What did you consumer fucks buy today?

We have 3 cats that catch a lot of mice. The old girl is 18 now so doesn't get many but still tries...

18 years old, that is fucking awesome, knowing the environment you're in!

Haven't had a cat in many years because of our dogs, so we're waging war with mice right now, because it's getting colder outside and they're wanting to get warmer inside. :o
WTF is a nugmasher? Some sort of grinder thing?

Goddamn new shit coming out everyday it seems. Hard for an old boomer like me to keep up. :)

From one Boomer to another, it's basically a fucking hydraulic press that we used to use to jack up cars, but now they use to compress buds with great pressure and low heat to squeeze out all of the resin from the buds, to make concentrate.

Did an old dumbass Boomer get this right, millennials? :p
Tho I haven't paid for it yet I got a text about an hour ago from a professional rod building guy visited a month ago that the cork cutting jig set I got him to order for me is in. Getting back into building fishing rods after nearly 40 years and want to make my own custom built rod grips. Would have cost me $250US plus 30% exchange plus duty plus shipping so around $500Can by the time it got to me. He got it for $121US so I'll get it for about $250Can off of him. I'll be needing lots of corks and he's planning on making a big order in January and there's another guy like me wants lots of corks too so I'll make up an order, (few hundred dollars worth), from the place in Portugal he orders from and get those a lot cheaper too. Lots of other parts I need for the 10 rod blanks I should be getting soon so he's going to save me a ton of money.

Could just buy ready made grips from China or something but if I'm going to go through all the trouble of building my own rods each one is going to be a one-of-a-kind thing.

This is the kit I'm getting.


This is the first grip I ever made a couple months ago for a 5wt fly rod I'm still working on. Just ordered enough corks to make this up on a DIY lathe and shaped it to fit my hand just right.



With the jig set and lots more corks I can make stuff like these I downloaded off the web.



I want a table of corks like this guys!


Been sitting around for years since I stopped working a couple years before I hit 65 due to health issues. Tying flies, building rods and going fishing was my obsession before I got foolishly involved in computers in my 30s when I went back to school for chemistry that never paid off.

I'm only 69 now and should still have a few good years left so getting back to my roots and going to have fun with what time I have left! Quit drinking 2 and half years ago so need something to fill up the time not wasted being wasted or recovering from being wasted. Wasted way too much of my life on that shit. :(

Tired of growing lots of pot too so will keep that down to a few plants in one grow per year. Have lots stored up in the freezer to make oil with so that's another project to get done this winter which still hasn't showed up yet.

From one Boomer to another, it's basically a fucking hydraulic press that we used to use to jack up cars, but now they use to compress buds with great pressure and low heat to squeeze out all of the resin from the buds, to make concentrate.

Did an old dumbass Boomer get this right, millennials? :p

I grok the rosin press thing but don't know the various names they have. I still like my solvent extracts. I bet after pressing there's still lots of resin stuck in the pot that could be pulled out with a bath in solvent. I don't smoke much pot any more other than a few hits in my pipe in the late evening. Much prefer edibles especially lots of CBD for my arthritis so if I make all my pot into oil I can use that in all sorts of stuff.

Been sitting around for years since I stopped working a couple years before I hit 65 due to health issues. Tying flies, building rods and going fishing was my obsession before I got foolishly involved in computers in my 30s when I went back to school for chemistry that never paid off.

I'm only 69 now and should still have a few good years left so getting back to my roots and going to have fun with what time I have left! Quit drinking 2 and half years ago so need something to fill up the time not wasted being wasted or recovering from being wasted. Wasted way too much of my life on that shit. :(

Tired of growing lots of pot too so will keep that down to a few plants in one grow per year. Have lots stored up in the freezer to make oil with so that's another project to get done this winter which still hasn't showed up yet.


Even though I'm in trout fishing heaven where I live in the SouthEast U.S., I was always a largemouth bass fishing fan, back in the day when I lived in Florida. But I always heard how the fly fishing folks were just addicted.:cool:

Glad you quit drinking. When you do too much of that shit, it will kill you. Like I always tell my kids, when you've got a grandfather, a father, and a brother who died of alcoholism, it doesn't take a genius to figure out it runs in the family. My compromise was / is to only drink alcohol during the major holidays, and there are eight of 'em per year for me.

Tuesday is not a holiday. :shock:

Glad you've got so much stored up for the future, that's what I'm trying to do now. At some point in the future, I'm not going to be physically able to do all the manual stuff required for a 8x4 and a 5x5 tent, like I do now.

But for me, since I'm still physically in good shape, gardening is the best exercise and mental challenge that I can ever imagine.

