Not really as the two types of lime in HP are slow release so it's mostly easily dissolved nutrient salts that are flushed out. I've tried that with my plants in the past and it really didn't help. I saturated the pots with RO water first then let that sit for an hour or so so stuff could dissolve into it then poured enough 1/4 strength nutes thru to push all that out as runoff. About 1gal in a 4gal pot was enough. This was about midway thru flowering when the leaves started frying en-mass. Ended up with even the little bud leaves going all toasty brown by harvest time. It took me a few grows to figure out wtf was going on. In mid winter my RH can be down around 25% or even less so I've always meant to run a sealed room system but never did. As long as I feed low it doesn't cause problems.
50% during flower is fine. Over 60 is where you can run into problems like bud rot near the end tho with good air circulation around the plants it usually won't show up.
I thought you didn't feed until runoff because of the risk of flushing the lime out of the promix hp?