where is the truly strong indica from pre 2017.

They are better yes but there still not as potent as photo plants ime photos always win for potency
damn. can get by with 18% but these autos are not even 6%. a guess.
They are better yes but there still not as potent as photo plants ime photos always win for potency
After 40 years you need something like this.

you know it buddy. truth is the last lb. of the good weed ran out 1 yr ago so zero buzz for a year and it hurts real bad. im not tryna source but truth is id pay 500 for a zip of the good shit right now, but seriously gonna have to put some photos in the tent and hurry up n wait. peace
damn. can get by with 18% but these autos are not even 6%. a guess.

you know it buddy. truth is the last lb. of the good weed ran out 1 yr ago so zero buzz for a year and it hurts real bad. im not tryna source but truth is id pay 500 for a zip of the good shit right now, but seriously gonna have to put some photos in the tent and hurry up n wait. peace
Idk the deal with autos cos truly thc content alone in photo stuff means fuckall ime its everything in combination this is why some 30% thc strains dont do the damage some at 25% do cos the other cannabinoids flavonoids terpenes thiols fatty acids and possibly the vegetal matter even all in combo is where the magics at i tried the early autos and vs what we have now there alot better now but i still feel like there lacking something vs photos dont get me wrong i have had some semi autos that were good but there just extremely photo sensitive plants rather than true autos (day neutral plants)
Well whatever indica you choose let it get fully ripe if its bed time stuff your after that makes a huge difference you want plenty of amber as cbn is the shit for sleep 2.5 milligrams is roughly eqaul to 10 milligrams of valium so its worth remembering that
amber is what we need, yes. Lordy lordy that vallium is a bitxh of a pill. Thx
Idk the deal with autos cos truly thc content alone in photo stuff means fuckall ime its everything in combination this is why some 30% thc strains dont do the damage some at 25% do cos the other cannabinoids flavonoids terpenes thiols fatty acids and possibly the vegetal matter even all in combo is where the magics at i tried the early autos and vs what we have now there alot better now but i still feel like there lacking something vs photos dont get me wrong i have had some semi autos that were good but there just extremely photo sensitive plants rather than true autos (day neutral plants)
Gotcha. Thx
amber is what we need, yes. Lordy lordy that vallium is a bitxh of a pill. Thx
Not my thing either i steer clear of benzos and opioids just stated it as a frame of reference i got adhd myself i dont take any meds i only use cannabis my sleeps up and down and always will be but nothing else works for me than a nice well done bit of indica ive tried everything and yeah thats been my experience if u can get a proper chem or hindu kush or herijuana that might help and on a side note do u grow indoors or out?
Not my thing either i steer clear of benzos and opioids just stated it as a frame of reference i got adhd myself i dont take any meds i only use cannabis my sleeps up and down and always will be but nothing else works for me than a nice well done bit of indica ive tried everything and yeah thats been my experience if u can get a proper chem or hindu kush or herijuana that might help and on a side note do u grow indoors or out?
No sleeps a bitch. Just got free of benzos after 3 years tapering. An absolute m*********** of an endeavor. Don't wish it on anyone. Would rather be addicted to opies 10 times over any day of the week and twice on Sundays.
I'm indoors. Started this grow thing as a last resort 1 yr ago. Actually thot it was my fault for the weeds being weak 3 grows later and on the fourth which I ripped out last night thanks to you guys. we're gonna recalibrate the compass so we're pointed at afghan photos.
No sleeps a bitch. Just got free of benzos after 3 years tapering. An absolute m*********** of an endeavor. Don't wish it on anyone. Would rather be addicted to opies 10 times over any day of the week and twice on Sundays.
I'm indoors. Started this grow thing as a last resort 1 yr ago. Actually thot it was my fault for the weeds being weak 3 grows later and on the fourth which I ripped out last night thanks to you guys. we're gonna recalibrate the compass so we're pointed at afghan photos.
Well if your inside you got more options but yes a nice ghani or chem is a good bet and yeah no sleep sucks but im used to it ive had this problem my whole life im ok once im asleep i sleep ok it's just switching the brain off to get to sleep i struggle more with
Well if your inside you got more options but yes a nice ghani or chem is a good bet and yeah no sleep sucks but im used to it ive had this problem my whole life im ok once im asleep i sleep ok it's just switching the brain off to get to sleep i struggle more with
Takes forever to fall asleep and then it's 2-3 hrs and that's all she wrote. Devastating.
I am pretty much the same-
Crap load of screws and hardware in my spine plus nerve damage makes it difficult to get comfortable.
The cookies work great for me.
I wish you were closer- I have plenty of everything to share
damn bro i feel you. that neve pain all day n all nite, the bone on bone, the muscle aches. wish i were closer, too. be well
Nice. Thanks for all the info especially that last line regarding sativa and Coach lock LOL. Looking for an indica heavy duty over here. Have not slept for more than 2 hours straight in almost 6 months after quitting sleeping pills I was on for 30 years. I need sleep in a bad bad way. There has to be one of these fancy genetics joints in Canada because the ones I looked at in the USA can be up to 8 weeks shipping if I even get it. Again appreciate all that

