Well-Known Member
Yes, absolutely you can use that 554 phone set on your landline.
Telephony lingo may be foreign to most - but chemistry jargon would mesmerize me.
My grade 3 teacher wanted me to become a doctor. Then she bought me a Radio Shack kit. (I delivered the London Free Press before school - age 8 - she was my best customer and an instrumental influence looking back.) Electronics became my passion, with a lifetime of learning using technology. From humble beginnings, I've had a charmed life.
Probably a much more rewarding career than trying to deal with the medical system and the mountains of paperwork to get the simplest things done.
Luckily I've forgotten most of the chemical jargon and can almost talk like normal people now.

I'll have to find that splitter and see about getting this phone working. Another winter project to add to my list.