The Perverted Son

does she live Soundgarden and Perl Jam? they both have a unplugged albums out???

We are just lightly touching the grunge scene now. But she definitely loves that Nirvana album. As did I around her age.

I'm more concerned if she likes county

So far no. She was listening to the fast car song. And I was like bitch please this ain't even a country song. Let me show you the original.
i like the Niravan unplugged one we as the other's i mentioned.....

Yeah I heard in the Alice in chains one on the earlier versions you saw Lane Staley get Dope sick and puke on stage. And they cut it out in later releases. Not sure if that's true or not. But I feel like I watched it 15 or 20 years ago and somebody was like this is the uncut version where he pukes lol.