Well-Known Member
Hell yeah!!! That's great!!I got the 4 spots that I just did for that Ford and Hyundai Dealership are going to air on KFDX FOX during the NFL games on Sunday. Pretty cool.
Hell yeah!!! That's great!!I got the 4 spots that I just did for that Ford and Hyundai Dealership are going to air on KFDX FOX during the NFL games on Sunday. Pretty cool.
Congratulations! That's awesome. The videos you posted look great. You're a Renaissance man!I got the 4 spots that I just did for that Ford and Hyundai Dealership are going to air on KFDX FOX during the NFL games on Sunday. Pretty cool.
Yeah buddy!.. Im excited to land this account!Hell yeah!!! That's great!!
Thanks man! It's a pretty good part time gig that pays well. Dealerships have a stupid advertising budget.Congratulations! That's awesome. The videos you posted look great. You're a Renaissance man!
Thanks!.. those RAW shots were shot with me laying on a piece of foam in the back of my truck with a gimbal camera… it was just easier than watching out for trees flying backwards. If I do a tracking shot with the drone, I try to be in less confined spaces. Otherwise, I can tap the person or vehicle, and it will “lock” on it and keep it center screen no matter which direction I’m flying.
That’s a cool idea with the floats!… as far as DJI cameras, they are solid. I’ve had a few since 2015, and never had a failure with the camera or gimbal. … or any of thier product for that matter. I’m not sure on the 3 mini, but it should have a “tracking” feature. You should be able to fly out a few meters from your boat, point it towards yourself, draw a square around yourself on the screen, and it will follow you, even if your boat is moving.My little DJI Mini 3 Pro has that feature and I've used it when out in my little boat to watch me while I was casting my fly rod so I can review it later and work on my form which is seriously in need of practise. I just have to learn how to use the video software so I can start editing a bunch of videos I've taken. I downloaded Open Shot and played around with it a bit.
I found a training course to be able to fly larger than 250g to 25kg drones here in Canada for $50 and you have 90 days to complete it. Right after I signed up was fairly ill for a while then the wife got very ill for a while and I ran out the clock without even starting module 1. After a few emails back and forth the guy said as I'd never even opened the course I could wait until I was where I could concentrate on doing the course and go back to do it no extra charge. Not sure if I will as I don't think I'm as in to it as I thought I'd be. Just want to know enough to be able to get good pics and video when I want and be able to make a few decent amateur videos for shits and giggles.
Learned to send it up and land it in my hand so I could launch from the boat and get it back. To be on the safe side I bought pontoons for it so I can land in the water if I have to but it puts me 60g overweight. I'm in the boonies so not worried about the drone police catching me. Already have taken it up to 500m when it was warning me that was verboten a couple of times.
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Still on the original props so not doing too bad.
@DoubleAtotheRON , what do you think of the gimbal cameras DJI sells? Just in case I do get into the whole video thing a bit more.
That’s a cool idea with the floats!… as far as DJI cameras, they are solid. I’ve had a few since 2015, and never had a failure with the camera or gimbal. … or any of thier product for that matter. I’m not sure on the 3 mini, but it should have a “tracking” feature. You should be able to fly out a few meters from your boat, point it towards yourself, draw a square around yourself on the screen, and it will follow you, even if your boat is moving.
Yeah buddy!.. it's a lot of fun. I wished I knew how many miles I've flown in 8 years.Yeah it does that tracking thing. Has preset flight patterns so you can lock on to something and have it fly a pattern around it much smoother than all but very good flyers could do. Just a circle and some other ones that will move in close, fly over etc. Can adjust the speed like in Cinema mode have it just move very slowly or speed it up. I've barely touched on all the stuff it can do.
I'm amazed at how steady the camera is. I had it up over my dugout on a really windy day and the video from it is steady as a rock. I knew I was going to want to take it out in the boat and having a fixed landing return point might end up with it landing in the water if something went wrong with the flight. $25 for the floats seemed like a good insurance policy. I filled one of those hot water tank drip trays with water and tried landing and taking off from that and it works pretty good. Had to adjust the floats fore and aft to get it to sit level on the water but now that's done.
