test with an ET7 that had WeLion’s solid-state batteries. He was able to drive for 650 miles and still had 3% battery remaining after the range test, Doll reported. For comparison, the current bestselling electric vehicle, the Tesla Model Y, can drive around 310 miles before recharging.

WeLion’s solid-state batteries promise less frequent charging and an extended driving range. Widespread use of this technology could encourage more people to switch to electric vehicles.

According to Bloomberg, as of March 2023, “the typical U.S. battery range has quadrupled since 2011.” The outlet reported the average range for EVs sold in 2022 was 291 miles. Coupled with the new battery technology, the “range anxiety” that potential buyers might feel is starting to go away.

Solid-state batteries — safer, lighter, and long-lasting — are a step in the right direction. Toyota, Honda, Nissan, and other car manufacturers are pushing the boundaries to advance and integrate solid-state batteries into their vehicles, promising a future of more efficient and eco-friendly transportation.
Imagine a project this size using those cogeneration distillation cells generating power and 5 or 10 liters of water per meter of cell area per hour, in addition to electricity. They might use well over 90% of the energy they absorb to make power and water, and both are useful in arid locations near the coast, or even far inland with piped in fresh water and power from such a facility. We already build such things at massive scale and getting water in addition to power would be very valuable as would the high efficiency of solar conversion to useful energy and stuff like fresh water from sea water.
