The thing I've personally noticed about this add and adhd... it really starts to cause noticeable problems around age 30+... before then it's not a DISRUPTABLE
Yes, I turned 35 a few days ago. And indeed start a few years back.. I think getting kids (by now 8 and 4 year old) and to many family obligations, endless list of stuff to fix around the house.. no space.. no rest.. the daily ratrace..
About ganoderma.. this man can explain it much better.. from all mushrooms, this is the sleep-aid.
Unfortunately the fruit bodies where brittle (too old) by the time I got back from holiday and I had to toss them. I bought a concentrate to try once and have to admit it helped to relax.. For sleep.. what works for me.. is this:
- read a few pages from a book (not watching a screen helps)
- get yourself fresh ginger tea (lowers blood pressure, I once made a too strong tea and it almost knocked me out)
- or, if you have a garden.. grow some lemon balm, the fresh stuff is really good for the nerves.. it's something psychonauts (like me) resort to prior to getting into a lvl 5+ mushroom trip. I always do lemon balm tea be, good for tension.
A mushrooms trip resets me mentally (the best specie being Psilocybe Subtropicalis, people reported beautifull experiences with this one), I do this infrequently.. e.g. 1x per 6 months.. if you dare to go deep (heroic dose), it will be mentally tormenting, as you need to process your drama and stuff you aren't proud.. heck if your ego dissolves and die psychologically you may touch on something sacred. I like filosofie and Dr Ian McGilchrist and Jiddu Krishnamurti really got me curious, also reading Ian's books got me very sleepy and Krishnamurti, a very wise man, has such a calm voice it makes you calm down and listen.. e.g. watch as of 50:40.. it's not for everybody though.. but uf you like to think about life, give it a shot
All in all it cleans the mind if stuff that happened to you is robbing you from sleep.
But yeah, I'll be also exploring cannabis for sleep, e.g. granddaddy purple. As I like to have multiple options.. lemon balm doen't grow in the winter and sometimes you run out of ginger.. and making oil for deep sleep would be something I'd like to explore..
Sorry if this is too much info, but I though the cannabis community is a bit more openminded so I thought I'd share