
Purple love

Active Member
This is my first set of clones and I wanted to top them but they don't look the same now I took these clones of the mother plant after toping her about 3 times 20240110_193024.jpg20240110_192817.jpg20240110_192736.jpg
The structure of a clone will start with alternating branches. A seed usually has several symmetrical sets before doing the same. Any branch can be topped. Just cut it back to where you want it. Leave at least one node, and a length of stem so you can put it into your cloner/medium if taking cuttings at the same time.
The structure of a clone will start with alternating branches. A seed usually has several symmetrical sets before doing the same. Any branch can be topped. Just cut it back to where you want it. Leave at least one node, and a length of stem so you can put it into your cloner/medium if taking cuttings at the same time.
I don't want to clone it again I wana top it
Check out the method called "fimming". Basically just pinching off the new shoots as they form. Topping usually involves cutting off a whole upper section of a main\dominant branch, but you have a lot of branches so yeah.. FIM!
Fimming involves cutting through the tip shoot stalling it allowing the shoots below to catch up.

Tipping involves removing the tip shoot, if it's done after flipping it encourages the lower buds up.
There's 2 top buds equal size there one directly begind.

If if you do it too early it'll split the same as topping.

Topping after flipping works great, if you think about it bud only grows on fresh shoots.