I bought 2 clones from Florra Terra. One runts, and one Jealousy. I transitioned them outdoors and they started budding early. They won't grow five fingers. Mostly only one. There's these little white flies. Powder mold and something else with the leaves. I'll try to attach photos
Where are you located and how much sun are you getting a day. They went back into veg or revegged due to too many hours of light or serious light pollution at night.
I live in Santa rosa. That makes sense. My kitchen light hits then a little every night. And now I'm struggling to get sun at all... thank you for your help
I live in Santa rosa. That makes sense. My kitchen light hits then a little every night. And now I'm struggling to get sun at all... thank you for your help
You might be better off starting fresh seeds if possible as the reverse process takes awhile to get back to full flower and the plants ends up stressed and not producing very well. If not try to ensure they're as dark as possible during the night. Best of luck!