Blaze & Daze

I know - I need to. But like my watering practices, it's still the Caveman method with the old double boiler.

And Cronk has been asked to not make oils/butter until Female Cronk is away for a spell. Stinks the house too much for her liking.

Hmmm ...
Smoke in the bathroom under the exhaust fan with a towel under the door like it's college and you don't want to get busted. If that's too much for the significant other then raincoat and garage it is. That weed ain't gonna smoke itself lol.
Smoke in the bathroom under the exhaust fan with a towel under the door like it's college and you don't want to get busted. If that's too much for the significant other then raincoat and garage it is. That weed ain't gonna smoke itself lol.
in college we used to smoke in our dorm rooms, following these rules to never get caught and keep our rooms from smelling like smoke:
1. only smoke bowls, never burn joints as the paper was just way too smoky
2. towels under doors
3. exhale into the "hope stick" (short for "hope we don't get caught"); a paper towel tube filled with a few dryer sheets
worked like a charm considering we burned every single day for two years on a non-smoking floor of a college dorm
in college we used to smoke in our dorm rooms, following these rules to never get caught and keep our rooms from smelling like smoke:
1. only smoke bowls, never burn joints as the paper was just way too smoky
2. towels under doors
3. exhale into the "hope stick" (short for "hope we don't get caught"); a paper towel tube filled with a few dryer sheets
worked like a charm considering we burned every single day for two years on a non-smoking floor of a college dorm
We used paper towels and cologne spray in our same rig. Our RA knew but didn't care as long as we were cool and didn't smoke up the hall. Funny enough, I had a security job one summer and one of the first things they taught us to look for was a towel blocking the light from under the door lol.