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Why the U.S. and China Are Racing to Secure Lithium | WSJ U.S. vs. China
What do you expect 8 billion people to do, die? We are on a technological ride into the future with no getting off once the genie has been let out of the bottle. Technology got us into this shit, and it will get us out, no choice about that, if it doesn't a lot of people will die in the coming decades, a lot of people will any way, but maybe we can keep a lid on it. Technology goes back to using fire and later agriculture, you can no longer "check out" people do go back to the land, but they work themselves nearly to death just to survive and become postmodern peasants. Communities do better, but even they have a hard time of it. The industrial revolution never started in the 19th century it just accelerated then, it has been going on for a long time.Fighting the problem of the system with a product of the same system... green energy consepts...these make me wanna bulge my eyes out for that reason.
To mention the unheard choise to be made; apex must refrain itself for the lesser intelligence. We already fail within our own species.
as a man of science, this is a futile conversation IMHO
What do you expect 8 billion people to do, die? We are on a technological ride into the future with no getting off once the genie has been let out of the bottle. Technology got us into this shit, and it will get us out, no choice about that, if it doesn't a lot of people will die in the coming decades, a lot of people will any way, but maybe we can keep a lid on it. Technology goes back to using fire and later agriculture, you can no longer "check out" people do go back to the land, but they work themselves nearly to death just to survive and become postmodern peasants. Communities do better, but even they have a hard time of it. The industrial revolution never started in the 19th century it just accelerated then, it has been going on for a long time.
As for failing our own species, the better we live, and the more women are emancipated the lower our birth rate and population is expected to crash in 100 years or less. If we are still around as a global technological civilization in a couple of hundred years, there will be a Helluva lot less of us than there are today.
Its the 3rd or close to no vertebrae. Choose wisely?Lots of conditions there... I don't expect anything more than the 3rd.
And you're right, we got no choise about what to Try.
We are evolving politically (believe it or not) and technologically and are at the beginning of an energy revolution and over the next 20 years will convert from fossil fuels to other sources and energy storage. IMO extreme weather events will help to drive this change politically, not being able to get house insurance because of climate change brings the reality home for many. We have little choice in this moving forward and it's not just the west, China and India are or will be making serious efforts to go green, so will others. In 10 years, you won't be able to buy a new ICE light vehicle in most places, it will be mostly EVs sold. The car companies know this and are converting while the battery factories are springing up like mushrooms and the price of solar continues to drop with mass production, so will the cost of batteries.Its the 3rd or close to no vertebrae. Choose wisely?
We are evolving politically (believe it or not) and technologically and are at the beginning of an energy revolution and over the next 20 years will convert from fossil fuels to other sources and energy storage. IMO extreme weather events will help to drive this change politically, not being able to get house insurance because of climate change brings the reality home for many. We have little choice in this moving forward and it's not just the west, China and India are or will be making serious efforts to go green, so will others. In 10 years, you won't be able to buy a new ICE light vehicle in most places, it will be mostly EVs sold. The car companies know this and are converting while the battery factories are springing up like mushrooms and the price of solar continues to drop with mass production, so will the cost of batteries.
It's always been the psychological issues that control the kind of locomotion we are talking here. Indeed we scale it down as it is the only way possible - semantics as we view segragation, cognitive dissonance and a load of other defects quite unsolvable until we all are koombayah on Tellus. The incoherence is immense to rely such logic. I rest my case, carry on. This wasn't any personal attack, consernes the thread.
(Hermeneutic circle)
Integral theory - Wikipedia
In English: We are too stupid
What is your specialty?Fighting the problem of the system with a product of the same system... green energy consepts...these make me wanna bulge my eyes out for that reason.
To mention the unheard choise to be made; apex must restrain itself for the lesser intelligence. We already fail within our own species.
as a man of science, this is a futile conversation IMHO
Our technology is evolving faster than we can adapt socially it would appear, fast changing technology drives social change and there are more older people living longer lives these days. There is bound to be mostly generational conflict, and conflict among those who can grow and adapt as they age and those who cannot overcome their early conditioning and they can be used by others with nefarious intentions. Those who learn and grow tend to be liberal, those who do not tend to be conservative as they age, but some people start out as assholes and stay that way until they die.It's always been the psychological issues that control the kind of locomotion we are talking here. Indeed we scale it down as it is the only way possible - semantics as we view segragation, cognitive dissonance and a load of other defects quite unsolvable until we all are koombayah on Tellus. The incoherence is immense to rely such logic. I rest my case, carry on. This wasn't any personal attack, consernes the thread.
(Hermeneutic circle)
Integral theory - Wikipedia
In English: We are too stupid
I suspect conflict over resources (potable water, arable land) will emerge and perhaps dominate as the climate starts having seizures.Our technology is evolving faster than we can adapt socially it would appear, fast changing technology drives social change and there are more older people living longer lives these days. There is bound to be mostly generational conflict, and conflict among those who can grow and adapt as they age and those who cannot overcome their early conditioning and they can be used by others with nefarious intentions. Those who learn and grow tend to be liberal, those who do not tend to be conservative as they age, but some people start out as assholes and stay that way until they die.
It's one of the reasons I reposted about those water condensing towers on the sea as a way out, but extreme weather would be hard on massive structures anchored into the seabed. Water means life and away for costal desert areas to grow more food, IMO it is an excellent idea that needs to be studied and exploited if found feasible.I suspect conflict over resources (potable water, arable land) will emerge and perhaps dominate as the climate starts having seizures.
Coastal desert is not to be treated as “valueless until developed”. Some wonderful and fragile ecosystems are unique to these areas and deserve protection.It's one of the reasons I reposted about those water condensing towers on the sea as a way out, but extreme weather would be hard on massive structures anchored into the seabed. Water means life and away for costal desert areas to grow more food, IMO it is an excellent idea that needs to be studied and exploited if found feasible.
I figure in 50 years few will be working because of technology and a hundred years after that there will be a lot fewer of us. It is getting from here to there that will be the issue, socially, politically, economically and environmentally, in that regard liberal democracy is our only hope for getting there IMO. Will we end up warehoused as useless mouths to feed by an ever-shrinking elite who will own everything? Or will we live lives of luxury and recreation in free societies with social justice for all.
The deserts will be developed to feed people if feasible to do so and those towers would work best off California with its cold ocean currents and that place is pretty developed and grows most of our produce among other things. These things are mostly passive and don't use much energy if designed right and would be constructed from concrete. No heat pumps required to condense the moist ocean water, just some circulation or air and deep cold water, it would be doable for even smaller countries, but I suspect it will be mostly for urban populations. It is way better than desalination however it is done and no brine is produced.Coastal desert is not to be treated as “valueless until developed”. Some wonderful and fragile ecosystems are unique to these areas and deserve protection.
Also, first-world solutions like giant heat pump/condensers are not likely to help the poor half of our nations.
What is your specialty?
It's just a basis for some thesis not made yet.Interesting theory ya got there
Gnostic man......hmm