Sure wish we'd had these things when I was a kid but had to settle for rockets which were fun too. Spent a lot of my paper route money on those things.
I got a charger that can do 4 batteries at a time and has two USB ports to charge up the controller and my phone at the same time. With a little power converter in the car I can charge everything up as I drive from place to place too. Really want to get up to the family cabin and get some nice video in the Bridge River canyon we drive through on the way up.
That's great, man. Good one!@2com ... We'll I think I have finally loosened the grip this family of Dealerships have had on a production company out of TX. They let me do full production on the 2 Ford stores, and Im filming full production on 2 Hyundai commercials tomorrow. They will air on 3 stations for the whole month of Dec. in North TX and Southern Oklahoma.
It's different by province, I think. Right?I found a training course to be able to fly larger than 250g to 25kg drones here in Canada for $50 and you have 90 days to complete it.
Holy fuck.Aahhhhhh memories…. Hard to believe I had to sell these 12 units of this strain @ $350. Fuck the weed business.
It's different by province, I think. Right?
Nice!... the Part 107 test here is ridiculously hard. You might as well become a full Private Pilot after taking that test. Part 107 lic is only if you're getting paid for work. Recreational pilots over 250g must register with the FAA for $5, but most don't. Under 250g, no registration required.Federal, with the test that matters thru Transport Canada. There are free study guides online here and there that tell you what the specific things are you need to know so you don't have to take a proper course. The Transport Canada test isn't a lot of money and you can take it as many times as you have to to get a pass. It's a challenge type test so you don't need to take a formal course of study to take their test. Lot harder than something like I did last March for my firearms license tho. That was a piece of cake in comparison and I got 100% on both parts of that. One day and done but over 6 months before I got my permit.
Nice!... the Part 107 test here is ridiculously hard. You might as well become a full Private Pilot after taking that test. Part 107 lic is only if you're getting paid for work. Recreational pilots over 250g must register with the FAA for $5, but most don't. Under 250g, no registration required.
... on guns, at least in Oklahoma, you used to have to take a course, pay a fee, and then you could carry open or concealed. As of Nov. 2019, that requirement got dropped. So now, anybody can carry open or concealed without any licensing.... which I don't agree with. You rarely see anybody carrying open, but you know there's a shit ton of people carrying concealed. I mean, if you're gonna show your cards in a robbery, you're going to be the first target.
Yeah... now that seems crazy to me (on the gun laws)... but I guess it's just been that way around here for so long that nobody really thinks twice about it. We have a "Stand your Ground" law in Oklahoma. If someone on your property even says "Im gonna kill you", or even if you feel like your life is in danger, fire away! This applies if you're at home, or on your property, or at Walmart, you can legally kill a person that you feel is a threat to your life. Does it happen very often? ..... nope. Im talking about law abiding citizens here. Gangs and thugs kinda kill thier own. Which is fine with me. Thin the herd. No problem getting pulled over with an AR15 that you bought from a private sale and non registered... they don't check, or care for that matter, as long as your record is clear of any violent offenses, you'll be sent on your way. Ammo is usually bought by the 1000 pack, and very abundant. I just bought a 1000 pack of 5.56 for my AR for $500, brass casings.Same here with no license needed under 250g but the course to fly over that weight to 25kg seems to be the same as the first course a want-to-be aircraft pilot has to take. I just saw the outline and there's a lot of stuff there that I thought seemed pretty advanced for flying a drone around. I couldn't swear that it was all you needed to be able to fly for money. Probably something like down there where you pay a fee and register for that.
