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World of Ukrainian Weapons: Neptune, Magura, Bober, Sea baby, Marichka, Toloka

25,057 views Sep 15, 2023
Ukraine has developed a new weapon with a range of over 700 kilometers. Also, German weapons production giants Rheinmetall and other industry powerhouses are moving their production to Ukraine. To dive into the dynamic world of Ukrainian weapons, watch Talking Tactics!


Well-Known Member

Let's talk about more Russian leadership issues....
Another trop. system heading strait for ya LED,all I'm getting is the far outer bands in SE Mass,hope it's not as bad as last yr.'s storm,crazy weather, used to be that my area was the last option to be whacked in hurricane season,now seemingly Canada is in play,hope you come thru unscathed as you people have been thru enough this yr. w/the forest fires.


Well-Known Member
I think you are seeing Joe's strategic plan play out of sucking Vlad in, making him think he could win and commit everything, then after he was worn down, pour in the arms as they did, and they will pour in more too. The election is over a year away and the change of administrations longer, by then Russia should be beaten out of Ukraine and be largely toothless. If required, the EU can finish the war or keep it going low level, many countries in the EU have larger economies than Russia. They made Vlad use up his vast hoard of inherited Soviet era equipment and munitions and when it is gone, most of the equipment, particularly the modern stuff can't be replaced. In 6 months, they will have a lot of F16s from Europe and an airforce, when they have reduced the Russian AA defenses enough and drive the Russian air force back a thousand kilometers with drone attacks on their bases, it will be safe for them to have those F-16s. Meanwhile drones fill the roles or try to, of conventional airpower in combined arms offensive operations. Once the Ukrainians have F16s it will be all over, if it isn't before then.

Some wars are kind to presidents and this one will be kind to Joe with victory coming before the election I figure. Aid from Ukraine has split the GOP right down the middle, unlike most other issues, even Lindsay Graham is against Trump on cutting Ukrainian support. Joe isn't gonna let Ukraine lose and is looking to eliminate the Russian threat for a very long time by destroying their military and economy in an attritional war with a highly motivated trained and well-equipped enemy, Ukraine. The smart people in Ukraine know this is their best long-term security, it will eliminate the threat to them too, besides they can blame the long war on the allies and that's ok, it gives Zelenskyy lots of cover.
We'll see LED,that's why I've always had warm feelings for the people of Canada,not only are they friendly and impossible to dislike,they possess unbridled optimism,all I know is 95% of news since the pandemic has been BAD and seemingly getting worse by the day,at 58 yrs. I can't remember such a ominous 3 yr. rut of events,internationally,nationally,and personally.


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Why is the village of Rabotino important for Russia and Ukraine?
Since the beginning of their counter-offensive on June 4, the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) have identified the village of Rabotino (Zaporozhye region) as the main strategic point. If Ukrainian forces are able to break through the defenses in this direction, then they will have the opportunity to break through to Melitopol, and from there the path to Crimea will be open to them, said military blogger Yuriy Podolyaka. URA.RU has collected the main information about why Rabotino is important for the conflicting parties.

In the Zaporozhye region, in the Rabotino region, the Russian Armed Forces have formed the first line of defense. Here the Russian Federation has a strategic advantage in the form of height. In addition, Russian soldiers have the opportunity to pull Ukrainian forces to the second line of defense in order to lure them into a “fire cauldron” that will significantly weaken the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ counter-offensive.

Rabotino is located in the Pologovsky district on the road leading to Tokmak, which in turn opens two routes - to Berdyansk and Melitopol. These cities are among the key targets of the Ukrainian Armed Forces offensive. The direction to Tokmak will also allow Ukraine to fully use military equipment. The capture of this territory could change the course of the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ offensive, which the Russian Armed Forces cannot allow.

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu noted that the main goal for the Russian Armed Forces now is to maintain the defense. The Rabotino territory is the hottest point of the front.

