just sharing two video on Maui. WTF!?

And Lyin' Biden strikes again. To compare a tiny kitchen fire to Maui is another sad but not surprising thing said by this dipshit.
I know having a President that is showing empathy is not how the last guy did it, but trying to relate with people going through disasters is kind of leadership 101. Shit, it was essentially stated in the first sentence of the second paragraph of that NY Post link. The NY Post needs to get a better understanding of their audience, at least they tried though, unlike fox.
I know having a President that is showing empathy is not how the last guy did it, but trying to relate with people going through disasters is kind of leadership 101. Shit, it was essentially stated in the first sentence of the second paragraph of that NY Post link. The NY Post needs to get a better understanding of their audience, at least they tried though, unlike fox.
When they share links to Fox News and the NYPost, they aren’t worthy of our attention.
And Lyin' Biden strikes again. To compare a tiny kitchen fire to Maui is another sad but not surprising thing said by this dipshit.
That's quite a reach. Can you dunk?
Maybe Maui should identify as Ukraine
If Trump were president, it would be a long sharpie line form Hawaii avoiding California to the US southeast. Remember begging for aid and depending on Trump's whim? How would California do with aid? They have the most republican voters of any state BTW. Remember how Trump thought nuking a hurricane was a good idea? How he fucked over Puerto Rico who finally got the aid recently? Remember the corruption?

Maybe you want to give in on Ukraine and stab our allies in the back who are also giving plenty? Maybe you want to fuck up the geopolitical bargain of the century because you believe bullshit and Russian propaganda? I think the magats are a Russian 5th column and the FBI thinks that too these days, those who aren't traitors are domestic terrorists or support them. I also believe an increasing majority of Americans think like this too and in the not-too-distant future the magats will be treated like the commies were in the 1950's. Russia is an enemy of the United States and has been a long-term foe that America spent many trillions to defend against. Who else has hundreds of nukes pointed at you right now?
Also the FBI is a fucking joke. Anyone not on "team blue no matter who" can see that. Things like the Twitter files are pretty damning, id imagine your crowd's tune on the FBI will change the minute a republican takes office and those sights are turned onto the Dems.
The magats don't think the FBI is a joke and they won't going forward. Biden is a good president and Trump was a shitty one, the public record proves this. Trump already had power to abuse for four years and couldn't get the DOJ or FBI to arrest anybody, when they tried, they failed miserably in court. Republicans will go to prison because they broke the law and for no other reason, grand juries indict, judges hear cases, if there are any and juries decide guilt or innocence. One party stands for the constitution and the rule of law, and the republicans do not, they already betrayed the constitution and country along with Trump.

The polls say the majority of Americans are done with the republican bullshit, I mean what exactly are they gonna do for you or the country? Plans not platitudes, action does, not bullshit. By the time the legal system is done with Trump and hundreds of republicans they will be on the wrong side of a set of bars and out of power, that often happens with criminals and lunatics.
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THIS TREAD was about Maui !!! And how this SHOUD never have happened, police stop people from leaving, water shut off, power off, ECT,.
But here at riu biden is a god and becomes the focus, along with all the name calling . One or two actually had care and compassion for the people of MAUI. NOW I KNOW HOW EVENTS LIKE MAUI HAPPEN. IF ANYONE ACTUALLY READ (WATCHED THE VIDEO) ALL OF THIS THREAD, KNOW THE TRUE CHARACTER OF MOST THAT POSTED HERE. AND OF COURSE THE ADMIN HELPS THEM ALONG . YOU ALL ARE A MIRROR OF WHY EVENTS HAPPEN LIKE MAUI-- -AND WILL CONTINUE!! I ALSO KNOW riu will not post this or will shut it down.
THIS TREAD was about Maui !!! And how this SHOUD never have happened, police stop people from leaving, water shut off, power off, ECT,.
But here at riu biden is a god and becomes the focus, along with all the name calling . One or two actually had care and compassion for the people of MAUI. NOW I KNOW HOW EVENTS LIKE MAUI HAPPEN. IF ANYONE ACTUALLY READ (WATCHED THE VIDEO) ALL OF THIS THREAD, KNOW THE TRUE CHARACTER OF MOST THAT POSTED HERE. AND OF COURSE THE ADMIN HELPS THEM ALONG . YOU ALL ARE A MIRROR OF WHY EVENTS HAPPEN LIKE MAUI-- -AND WILL CONTINUE!! I ALSO KNOW riu will not post this or will shut it down.

