Blaze & Daze

Getting off the bus today, my 13 year old was met with a torrential downpour. Mom had taken the arch to rescue her but it was too late for the chucks, they were drenched.

They get home and I hide in my studio away from the angry teenage noises, until she calms down over being wet, and a teenager.
After dinner when she, I had thought, was rather calm, marches into my studio, "Dad, <holds up her Converse> if I put these in the fridge with they dry faster?"

Me: <blink><blink><blink> "Think about that again, but slower. We have one, hahaha, two, hahahha, three, hahaha, air DE-HUMIDIFIERS in this house specifically dedicated to DRYING things, a food dehydrator, and, wait for it a CLOTHES DRYER! None of them eject cold air. What on earth makes you think, cold equals dry?"

She gives me a casual <oh good idea> look and wanders off with her shoes and puts them in the airflow of the dehumidifier.

The mind of a teenager is truly fascinating, of the options I would have tossed them in the clothes dryer on low.

70° and sunny again. Definitely getting started to get some color in the mountains.

How's everyone today?
I am working in a zero cell service yesterday...
I drive away to text the seller of the car what time to go look at it.
Sorry I sold it! :finger:
I was so distraught for the rest of the day, like a friend who moves away hurt feeling.
Phone rings (a different location we are working now) it is the seller asking if tomorrow works to view the car:?:.
Says it must have been a mix up..... Sooooo today (fingers crossed) I can see the new old toy.