Military expert, retired colonel Anatoly Matviychuk also noted that Rabotino stands at the crossroads of roads that are of great importance for Ukraine and Russia. “They [the roads] lead Ukraine towards Melitopol in the Zaporozhye direction, and us to the banks of the Dnieper and deep into the Zaporozhye region,” he specified.

As the acting governor of the region, Yevgeny Balitsky, said, since the beginning of the counter-offensive of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, more than 10 thousand people have been lost at Rabotino alone. In addition to Rabotino, Ukrainian forces are also massing in the direction of the village of Verbovoye, which is located about 20 kilometers away.

Balitsky clarified that soldiers of the Russian Armed Forces still control the dominant heights in the Verbovoy area, which allows artillery to effectively hit Ukrainian troops in Rabotino. According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, Russian soldiers to this day continue to successfully repel attacks by the Ukrainian Armed Forces in this direction. Before this, Balitsky stated that the Russian Armed Forces had left Rabotino.

In a conversation with URA.RU, military blogger Yuri Podolyaka said that the Russian Armed Forces remain in the southern part of the village. According to the head of the Russian Ministry of Defense Sergei Shoigu, the main task for the Russian troops now is to knock out the equipment of the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Ukraine also uses American equipment, for example, the Bradley infantry fighting vehicle . Russian soldiers strike the enemy with artillery, destroying Ukrainian Armed Forces personnel and weapons.

Russian President Vladimir Putin noted that since the start of the counter-offensive, the Ukrainian Armed Forces have lost over 70 thousand Ukrainian soldiers. The United States clarified that Ukraine is suspending its offensive to reconsider its own strategy. At the same time, Kiev is still trying to take positions in the Zaporozhye region.

In a conversation with URA.RU, military analyst Boris Dzherelievsky suggested that if Rabotino was captured, Ukraine would be able to gain access to the Sea of Azov. In addition, if the Ukrainian Armed Forces gain access to this village, then they will further advance towards the city of Tokmak, which is 20 kilometers away, explained military expert Vladislava Shurygina. After which the road towards the Crimean peninsula will be open for Ukraine, noted Yuriy Podolyaka.

Another reason for the importance of this territory is that Ukrainian soldiers need a strategically convenient place where they can spend the winter. Rabotino is surrounded by heights that can provide the Ukrainian Armed Forces with the most advantageous positions.

Rabotino is on the first line of Russian defense. As the chairman of the Zaporozhye movement “We are together with Russia” Vladimir Rogov emphasized, this territory for the Ukrainian Armed Forces today is the “second Bakhmut” (or Artemovsk, where the most fierce battles took place for several months). This is where Ukrainian forces lose the most of their forces, hoping to gain a strategic advantage from capturing the village.

The analyst revealed the plans of the Ukrainian Armed Forces to access the Sea of Azov
The capture of the village of Rabotino (Tokmak district, Zaporozhye region) is a strategic goal of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, as it will help them reach the south to the Sea of Azov. Military analyst Boris Dzherelievsky spoke about this in a conversation with URA.RU.

“This village, this direction will ensure further advance south to the Sea of Azov, so it has a certain strategic importance for the Ukrainian Armed Forces. It seems to them that they can achieve success in Rabotino. I don’t see any symbolic load here. This is a situational choice. Despite the fact that they have been given serious tasks, they are now very seriously limited. They do not have the right to widely use Western armored vehicles,” explained Boris Dzherelievsky.

At the same time, the military analyst emphasized that good luck in the village of Rabotino will not help the Ukrainian Armed Forces move forward. “Now the bed of the Kakhovka reservoir is rapidly drying up, I think attacks will be attempted there as a diversionary strike. But, naturally, they will not be able to use heavy equipment there. Moreover, the offensive will have to be carried out in completely open space, and something will also have to be forced. They have the means for this; in particular, Germany gave them pontoon bridges and bridge laying machines. Even if they manage to take Rabotino or advance a little further, they will not be able to build on this success. There is not enough strength and resources for this. The breakthrough will be stopped, and the counteroffensive will not lead to the results they are counting on,” added Dzherelievsky.

