Livin in ease central! My idea the other day went into effect just now. No longer having aches when reservoir runs low knowing I have a big ol job to do refilling it.
Use pump with head on it to drain to .8”, then I can tip it over to dump the rest in bucket which I just toss into drain tub. I asked manufacture if thats ok they said yes, just dont move it with a lot of water in it as it can drag into a splinter and poke through with those pressures.
Pucture resistant but not proof. But I will take that over the risks with things not meant to hold that much weight over time.
I over tightened the spout so it cracked but they are sending new one since unusual. It says “as tight as you can” but be weary it can crack. No leaks from spout knowing that now but the cracked ring did leak a bit due to failing, so make it tight but not literally as tight as you can.
Just turn pump half way down or use 400gph pump in a bucket full to brim in the tub. Tubing from there all the way to reservoir. Just sit back and make sure to turn off in time.
Then roll it up and put away. That is my new routine and review of these reservoirs. Very happy with them. This is much easier and currently seeing if its faster, so far it is. I can see how far up I can turn the pump to speed up process but cannot exceed flow of water going into bucket from the tub.
Used to take 45 mins to an hr if someone walks into bathroom to use it BUT like I said, I have the idea of two extention cords to hang outside of bathroom so I can emergancy shut off water. Welp, sitting back typing all this, 16 mins in and the reservoir is at 45/55 gallons. Woohoo! Ease central!
I went from that to filling a trash bin on dolly to lug to reservoir and repeat. 20 gal at a time, filling trash bin five gal at a time so 12 times. Waiting to unload inbetween.
Edit It is loaded, dosing nutes right now but pretty much done, about 30 mins vs 1hr. I dont think that includes emptying reservoir prior but that was like 5 mins. I spent time getting the setup ready for first time at that so perhaps I could do this even faster but one things for sure, this is a lot easier.
If I had to pick something to pick on with new setup is that the hose is 40ft so need to bleed out water but was fine just rolling it up anf forcing it out that way. Thats not a big deal. I can multi task way better with this.