Need help new

Yes I'm new to this and I was given these but they were in a tub in which the soil was saturated and no drainage was taken place. Don't kIMG_20240106_022709.jpgnow if their gonna make or if they can. Help me please growersIMG_20240106_022717.jpg


Well then try nursing them back to health. As was mentioned, pull em out of that saturated tub and get em in some small containers like solo cups (don't forget drain holes) a simple florescent bulb should be sufficient light for now
One looked awful so I gave up on it. But the other is hanging on. Should I put the lights at 16/8



Well-Known Member
Stop misting it, or the light will use the water droplets like a magnifying glass and tirch your leaves. Only mist if you are spraying for pests/pm or foliar fighting a deficiency. Keep feeding it, you'll need more than warm castings soon. 3 or 4 weeks after you'll need some bloom nutes.


Well-Known Member
Looking much better btw. Good job! It's recovered and shooting roots. You'll see growth up top soon enough. Look into topping or lst.


Well-Known Member
Something high in p, and low n. Something like a 3-9-4. What line is up to you.

Dry amendments
Dr earth
Gia green
Earth dust
Down to earth

Canna a&b

The list goes on and on. All depends how you want to go about it. Do you want to topdress, water in your nutes in a solution?