You didnt look at the vendors I told you to look at. They will send your stuff out by a few days after getting payment.
Its NOT, going to take 8 weeks to get you stuff from any of the companies I just mentioned. I just Used Hemp Depot a few months ago, and they got me my beans in 4 days after they sent them. Im in USA.
I also ordered some original Wilie Nelson seeds 10 days ago from Canada, and the guy got my money in 8-9 days. Hes sending the beans out today. Probably take 4-5 days to get here.

No way any of those venders I mentioned would take even a month to get your order. I cant see it taking longer than 10 days to get your beans from the USA, to Canada. After they get the money.
Idk the deal with autos cos truly thc content alone in photo stuff means fuckall ime its everything in combination this is why some 30% thc strains dont do the damage some at 25% do cos the other cannabinoids flavonoids terpenes thiols fatty acids and possibly the vegetal matter even all in combo is where the magics at i tried the early autos and vs what we have now there alot better now but i still feel like there lacking something vs photos dont get me wrong i have had some semi autos that were good but there just extremely photo sensitive plants rather than true autos (day neutral plants)
Yeah things have become pretty complicated. Not like a decade ago when there was one number, THC, and it was very accurate. Thx
Damn I was just lookin at hemp depot/bean hoarder, at their blockhead and johnnie blaze crosses, and widow and other nostalgic F2s. Don’t tempt me. My list keeps growing
grabbed some beans from medman(hemp depot)out of B.C. and 2 diff ounces he sells. Weed was like smoking air. Nuther rip-off never grew his seeds bc the weed sucked.
Steering clear of hemp depot for now.
There has to be a breeder in Canada that has powerful Afghan. Bean hoarder sounds like he's worthy of investigating. THX
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Another I forgot is

Authentic Genetics.
One of the best deals out there right now is.
Authentic Genetics NL2.
Hes got 50 NL2 for $100 USD. $2 a seed

He also has Purest Indica. AKA Steve Murphys Afghani. It is one of the Original building blocks of NL5. Its the Indica side of NL5, that was originally used.
Niiice. Thx
You didnt look at the vendors I told you to look at. They will send your stuff out by a few days after getting payment.
Its NOT, going to take 8 weeks to get you stuff from any of the companies I just mentioned. I just Used Hemp Depot a few months ago, and they got me my beans in 4 days after they sent them. Im in USA.
I also ordered some original Wilie Nelson seeds 10 days ago from Canada, and the guy got my money in 8-9 days. Hes sending the beans out today. Probably take 4-5 days to get here.

No way any of those venders I mentioned would take even a month to get your order. I cant see it taking longer than 10 days to get your beans from the USA, to Canada. After they get the money.
Ya, man, you are correct. Was looking at them and got sidetracked to another breeder who's delivery time was possibly 8.weeks.
That authentic genetics has a helluva story on that site. I like the sound of Purest indica. Sounds like strictly sleep meds. Appreciate all the typing you did and now have a cart full of #1 and #2. Now we gotta lose the auto grow knowledge and focus on photo grow info. Can these even be grown with Gaia green?
Was keeping it organic but have no qualms about chemicals for now.
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