How do my seedlings look?

I be tripping though! I'm going to post my temp and humidity as well. How much longer should I leave them in the tray? I'm transplanting into Fox Farm ocean with a little bit of salamander mixed in.
When should I move them to their final pots? Around day 14 or so? Only thing I have put on them beside water is rapid start by general hydroponics, at only 1/4 dosage.
I actually just repotted them. Using Fox farm Ocean Forest with about 25% salamander mixed in. At the top I just used some Happy Frog when I planted them. The only thing that I am giving them besides pH water is some rapid start by general hydroponics. Even that I'm only using it at 1/3 strength. Any input or help would be great.


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Yes, they are actually 6 days old today. 5 gorilla cookies and 5 banana purple punch from 420. I'm still learning about how to watch for the different ailments before it gets to late.
I've pH the water to around 6.3. I've heard between 6 and 6.5 for soil so i shot the gap.
Any tips are appreciated.
Yes, they are actually 6 days old today. 5 gorilla cookies and 5 banana purple punch from 420. I'm still learning about how to watch for the different ailments before it gets to late.
I've pH the water to around 6.3. I've heard between 6 and 6.5 for soil so i shot the gap.
Any tips are appreciated.

Looking good so far!
Here is what it looks like today. The one I put in the cup just as a test is actually outpacing the others. That is interesting. Here is what my water Ph and ppm look like.


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They look good my man.
I noticed with my seedlings if they had too much water the stems would turn in color, once I gave em less they went back to bright green and once the roots were developed properly they didn't have that issue anymore.

That's all I have to say pretty much except ofc: BEST OF LUCK!!! May your buds be winners!

kind regards
Looks good. Interestingly enough, I have on that's about twice as old on hydro, and this is where it was growth-wise about 6 days ago. Now it's putting out true leaves with 5 fingers!
Beautiful healthy seedlings. Good job bro. Make sure you dont overwater; its the number 1 mistakes noobies make.