Recommend me a lower potency stain

Tangie and its crosses, purple punch is pretty weak. Really orange anything is usually weaker ime
Agreed except killer orange i found a few potent phenos in that from realgorillaseeds thats proly down to the Malawi in it mind you but i agree i do find most orange terp type strains tend to be milder vs say chems or ogs for example
Agreed except killer orange i found a few potent phenos in that from realgorillaseeds thats proly down to the Malawi in it mind you but i agree i do find most orange terp type strains tend to be milder vs say chems or ogs for example
I was gonna say this one exception was called African Orange, my buddy had it in southern Humboldt and that shit was killer! I wonder if they were related
Agreed except killer orange i found a few potent phenos in that from realgorillaseeds thats proly down to the Malawi in it mind you but i agree i do find most orange terp type strains tend to be milder vs say chems or ogs for example

grew that one myself, good smoke.

grape lime skunk by meangene is around a 1:1 thc/cbd, its was very mild mellow buzz and smelled and tasted wonderful. very grape soda like terps
grew that one myself, good smoke.

grape lime skunk by meangene is around a 1:1 thc/cbd, its was very mild mellow buzz and smelled and tasted wonderful. very grape soda like terps
Yeah panik has some good gear think that was one that was made by one of his friends tho i do know its aces killer malawi used in it hence the killer orange moniker
i would sugest you experiment with cbd and ganja, you can buy the concentrated form of cbd powder, go for the full spectru one, take a dose of the powder, wait an hour and have smaller and less tokes on a spliff, the CBD counteracts the THC, so you dont get that extream affects from it
you could try a pure SATIVA strain and just have one toke at a time till you get to that sweet spot, i thaught i wanted something with less thc in it, turns out i dont want the indica affects, just pure sativa
Looking for something low key to grow outdoors @44n, preferably feminized. I haven’t been smoking too much lately and lots of newer stains seem to be too much sometimes. I’d appreciate any recommendations!
friscian duck looks different and high is not strong. or maybe that doctor strain she has single leaf... i think she is allsoo not too strong was breed for looks
hsc blueberry muffin is a contender, whilst you can a get a strong one in amongst it, most plants come out lower potency and the taste is like sweet blue syrup.
So does the growers ability and it’s mostly noobs growing autos.

I wouldn’t say every autoflower is weak! If you do you clearly haven’t tried the right strain/grown it properly ;)
Correct! It's all in the hands of the grower.

But expertly grown autos are still weak to me. I just feel un-high, like annoyingly un-high. It makes me want to smoke real weed badly lol. Just me I'm sure but I'll stick to regular strains.
I have friends who dabble with autos. Longtime growers who produce excellent cannabis. The autos I have sampled from them leave me wanting. While being frosty, dense, aromatic and excellent tasting, I get the same feeling of wanting to be high.

I have grown autos but horribly and need to experiment more some day but from friends I have sampled well grown examples of Dutch Passion, Mephisto (which were the all around best of the autos I've tried), Taste buds, Fastbuds, and others.

The strains I'd try to dial in and held some promise regarding potency while sacrificing yield were Afterthought autos. Definitely the most potent autos I've tried. They still left that undercurrent of un-high for me though.

Full disclosure, I smoke A LOT of potent proper pot. So it has to be some fine cannabis to satisfy my picky ass haha