Settle down- you're overwrought

When I was in stationed aboard a destroyer in drydock in Pearl Harbor in 1977, I used to go to Maui for the weekend and hang out with the hippies on Front St. in Lahaina and crash at the Buddhist temple just up the coast a way- I'm sure it's burned up now :sad:

Was looking at an aerial view of the devastation near the banyan tree and focused on the exact spot where I was arrested for drinking in a historical district, while the mayor of Lahaina was throwing a kegger across the street
THIS TREAD was about Maui !!! And how this SHOUD never have happened, police stop people from leaving, water shut off, power off, ECT,.
But here at riu biden is a god and becomes the focus, along with all the name calling . One or two actually had care and compassion for the people of MAUI. NOW I KNOW HOW EVENTS LIKE MAUI HAPPEN. IF ANYONE ACTUALLY READ (WATCHED THE VIDEO) ALL OF THIS THREAD, KNOW THE TRUE CHARACTER OF MOST THAT POSTED HERE. AND OF COURSE THE ADMIN HELPS THEM ALONG . YOU ALL ARE A MIRROR OF WHY EVENTS HAPPEN LIKE MAUI-- -AND WILL CONTINUE!! I ALSO KNOW riu will not post this or will shut it down.
Its all connected in this thread. Just look at them. "Chemtrails are causing severe wildfires"; a weird article about Biden being tone deaf because he clumsily tried to connect with people by telling about his own experiences, and those dumbass vids you posted. They are just part and parcel of the war on our democracy that the looney conspiracy theory-riddled right are perpetrating in the effort to break our democracy.

I'll make it simple for you:

The Maui wildfire was caused by the increasingly drier climate that was completely and perfectly predicted by climate scientists when they published their conclusions that industrial emissions of greenhouse gasses, carbon dioxide in particular was causing global warming.

So, take it down a notch. You are allowed to post your conspiracy theory propaganda but I'm not required to take it seriously.
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Also the FBI is a fucking joke. Anyone not on "team blue no matter who" can see that. Things like the Twitter files are pretty damning, id imagine your crowd's tune on the FBI will change the minute a republican takes office and those sights are turned onto the Dems.

More of this from the FBI, plz:

FBI joins investigation of threats to grand jurors in Trump Georgia case

It's a crime to menace and threaten others for no good reason. It is especially illegal to threaten those in a grand jury:

Whoever corruptly, or by threats or force, or by any threatening letter or communication, endeavors to influence, intimidate, or impede any grand or petit juror, or officer in or of any court of the United States, or officer who may be serving at any examination or other proceeding before any United States magistrate judge...

Trump and his followers seem to believe that the law does not apply to them. What a shock to their belief system it is when they find that is not true.
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THIS TREAD was about Maui !!! And how this SHOUD never have happened, police stop people from leaving, water shut off, power off, ECT,.
But here at riu biden is a god and becomes the focus, along with all the name calling . One or two actually had care and compassion for the people of MAUI. NOW I KNOW HOW EVENTS LIKE MAUI HAPPEN. IF ANYONE ACTUALLY READ (WATCHED THE VIDEO) ALL OF THIS THREAD, KNOW THE TRUE CHARACTER OF MOST THAT POSTED HERE. AND OF COURSE THE ADMIN HELPS THEM ALONG . YOU ALL ARE A MIRROR OF WHY EVENTS HAPPEN LIKE MAUI-- -AND WILL CONTINUE!! I ALSO KNOW riu will not post this or will shut it down.
Please dont speak for Rollitup in itself, you have no idea.
You have posted numerous times without being "shut down"

We dont take political stances we moderate the tos theyre very different things, if you feel youre moderated over political opinions you should recheck what you wrote because it broke tos,

I encourage you to settle down stop screaming at people thanks
Its all connected in this thread. Just look at them. "Chemtrails are causing severe wildfires"; a weird article about Biden being tone deaf because he clumsily tried to connect with people by telling about his own experiences, and those dumbass vids you posted. They are just part and parcel of the war on our democracy that the looney conspiracy theory-riddled right are perpetrating in the effort to break our democracy.

I'll make it simple for you:

The Maui wildfire was caused by the increasingly drier climate that was completely and perfectly predicted by climate scientists when they published their conclusions that industrial emissions of greenhouse gasses, carbon dioxide in particular was causing global warming.

So, take it down a notch. You are allowed to post your conspiracy theory propaganda but I'm not required to take it seriously.

I purposely go out of my way to look at info that are completely opposite of mine , because I am just a human,not born with all knowing knowledge.
I can learn by knowing and recognizing my faults and when I am wrong .
I purposely go out of my way to look at info that are completely opposite of mine , because I am just a human,not born with all knowing knowledge.
I can learn by knowing and recognizing my faults and when I am wrong .
are you purposefully trying to get your shut down over tos issues if not id stop what youre doing
Geothermal is not possible on Maui, if thats what you are implying. There are no active volcanoes there.
I don’t think the Big Island is a good candidate either. The entire structure of the island is an unstable mess of fissures. One fine day a hundred cubic km of basalt is gonna slide into the ocean (which is why the other islands have seaside cliffs), sending one hellacious tsunami toward our West, Japan and neighbors, or Australia via Polynesia.
“Lotta long faces in polynesia.”