The pheno hunters unsolved mystery

I’ve never had the issue. I grow seeds, clone what I like then I take clone from the clone from the clone. Always the same flavor and smell.

Either you are harvesting at different time as in early, or your dry and cure is different or maybe you are just mislabeling your clones.
Maybe you take clones when seedlings are more mature, i tried harvesting the clones earlier, same time and later with no difference. Dry and cure is pretty much always the same but i always take a sample off the finished product when growing seedlings and dry it quick and taste is always there but its harsh to the throat so that ruled out the drying and curing hypothesis. As for mislabeling, Im very vigilant and no saying it’s impossible but when 99% of the time i have the same problem with hundreds of genetics i can rule that out too.
Clones are clones.... Not sure what you're trying to get at here.
In case you havent researched clones, they are genetically identical to the parent... Sorry if you already have
If you’re not sure where im getting at then please reread my initial post. I understand that clones are clones/genetic copy of the parent which is why this is odd as fuck. I’ll try vegging longer clones and if that doesn’t work I’ll have to veg my seedling for an extra month or two before taking cuttings. Maybe the plant at 8 weeks is not at its full potential genetically.
You didn't mention that before, harvesting a plant 10 days earlier or 10days late can be a massive difference. You got pictures of these clones your growing and them as seed plant, both at the point just before harvest.
No i don’t, I threw my last mother clone outdoors and it’s a real beast right now. Got so fed up i left all my seeds in the fridge and said fuck it for now. Went to Ontario and got clones. No more problems
Actually i forgot that i still have a kunts mother clone that i haven’t flowered as a clone yet so i can’t tell if that one too lost its flavour but i wouldn’t doubt it. I will be running both the mother and the clones to see if there is a difference.
There is one other thing you might want to look into eliminating. A virus. When you are taking cuttings are you cleaning your cutting equipment between each cutt. Is there any rust or any resin on the cutting instrument. Are you cloning in a tank were they share the same water source. Is all your equipment including anything you use to hold or transfer water or hold the plants and cutts all sterilized. There are viruses known that can cause dudding or miniture growth or pests that can get into and around the roots that can transfer viruses and cause stubby and thick unnatural root growth. There is a virus going around the usa that is know to have effected a large percentage of plants and seeds and clones that have been spread. The virus causes lower yields, bland scents and bland potency. There are other viruses and pests that can cause similar issues. With the virus in the usa its even known to have effected in some areas tap water sources. If a virus like that is the cause no mater what you do all plants will quickly get effected as its on the equipment, surfaces, pots ect. I remember when dark heart started to bring awareness to this, it was too late by the time they found out and wasnt easy to work out. Plants had already been passed out every were for some time and many producers had already produced flower for many cycles that had reached the dispensaries and private use community. Dark heart had to completely shut down there facilities and destroy everything an go into deep clean and then quarantine. Would probably be a nother thing you should look into.
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If it would have been a virus then I would have seen duds or irregularities in plant growth and bud structure or lower thc. Im not seeing any of this and highly doubt that the virus would affect the taste only after taking cuttings from cuttings
I've known a couple breeders that say for maximum terpene expression a plant should be vegged for 60 days at least. It's not scientific, but I find longer vegged plants to have the better terps among multiple runs of the same clones in my experience.
I promise you it's a big difference
I just smoked a sample of my mother (1st generation clone). the first clone made from the seedlings. I must have taken hundreds of clones from this plant. It was almost a year old and the plant was too big so instead of trashing it, I threw it outdoors. It turned into a real monster/tree. Taste was very similar to the clones indoors so I guess I can rule out your theory.
There is one other thing you might want to look into eliminating. A virus. When you are taking cuttings are you cleaning your cutting equipment between each cutt. Is there any rust or any resin on the cutting instrument. Are you cloning in a tank were they share the same water source. Is all your equipment including anything you use to hold or transfer water or hold the plants and cutts all sterilized. There are viruses known that can cause dudding or miniture growth or pests that can get into and around the roots that can transfer viruses and cause stubby and thick unnatural root growth. There is a virus going around the usa that is know to have effected a large percentage of plants and seeds and clones that have been spread. The virus causes lower yields, bland scents and bland potency. There are other viruses and pests that can cause similar issues. With the virus in the usa its even known to have effected in some areas tap water sources. If a virus like that is the cause no mater what you do all plants will quickly get effected as its on the equipment, surfaces, pots ect. I remember when dark heart started to bring awareness to this, it was too late by the time they found out and wasnt easy to work out. Plants had already been passed out every were for some time and many producers had already produced flower for many cycles that had reached the dispensaries and private use community. Dark heart had to completely shut down there facilities and destroy everything an go into deep clean and then quarantine. Would probably be a nother thing you should look into.
Just for fun I used my camera to zoom in on trichomes. I did not find any deflated trichome heads so all roads lead to plant maturity. I will have to take clones from seedlings after at least 4 months of veg. This will be my last test and phenohunt because its not even worth it anymore. I will be buying clones from now on.
Just for fun I used my camera to zoom in on trichomes. I did not find any deflated trichome heads so all roads lead to plant maturity. I will have to take clones from seedlings after at least 4 months of veg. This will be my last test and phenohunt because its not even worth it anymore. I will be buying clones from now on.
With some virus there is no viable symptoms like deflated tricromes. Its when you finish growing the taste and potency isnt there and the scent toned down. People in the usa were selling this bud in the dispensaries and had been for was getting down the line because there were no visual identification(apart from lower yeild and los of vigor but it happens slow were sometimes it isnt noticable unless you have a healthy plant next to it for comparison. They realized wen it just kept growing crappie stuff no mater what they tried and finally they ended up testing for a specific virus found in other plant and it was done through a lab. If there were visually identifiers they would of picked it up before it managed to spread everywere. Im sure there was even talk of it being in the public water source somewere in canada too. A plant is mature when it naturally sexes. By the time you get to a clone of a clone its more than mature already. Anyway good luck, hope you solve the issue.
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I just smoked a sample of my mother (1st generation clone). the first clone made from the seedlings. I must have taken hundreds of clones from this plant. It was almost a year old and the plant was too big so instead of trashing it, I threw it outdoors. It turned into a real monster/tree. Taste was very similar to the clones indoors so I guess I can rule out your theory.
This here is a muture plant, you taking a cutting from a year old seed plant is exactly the same as a year old cutting. Actually the genetic age of the cutting mother you had would be older as its come from a seed plant that you would have also grown out till the cutting was taken, so add that age on to the age of how long the plant material has been alive.
Just out of curiosity, what strain you growing and were do you get your seeds from please ? Thanks. Maybe you prefer seed plants, so just growing from seed might be a solution.
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