
With all sincerity I'd like to say, thank you Covid. We knew in the early '90s that mRNA tech held a potentially life changing future for us. But we wondered how to get the money to fund it. From sorrow we emerge into light.

Was at Walmart yesterday during the day, fairly busy and not a mask in sight. 51 admissions (daily avg.) for Covid for the state. Looks like the depth and breadth of stuff on the shelves at the supermarkets has returned to normal although at a >20% increase in pricing. Meat still seems inordinately high to me but maybe that's the new norm, pork occasionally on sale but not beef.. Chicken, B/S on sale at Kroger at $1.47 lb. Jumbo eggs back to $1.39 dz.
Still sanitize those hands when I get back in the car though. :hump:
"These findings do not support the use of ivermectin among outpatients with COVID-19."
"These findings do not support the use of ivermectin among outpatients with COVID-19."
Ok I give, everything I'm replying just sounds mean. So I'll go with, "Not a shocker."
With all sincerity I'd like to say, thank you Covid. We knew in the early '90s that mRNA tech held a potentially life changing future for us. But we wondered how to get the money to fund it. From sorrow we emerge into light.

I remember when the first attempts to decode the the human genome from 1993 - 2000, which got a pretty good map. Enter the 21st century, a slew of societal crap and a ton of technological developments in genetics like CRISPR that came out of the original Genome Project. When Covid hit, one of the first things I told my wife and kid was, "We have a fuck-ton of new technology since the last 'global' pandemic. This is the first time some of that tech is being given hard-core, real world, battle testing. They'll knock this out and come away with a lot of new tools to fight old battles."

The next 20 years in medicine are just going to keep accelerating in development, Cancer and HIV are both in the cross hairs of mRNA treatment research right now. For the first time I actually have a degree of hope they'll actually conquer those two in totality within my lifetime. We just need to do our best to keep funding going to the researchers despite the fundamentalist cult of ignorance that's afraid of big words and concepts that require more thought than tying their shoes.
It's that time of year again. The new variant Covid vaccine has been released. A new vaccine for respiratory synctial virus (RSV) has been released and of course flu! Today I got all three. I highly recommend them. Both my arms are sore and I feel a bit achy but overall the thought of not dying from these causes over the next year makes me happy.

Get out and get your vaccines!
It's that time of year again. The new variant Covid vaccine has been released. A new vaccine for respiratory synctial virus (RSV) has been released and of course flu! Today I got all three. I highly recommend them. Both my arms are sore and I feel a bit achy but overall the thought of not dying from these causes over the next year makes me happy.

Get out and get your vaccines!
I had flu & pneumonia shots last week, going in for Covid and RSV this week
Seems to be that covid is making a comeback. And this strain is particularly long and drawn out and very unpleasant. According to like the 10 people I know that have it right now. And I really only know like 20 people LOL. They've pretty much all said the same thing that it's going on for like 3 weeks now.
Seems to be that covid is making a comeback. And this strain is particularly long and drawn out and very unpleasant. According to like the 10 people I know that have it right now. And I really only know like 20 people LOL. They've pretty much all said the same thing that it's going on for like 3 weeks now.
We can expect this every fall. I will now update my Covid and Quadrivalent Flu annually as soon as it's released. We didn't have to do it this way but oh well.
Will you get both shots at the same time?
I’ll do the new covid shot but not so sure about the flu one at the same time. Never have had the flu shot either
Aero, I got Covid, Flu AND RSV on the same day and I spent 1 day with a fever and I'm fine now. Less of a reaction then I've had when I just take one. I don't wish to feel like crap multiple times. So just got all three at the same time. Otherwise you'll be down 1-3 days each time your immune system reacts to the foreign protein.
Aero, I got Covid, Flu AND RSV on the same day and I spent 1 day with a fever and I'm fine now. Less of a reaction then I've had when I just take one. I don't wish to feel like crap multiple times. So just got all three at the same time. Otherwise you'll be down 1-3 days each time your immune system reacts to the foreign protein.
Well ok. I guess I just meed to man up.
do you have to get this covid shot authorized by your insurance? It’s not a walk into rite aid type of thing this time?
Well ok. I guess I just meed to man up.
do you have to get this covid shot authorized by your insurance? It’s not a walk into rite aid type of thing this time?
The pharmacy ran my insurance and they paid for all three. So I did just walk in there. I'd call my insurer and make sure they cover it and if there are pharmacies that take payment directly.
Aero, I got Covid, Flu AND RSV on the same day and I spent 1 day with a fever and I'm fine now. Less of a reaction then I've had when I just take one. I don't wish to feel like crap multiple times. So just got all three at the same time. Otherwise you'll be down 1-3 days each time your immune system reacts to the foreign protein.

I talked to the VA about that on Wed. So far it has not been approved in my area . . . so I'll keep calling until it is.
I talked to the VA about that on Wed. So far it has not been approved in my area . . . so I'll keep calling until it is.
Frustrating, get your quadrivalent flu and RSV with it. Can you use your insurance and just get it at the local Walgreens/CVS/RiteAid/Costco etc....?

That's what I did and I allotted myself 72 hours of being miserable and only used about 22 hours of it!!
Frustrating, get your quadrivalent flu and RSV with it. Can you use your insurance and just get it at the local Walgreens/CVS/RiteAid/Costco etc....?

That's what I did and I allotted myself 72 hours of being miserable and only used about 22 hours of it!!
What is the RSV shot? We went to CVS to get the flu and covid today. My husband got both but they wouldn’t give them to me without my insurance information which I didn’t have because I have no cards or info given to me from my job on my medical insurance even though I have it and been paying for it.
So we drove across the street to the Walgreens and they didn’t have any covid shots . I told them CVS sent me away and she said that the government is still paying for covid shots and just tell them you don’t have insurance. My work place said they won’t be getting any covid shots till the end of October! I will get my medical insurance info tomorrow and get my shots asap.
What is the RSV shot? We went to CVS to get the flu and covid today. My husband got both but they wouldn’t give them to me without my insurance information which I didn’t have because I have no cards or info given to me from my job on my medical insurance even though I have it and been paying for it.
So we drove across the street to the Walgreens and they didn’t have any covid shots . I told them CVS sent me away and she said that the government is still paying for covid shots and just tell them you don’t have insurance. My work place said they won’t be getting any covid shots till the end of October! I will get my medical insurance info tomorrow and get my shots asap.
RSV is respiratory synctial virus and in your age cohort it's a common cause of typical cold symptoms. I don't believe you're eligible to self refer without a significant pulmonary compromise since you're under 60. But I'd check. Working where you work I'd be vaccinated for all the creeping crud you can vaccinate for! I'm glad you're getting to go back to WA too. I hope you find it as lovely as when you left it!
RSV is respiratory synctial virus and in your age cohort it's a common cause of typical cold symptoms. I don't believe you're eligible to self refer without a significant pulmonary compromise since you're under 60. But I'd check. Working where you work I'd be vaccinated for all the creeping crud you can vaccinate for! I'm glad you're getting to go back to WA too. I hope you find it as lovely as when you left it!
Oh I see . I’m super excited about he new gig. Just paid my deposit for a furnished condo on high street. Lol, seriously. I will be living on a street named “High street”. It’s a brutal 2,800 mile drive to paradise. I am literally moving as far away from here as possible. Lol.