You need to read "The Devil's chessboard" rather than passing on the CIA own propaganda in meme. do your own research. Nixon threatened Allan Dulles because he knew the CIA was dirty in the JFK assassination. 3 of 4 burglars caught were Agents in Water Gate. right or left wing is the same bird
Your Venn diagram is a fascinating pack of lies that is a slur upon the Democrats.
Today’s Democrats are quite united in opposing 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14.
What you’re ascribing to most Democrats is the pseudolibertarian/cryptofascist disease that does appear to have consumed the Republican party, so at day’s end it’s simply the timeworn bullshit that both sides are the same, when a cursory look shows that they are not nearly.
Fwiw the Republican crescent leaves out something crucial: the driver for their fascist impetus is deeply rooted in the perversion of Protestant religion that drives the dominionists. At the heart of GOP fascist program are the Jesus Taliban.
Thanks for providing an insight into the propaganda of the fake left.