If I didn't develop cannabis, I'd get old and die.;)
I grok the rosin press thing but don't know the various names they have. I still like my solvent extracts. I bet after pressing there's still lots of resin stuck in the pot that could be pulled out with a bath in solvent. I don't smoke much pot any more other than a few hits in my pipe in the late evening. Much prefer edibles especially lots of CBD for my arthritis so if I make all my pot into oil I can use that in all sorts of stuff.

You are absolutely on point about that! the "pucks" as they are often called are very often soaked in a solvent afterwards to make sure to get everything possible out of them!
Even though I'm in trout fishing heaven where I live in the SouthEast U.S., I was always a largemouth bass fishing fan, back in the day when I lived in Florida. But I always heard how the fly fishing folks were just addicted.:cool:

Glad you quit drinking. When you do too much of that shit, it will kill you. Like I always tell my kids, when you've got a grandfather, a father, and a brother who died of alcoholism, it doesn't take a genius to figure out it runs in the family. My compromise was / is to only drink alcohol during the major holidays, and there are eight of 'em per year for me.

Tuesday is not a holiday. :shock:

Glad you've got so much stored up for the future, that's what I'm trying to do now. At some point in the future, I'm not going to be physically able to do all the manual stuff required for a 8x4 and a 5x5 tent, like I do now.

But for me, since I'm still physically in good shape, gardening is the best exercise and mental challenge that I can ever imagine.

If I didn't develop cannabis, I'd get old and die.;)

I grew up in the lower mainland of BC where my grandfather used to take out with him when I was about 4 or 5. He'd set me down on the bank with a worm and bobber while he cast his fly rod close by. I just loved watching him cast that thing and now I'm casting it for him. He died when I was only 8 or 9 but had me hooked on fishing by then. He had a little cobbler shop down the road from where they lived in Vancouver and I loved watching him make and repair shoes. I wonder what they did with that shop after he passed and must ask my 96yo mom if she knows.

I was adopted and the little info I have about my birth father says he was a heavy drinker so I kept that mess going. Just a party drinker until I was nearly killed in a hammer attack in my early 20s then it got a lot worse. PTSD, chronic depression and little help from doctors other than meds that made things worse. Pot helped over the years but booze was my main thing for self-medicating. Micro dosing with 'shrooms got rid of the worst of the depression and about 6 months after that just stopped drinking. No white-knuckling it or any cravings since and I'm still gradually feeling a little better as time passes and my brain heals from all the damage it received being pickled half the time. I have two sons that also suffer with #2 being a junkie living on the streets since he was 16 and left after we moved up here. The other one is barely holding it together after years dealing with a vindictive ex and bled white for child support and everything else she can get the courts to ding him for. I try not to wish ill of anyone but I'll dance in the streets if she comes to a bad end. The boy's mother took off when they were just 8 and 10 so I didn't get dinged for child support nor did I ever get any from her. I'm fine with that as I didn't have to deal with her any more. I wasn't great at being a single dad but we stayed together and always end convos with mutual, I love yous so I didn't totally screw up. :)

I'm still pretty spry for an old guy but growing pot isn't the focus any more. Once I can get more room in the shop to set up my exercise gear I'm whipping myself into better shape over the winter a little at a time. Got weights and bench, stair stepper and a recumbent bike to work with and luckily no extra weight to work off. Need to put some of the lost muscle back on so better get at it. :)

Hijacking the hell out of this thread I think. lol

Sadly still nothing shipped from Nugsmasher very disappointing :-( I know it's the holiday season and they are a smallish business but damn it's been...2 weeks now since my initial order, and I spent over 2 grand on all of this.... maybe they are actually upgrading me but I doubt it.
Saw a picture of me at about 3 years old with a Norther Pike on a stringer and big smile on my face. Arthritis in my hands keeps me from casting crank baits or spinners all day, knots are the worst.

Same here with arthritis in my hands pretty bad. Tying thin tippets on with a blood knot takes a lot more concentration now. Not so bad with 6lb test and up for spinners and spoons. I hate when I'm in the middle of a tie and my thumb joint will go into a painful lock mode and I need my other hand to bend it back into place. Still worth the trouble to get out there and do some fishing. :)

Sadly still nothing shipped from Nugsmasher very disappointing :-( I know it's the holiday season and they are a smallish business but damn it's been...2 weeks now since my initial order, and I spent over 2 grand on all of this.... maybe they are actually upgrading me but I doubt it.
Wow STILL nothing from nugsmasher.. so far I would say customer service is at a 0... the machine (I guess if I ever get it..) better be amazing but if it breaks or I need anything with it guessing this "customer service" will be the same.