I like my guns and wouldn't mind having a handgun but new gun laws brought in by our Liberal gov't are way too stringent. Right now there is a freeze on the sale or purchase of handguns and so strict that even Olympic athletes wanting to practise shooting for their sport aren't able. I believe it's still in the courts so may not become permanent. If the Conservatives get back in it will likely be repealed like the stupid long-gun registry a previous Lib gov't brought in that ended up costing 2 billion and was cancelled by the Cons. All provinces except Quebec destroyed their records. I never did register my rifles and after my permit expired in 2006 could still legally possess the guns I had but couldn't take them anywhere. I could target shoot on my own property even tho I'm right on a provincial highway. Couldn't buy ammo tho it's not that hard to find someone to buy it for you.
There is a big problem with illegal guns up here that come from the states but they're messing with legal gun owners that aren't running around doing illegal things with their guns. The vast majority of shootings are gang related or targeted. Very rare to have nut cases doing mass shootings here but city folk want to see all guns banned so will probably get that eventually. If someone is breaking into your house here and you shoot him you're going to be charged. What happened to the idea that a man's home was his castle ffs. Since our neighbours a half mile down the road got home invaded I've kept a shotgun close at hand and now have the new 12 gauge pump with a shorty grip and barrel in the closet beside the bed close to me. The key is in the trigger lock and a couple magnum '00' buck rounds under my pillow. If I leave the house I take the key with me and that is still legal storage. I'd rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6 as the saying goes. It's legal to hold a burglar under threat of getting shot until the cops arrive but if they also have a gun it could get messy.
As much as our laws are crazy strict the lack of laws for guns in many states like yours is just crazy even to me and I'd like less tho have no problem with having to take a course and and show I'm not some nut-bar before being allowed to own non-restricted weapons. "Assault style" weapons are also being banned but a semi auto rifle that looks like a hunting rifle but works exactly the same as one decked out like an army gun is still legal. Some stupid shit going on here for sure.
For the drones I guess we are having the same shit thrown in to have the drone broadcast an ID so most drones out there may become illegal if that goes thru or at least you'll end up being over the 249g limit and have to take the course once you add any kind of transmitter which would put you over 249g. More nanny state BS.
Wtf I would let you fuck my side chick for a unit of that shit lol! What strain was that sexy bud?Aahhhhhh memories…. Hard to believe I had to sell these 12 units of this strain @ $350. Fuck the weed business. View attachment 5355007
In Massachusetts you have to run away if you can or it's a murder charge! I live in a fucked up state!Yeah... now that seems crazy to me (on the gun laws)... but I guess it's just been that way around here for so long that nobody really thinks twice about it. We have a "Stand your Ground" law in Oklahoma. If someone on your property even says "Im gonna kill you", or even if you feel like your life is in danger, fire away! This applies if you're at home, or on your property, or at Walmart, you can legally kill a person that you feel is a threat to your life. Does it happen very often? ..... nope. Im talking about law abiding citizens here. Gangs and thugs kinda kill thier own. Which is fine with me. Thin the herd. No problem getting pulled over with an AR15 that you bought from a private sale and non registered... they don't check, or care for that matter, as long as your record is clear of any violent offenses, you'll be sent on your way. Ammo is usually bought by the 1000 pack, and very abundant. I just bought a 1000 pack of 5.56 for my AR for $500, brass casings.
RID... (Remote ID) for Drones was supposed to be in effect Sept 16th, but the FAA has now moved that to like April 2024. I went ahead and bought a DroneTag over the Summer... I don't know what good it really does. I tested it out, and it only broadcasts for about 300 yards of clear line of site.
Yeah, the legal market got bad here. WAAYYYY over saturated. I believe this strain was 10th Planet.Wtf I would let you fuck my side chick for a unit of that shit lol! What strain was that sexy bud?
Looks amazing!Yeah, the legal market got bad here. WAAYYYY over saturated. I believe this strain was 10th Planet.
Yessir!.. it was one of our favs..... we kinda held a bit back.Looks amazing!
What's the high like?Yessir!.. it was one of our favs..... we kinda held a bit back.