Earlier, the Ukraina.ru telegram channel reported that the Ukrainian Armed Forces were accumulating forces in the Zaporozhye region in order to launch strikes in the direction of the villages of Pyatikhatki and Rabotino. There are artillery duels. According to Russian military officers, the Russian flamethrower system "Solntsepek" and tanks are burning Ukrainian militants who broke into the trenches.


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'Birds' of the Ukrainian Air Reconnaissance Units Help to Defeat the Aggressor | @UNITED24media

1,431 views Sep 16, 2023 #UATV #UATV_English #UkraineNews
It may seem that military operations in the war-torn Kherson region have reached a dead end. But in fact, the war is in full swing, both on the banks of the river and on the islands in between. The United 24 team traveled to the South of Ukraine to give you an inside perspective through the eyes of Ukrainian air reconnaissance units.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't be surprised if all those Chechens fighting for Ukraine end up back home soon, with a big supply of FPV drones and other arms with backing from some western intelligence agency or several. They estimate Kadyrov has 1,200 fighters in Ukraine and 12,000 back home, not such a great number and the Russians are weak and cannot send help or equipment while fighting for their lives in Ukraine. Some of Kadyrov's fighters might even switch sides, or their clans might. It would be another major problem for Vlad and stretch their resources even more and those Russian Chechens in Ukraine would want to go home, if there was fighting there.

I mean rumors of Vlad poisoning Kadyrov would leave his people in a Helluva spot with the rest of the country hating their guts for treason. What can they do other than fight for Russia against their own people, the war in Ukraine has changed everything and courage is a contagious as panic.



Well-Known Member
Replace the X with "twitter" in the media menu after you paste it in and it will display the tweet, they need a software update apparently and the admin can't add new options to the media menu.

I do not use 'X' instead of twitter.

Top US general: Removing Russia from Ukraine a ‘very high bar’
Army Gen. Mark Milley said a quick outcome to the war in Ukraine is unlikely, noting that a Ukrainian victory in the conflict is a “very high bar” and would take a “very long time.”

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has resisted negotiating a peace with Russia since the country’s invasion began more than a year and a half ago, citing unserious terms from Moscow. He said the best outcome would be to remove Russia from all Ukrainian territory.

Milley, who is the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and is retiring from his post at the end of this month, said that objective won’t be possible, however, in the country’s current counteroffensive.

“There’s well over 200,000 Russian troops in Russian-occupied Ukraine. This offensive, although significant, has operational and tactical objectives that are limited, in the sense that they do not — even if they are fully achieved — they don’t completely kick out all the Russians, which is the broader strategic objective that President Zelensky had,” Milley said in a CNN interview Sunday.
“That’s going to take a long time to do that. That’s going to be very significant effort over a considerable amount of time,” he continued.
He refused to say exactly how long he believes it will take, citing the changing aspects of war, but he doubted that the conflict will end any time soon.

“I can tell you that it’ll take a considerable length of time to militarily eject all 200,000 or plus Russian troops out of Russian-occupied Ukraine,” he said. “That’s a very high bar. It’s going to take a long time to do it.”
Ukraine’s long-awaited counteroffensive has made slow progress against Russian lines in the country’s east.

That slow pace has worried Western allies, and Milley has previously both defended the Ukrainian effort and said its success will require patience.
“This is going to be long; it’s going to be hard; it’s going to be bloody,” Milley said in July, adding that the effort “is far from a failure, in my view.”
“That’s a different war on paper and real war,” Milley said. “These are real people in real machines that are out there really clearing real minefields and they’re really dying. So when that happens, units tend to slow down … in order to survive, in order to get through.”

Milley previously stated that there may only be about a month left of fighting before the winter arrives in Ukraine.


Well-Known Member
I do not use 'X' instead of twitter.

Top US general: Removing Russia from Ukraine a ‘very high bar’
Army Gen. Mark Milley said a quick outcome to the war in Ukraine is unlikely, noting that a Ukrainian victory in the conflict is a “very high bar” and would take a “very long time.”

