Blaze & Daze

Home from the parent's house for the holidays. Came home, yep I'm a grower in week 7; we got hit in the face with dank when we walked in the door. Life is as it always is, had our annual appliance holiday failure. So we got a new freezer today, the food is safe and the 14 year old freezer is dead and gone.

Other than that, just another holiday giving corp. America our income for stuff the kids will throw away in less than 5 years. Oh well, they were happy bouncing Iron Man off the new skateboard, the matriarch felt loved and didn't biatch too much about my desire to move to the other side of the country. We got home in record time, didn't get pulled over, and I poured the sleeping wife and child out of the car in time for their schedules today.
I call that a successful holiday.

Now to deal with the wife's desire to do something for the annual celebration of humanities successfully transit riding a rock in a parabola around a self sustaining nuke, again.
Happy holidays :fire:
... Some people make a huge impact on the way we are in life ...
He was intense from first pitch to final out. Coach hated losing more than I did. But once we shook hands with our opponents and headed to the bar, he was totally different dude. That intensity quickly softened into jocularity. He helped me to learn to accept defeat - it was just a baseball game - and fostered the "we'll get them next game" attitude.

Do any of you folks have that one person who's laugh is infectious AF? That was Coach.