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has resisted negotiating a peace with Russia since the country’s invasion began more than a year and a half ago, citing unserious terms from Moscow. He said the best outcome would be to remove Russia from all Ukrainian territory.

Milley, who is the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and is retiring from his post at the end of this month, said that objective won’t be possible, however, in the country’s current counteroffensive.

“There’s well over 200,000 Russian troops in Russian-occupied Ukraine. This offensive, although significant, has operational and tactical objectives that are limited, in the sense that they do not — even if they are fully achieved — they don’t completely kick out all the Russians, which is the broader strategic objective that President Zelensky had,” Milley said in a CNN interview Sunday.
“That’s going to take a long time to do that. That’s going to be very significant effort over a considerable amount of time,” he continued.
He refused to say exactly how long he believes it will take, citing the changing aspects of war, but he doubted that the conflict will end any time soon.

“I can tell you that it’ll take a considerable length of time to militarily eject all 200,000 or plus Russian troops out of Russian-occupied Ukraine,” he said. “That’s a very high bar. It’s going to take a long time to do it.”
Ukraine’s long-awaited counteroffensive has made slow progress against Russian lines in the country’s east.

That slow pace has worried Western allies, and Milley has previously both defended the Ukrainian effort and said its success will require patience.
“This is going to be long; it’s going to be hard; it’s going to be bloody,” Milley said in July, adding that the effort “is far from a failure, in my view.”
“That’s a different war on paper and real war,” Milley said. “These are real people in real machines that are out there really clearing real minefields and they’re really dying. So when that happens, units tend to slow down … in order to survive, in order to get through.”

Milley previously stated that there may only be about a month left of fighting before the winter arrives in Ukraine.
If you want tweets to display here, then change it.

There will be a pause or slowdown during the fall rains, but the offensive will continue all winter long and I figure the Ukrainians will make significant gains when the green cover is gone and many of the mines laying in the fields are more visible. Fighting might slow down this winter depending on conditions, but it won't stop, and Ukraine will continue to gain ground and slaughter Russians while destroying more of their equipment. I figure they will have the Russian supply lines under fire control and the Kerch bridge gone before weather slows things down too much. I think the plan is to starve Crimea this winter and try to clear southwestern Ukraine down to the neck of Crimea. Ukrainian F16s and others will bomb the shit out of the Russians during the winter and spring with glide bombs and cruise missiles. Next spring the Russians will be either broken or about to be and the more untrained poorly led troops Vlad pours into Ukraine will just mean more prisoners for the Ukrainians.

Russia still has lots of shit left that needs to be destroyed and this war won't be over until most of it is gone, I figure.


Well-Known Member
Lucky drone, the missile proximity fuse blew it up well ahead of the slow-moving UAV, probably programmed for a faster moving target like a jet powered fighter bomber coming at it.

Ukrainian RQ-20 Puma UAV Survives Direct SAM Missile Strike


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300,000 Russian Casualties in Ukraine - Russian Invasion DOCUMENTARY

209,002 views Sep 14, 2023
In this comprehensive update on the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, we delve into the latest developments on the battlefield. Over 18 months have passed since Putin's unprovoked invasion, and the situation remains highly dynamic. From Ukraine's determined push on the Zaporizhia front to the demise of the infamous Russian war hero Prigozhin, this video covers it all.

Ukraine's strategic focus has shifted to Robotyne, a village of utmost significance due to its elevation and commanding view over occupied areas. We explore the intense battles and Ukraine's determination to achieve a decisive breakthrough.

The Western media's perspective on the Ukrainian counteroffensive has evolved, with increased optimism about Ukraine's progress. Foreign military support for Ukraine has also been pouring in, including fighter jets, drones, and various aid packages.

Meanwhile, we delve into Russia's response and its own military developments. The role of drones and cruise missiles in Russia's strategy is analyzed, along with internal unrest within the Russian elite.

Casualty figures and losses on both sides are examined, providing a sobering look at the human cost of this protracted conflict.